甘蔗自动剥皮切断机的设计 摘要 作为农业机械的一种,甘蔗自动剥皮切断机通过人工将甘蔗放入甘蔗自动剥皮切断机中,由自动送料滚轮对甘蔗进行自动送料,当甘蔗进入到了剥皮轮的位置后,由于剥皮轮是通过电机带动V带传动使剥皮轮旋转从而来实现对甘蔗的自动剥皮,然后随着送进滚筒的继续动作,剥好皮的甘蔗进入到切断工序的位置,由气缸驱动切断刀具对甘蔗进行自动切断,切断好的甘蔗自动落入到了该甘蔗自动剥皮切断机内部的箱体里面,从而完成对甘蔗的自动剥皮和切断。 本次设计的题目是甘蔗自动剥皮切断机的设计,目前,国内甘蔗自动剥皮切断机的研发也在向朝着运行高速化、功能复合化、控制智能化的方向发展,廉价,简单,方便成了甘蔗自动剥皮切断机发展的主题。 关键词:机械产品;甘蔗自动剥皮切断机;制造;主题 Abstract This graduatio
n desig
n is the optimizatio
n desig
n of drivi
ng roller co
nveyor, first o
n the drivi
ng roller type co
nveyer is summarized; the
n a
nalyzed the selectio
n pri
nciple a
nd calculati
ng method of drivi
ng roller co
nveyor; the
n calculated based o
n these desig
n criteria a
nd abase is desig
ned; the
n checked o
n the mai
n parts selected co
nveyor. Is the drive roller co
nveyor co
nsists of four mai
n parts: drivi
ng device, te
n device, middle rack, a
nd the movi
ng part. Fi
nally, a simple descriptio
n of the i
n a
nd mai
nce of tra
nsport. At prese
nt, the drive roller co
nveyor is movi
ng towards lo
ng dista
nce, high speed, low frictio
n directio
n, air cushio
n co
nveyor i
n rece
nt years is o
ne of the. the motio
n trajectory whe
n the diago
nal curve is sla
ng li
ne do the walki
ng motio
n, robot. The mi
niature walki
ng robot is mai
nly drive
n by DC servo motor, so as to drive the leg actio
n drive
n sy
nous belt wheel by a cra
nk a
nd rocker mecha
nism. I
n the desig
n, drivi
ng roller type co
nveyer ma
nufacture a
nd applicatio
n, at prese
nt our cou
ntry compared with foreig
n adva
nced level there are still large gaps, domestic i
n the desig
n a
nd ma
nufacture of drivi
ng .This desig
n is the optimizatio
n desig
n of drivi
ng roller co
nveyor. Keywords:Drivi
ng roller ;Cra
nkshaft ;Processi
ng craft ;Sig
nce 目录 第一章绪论1 1.1课题的来源与研究的目的和意义1 1.2本课题研究的内容3 1.3研究的意义4 第二章甘蔗自动剥皮切断机总体结构的设计4 2.1切断部分设计方案的选择6 2.2切断部分的工作原理6 第三章机械传动部分的设计计算7 3.1电机的选型计算8 3.2带传动的设计计算10 3.3直线导轨的设计计算11 3.4气缸的选型计算12 第四章甘蔗自动剥皮切断机中主要零件的三维建模13 4.1剥皮轮的三维建模15 4.2 V带轮的三维建模17 4.3气缸的三维建模18 4.4甘蔗自动剥皮切断机的三维建模19 第五章甘蔗自动剥皮切断机中主要零件的强度分析与校核20 5.1滚动轴承强度的校核计算22 5.2机架强度的校核计算24 结论25 参考文献26 致谢27
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