n of YSJQ121-00 hydraulic shock hammer Abstract: I
n the process of drilli
ng, due to the complex geological structure, tech
nical measures a
nd other reaso
ns, ofte
n i
nduced card accide
nt. The drilli
ng drill has a sig
nt impact o
n the drilli
ng process, seriously affecti
ng the drilli
ng efficie
ncy, exte
ng the drilli
ng period, a
nd causi
ng sig
nt damage to the oil well a
nd dow
nhole operatio
n tools. Therefore, it is of great sig
nce to study the desig
n of a dow
nhole decryptio
n tool to e
nsure the smooth operatio
n of oil drilli
ng operatio
ns. This paper desig
ns a hydraulic jar. I
n the desig
n process, first of all at home a
nd abroad o
n the existi
ng literature o
n the jitter to read carefully, i
n-depth a
nalysis of the structure of the existi
ng jar a
nd the worki
ng pri
nciple. The
n, accordi
ng to the desig
n parameters a
nd requireme
nts, a hydraulic shock absorber is desig
ned, which co
nsists of a hydraulic system a
nd a shock system. It divides the decoupli
ng process i
nto a delay phase, a
n e
nergy release stage a
nd a collisio
n stage Three parts. Fi
nally, the mecha
nical model of the hydraulic jar is established, a
nd the shock force ge
nerated by the jar is calculated a
nd calculated accordi
ng to the pri
nciple of e
nergy co
n. The results show that the desig
n of the jar to meet the desig
n requireme
nts, the use of accelerator ca
n produce a greater shock force, easy access card. Key words:Hydraulic; Jar;Card drill;U
nblock 目录 1绪论1 1.1液压振击器的研究目的及意义1 1.2油井井身结构1 1.3钻井遇卡事故2 1.4振击器的发展现状2 1.4.1振击器的类型简介2 1.4.2国内外现状3 1.5振击器的发展与趋势展望6 1.6本课题来源和研究内容6 2液压振击器设计8 2.1液压振击器的总体设计8 2.2液压振击器各结构工作原理9 2.3液压振击器工作过程10 2.4本章小结10 3设计理论计算12 3.1理论原理12 3.2液压释放力的理论计算12 3.3螺纹连接强度计算13 3.3.1螺纹基本数据13 3.3.2螺纹的抗拉载荷计算并校核15 3.4球拉杆抗拉强度计算校核15 3.5空心圆活塞拉杆壁厚强度计算校核16 3.6本章小结16 4加速器设计与理论计算18 4.1 YJQ型液压加速器概述18 4.2加速器的使用与维修20 4.2.1加速器的使用20 4.2.2加速器的维修20 4.3加速器计算校核23 4.3.1芯轴抗拉强度校核24 4.3.2花键概述与强度校核24 4.4本章小结27 5总结28 参考文献30 致谢32 1绪论 1.1液压振击器的研究目的及意义 随着全球经济发展对油气资源的需求量日益增加、油气勘探开发的难度不断加大,能源行业对钻井装备与技术的要求越来越高。钻井作为石油天然气工业的核心施工环节,钻井装备的优劣直接影响着钻井速度钻井安全和钻井经济效益,而勘探施工环境的复杂化对钻井装备适应不同操作情况的能力也提出了更高要求。在钻井作业中,由于地质构造复杂(如井壁坍塌、裸眼中地层的塑性流动和挤压)、技术措施不当(如停泵时间过长、钻头泥包等),常常发生钻具遇阻卡钻,特别是在钻定向井、复杂井时,更容易卡钻。卡钻在钻井作业中是花费最多的事,如果不能及时解卡,常使所钻井报废,经济上损失很大。振击器是解除井下卡钻事故的重要工具,是依靠本身的结构的作用和钻柱的弹性伸长产生震击力达到解卡的目的,在80年代在油田大修作业中得到广泛应用。而液压振击器主要是应用在3000米以上的井中,其特点是
n of YSJQ121-00 hydraulic shock hammer Abstract: I
n the process of drilli
ng, due to the complex geological structure, tech
nical measures a
nd other reaso
ns, ofte
n i
nduced card accide
nt. The drilli
ng drill has a sig
nt impact o
n the drilli
ng process, seriously affecti
ng the drilli
ng efficie
ncy, exte
ng the drilli
ng period, a
nd causi
ng sig
nt damage to the oil well a
nd dow
nhole operatio
n tools. Therefore, it is of great sig
nce to study the desig
n of a dow
nhole decryptio
n tool to e
nsure the smooth operatio
n of oil drilli
ng operatio
ns. This paper desig
ns a hydraulic jar. I
n the desig
n process, first of all at home a
nd abroad o
n the existi
ng literature o
n the jitter to read carefully, i
n-depth a
nalysis of the structure of the existi
ng jar a
nd the worki
ng pri
nciple. The
n, accordi
ng to the desig
n parameters a
nd requireme
nts, a hydraulic shock absorber is desig
ned, which co
nsists of a hydraulic system a
nd a shock system. It divides the decoupli
ng process i
nto a delay phase, a
n e
nergy release stage a
nd a collisio
n stage Three parts. Fi
nally, the mecha
nical model of the hydraulic jar is established, a
nd the shock force ge
nerated by the jar is calculated a
nd calculated accordi
ng to the pri
nciple of e
nergy co
n. The results show that the desig
n of the jar to meet the desig
n requireme
nts, the use of accelerator ca
n produce a greater shock force, easy access card. Key words:Hydraulic; Jar;Card drill;U
nblock 目录 1绪论1 1.1液压振击器的研究目的及意义1 1.2油井井身结构1 1.3钻井遇卡事故2 1.4振击器的发展现状2 1.4.1振击器的类型简介2 1.4.2国内外现状3 1.5振击器的发展与趋势展望6 1.6本课题来源和研究内容6 2液压振击器设计8 2.1液压振击器的总体设计8 2.2液压振击器各结构工作原理9 2.3液压振击器工作过程10 2.4本章小结10 3设计理论计算12 3.1理论原理12 3.2液压释放力的理论计算12 3.3螺纹连接强度计算13 3.3.1螺纹基本数据13 3.3.2螺纹的抗拉载荷计算并校核15 3.4球拉杆抗拉强度计算校核15 3.5空心圆活塞拉杆壁厚强度计算校核16 3.6本章小结16 4加速器设计与理论计算18 4.1 YJQ型液压加速器概述18 4.2加速器的使用与维修20 4.2.1加速器的使用20 4.2.2加速器的维修20 4.3加速器计算校核23 4.3.1芯轴抗拉强度校核24 4.3.2花键概述与强度校核24 4.4本章小结27 5总结28 参考文献30 致谢32 1绪论 1.1液压振击器的研究目的及意义 随着全球经济发展对油气资源的需求量日益增加、油气勘探开发的难度不断加大,能源行业对钻井装备与技术的要求越来越高。钻井作为石油天然气工业的核心施工环节,钻井装备的优劣直接影响着钻井速度钻井安全和钻井经济效益,而勘探施工环境的复杂化对钻井装备适应不同操作情况的能力也提出了更高要求。在钻井作业中,由于地质构造复杂(如井壁坍塌、裸眼中地层的塑性流动和挤压)、技术措施不当(如停泵时间过长、钻头泥包等),常常发生钻具遇阻卡钻,特别是在钻定向井、复杂井时,更容易卡钻。卡钻在钻井作业中是花费最多的事,如果不能及时解卡,常使所钻井报废,经济上损失很大。振击器是解除井下卡钻事故的重要工具,是依靠本身的结构的作用和钻柱的弹性伸长产生震击力达到解卡的目的,在80年代在油田大修作业中得到广泛应用。而液压振击器主要是应用在3000米以上的井中,其特点是