3090型直线振动筛结构设计 摘要 直线振动筛可能普通人没有接触过,也不怎么了解,但是对于在矿场工作过的人来说那肯定是非常熟悉的,因为在任何矿场都离不开对开采矿物的筛选,常用的筛选工具则是振动筛了,而直线振动筛则是众多筛选工具中最为常用的一种,它的结构形式简单、性能稳定、型号多样适用于各种大中小型矿场,随着机械化程度的不断提高,对于筛分容量的要求越来越大,筛机技术要求也越来越高。 其他还有两种振动筛也有不少的应用,他们分别是利用圆周运动来分离矿石的圆运动振动筛和利用共振原理来实现矿物筛选的共振筛,我们这里主要研究的是直线振动筛,另外两种振动筛我们就不多做描述了。直线振动筛不仅仅可以应用于筛煤矿,将小颗粒筛选下来,将大块煤矿筛出,进行大煤块与小煤块的分离工作;振动筛可以用于豆芽脱皮,通过不停的振动,实现豆芽与豆芽皮的自动分离,操作简单生产效率高;此外振动筛还可以根据孔的大小不同来筛选不同规格的网钉;农业生产中可以用振动筛筛选玉米、黄豆、小麦、花椒等,他们的工作原理基本相同,只是筛网种类不同,最终目的是达到两种介质的分离。目前人们通过对振动筛的不断改进,不断研发与更新,已经发明了陶瓷振动筛和超声波振动筛,能达到很高的分筛精度(200-600目),并且可以24小时连续不间断的工作。 虽然目前我国振动筛水平在制造加工工艺等方面已经取得了不错的成果但是我们的缺点和不足也同样存在着,这就需要我们来根据生产的需求对现有产品不断改进、更新,核心技术上不断开发、研究与深入,自主研发,做自己的产品。只有掌握其真正的核心技术,才能成为技术的主导者,才能在日益严峻的采矿工具市场中站稳脚跟与时俱进从而不被淘汰,振动筛的发展不但会对分离技术带来巨大技术还会带动国民经济的发关键词:筛癣大功率双电机直线振动筛、电同步、Solidworks三维建模软件、整体构造的计算与制作 Abstract Li
near vibrati
ng scree
n may have
no co
ntact with ordi
nary people, do
not k
now how, but for the people who worked i
n the mi
nes that must be very familiar with, because i
n a
ny field ca
not do without scree
ng o
n mi
ng, scree
ng tools commo
nly used is the li
near vibrati
ng scree
n, vibrati
ng scree
n is large scree
n o
ne of the most commo
nly used tools, its structure is simple, stable performa
nce, suitable for various types of large a
nd small mi
nes, alo
ng with the i
ng degree of mecha
n, the requireme
nt for scree
ng capacity is more a
nd more big scree
n machi
ne, the tech
nical requireme
nts of i
ngly high. There are two ki
nds of vibratio
n sieve also has ma
ny applicatio
ns, they are circular motio
n to separate vibratio
n sieve a
nd ore utilizatio
n of circular motio
n usi
ng reso
nce pri
nciple to realize the reso
nce sieve scree
ng mi
neral, here we mai
nly study the li
near vibrati
ng scree
n, the other two vibrati
ng scree
n we do
not describe. Li
near vibrati
ng scree
n ca
not o
nly be applied to sieve coal mi
ne, the small particle filteri
ng dow
n, to scree
n out the large coal mi
ne, coal separatio
n large a
nd small coal; ca
n be used for peeli
ng sprouts shaker, through co
nuous vibratio
n, automatic separatio
n of bea
n a
nd bea
n sprouts ski
n, simple operatio
n a
nd high productio
n efficie
ncy; i
n additio
n, vibratio
n sieve accordi
ng to the size of the hole is differe
nt to scree
n differe
nail; agricultural productio
n of cor
n, soybea
ns, wheat ca
n be scree
ned, the pepper shaker, its worki
ng pri
nciple is basically the same, but differe
nt types of scree
n, the ultimate goal is to achieve the separatio
n of two media. At prese
nt people through the co
nuous improveme
nt of the vibrati
ng scree
n, developme
nt a
nd re
newal, has i
nted the ceramic vibrati
ng scree
n a
nd ultraso
nic vibratio
n sieve, ca
n achieve high scree
ng precisio
n (200-600), a
nd 24 hours of co
nuous work. Although Chi
na's vibrati
ng scree
n level i
n the ma
ng process a
nd has achieved good results but our shortcomi
ngs also exist, which we
need to accordi
ng to the productio
n requireme
nts of existi
ng products co
nue to improve a
nd update the core tech
nology research a
nd developme
nt, i
n-depth, i
nt research a
nd developme
nt, to do their ow
n products. O
nly by graspi
ng the real core tech
nology, to become a leader i
n tech
nology, i
n order to gai
n a firm foothold i
n the times of i
ngly severe market mi
ng tools so as
not to be elimi
nated, the developme
nt of vibrati
ng scree
n will
not o
nly bri
ng huge tech
nology for separatio
n tech
nology will promote the developme
nt of the
nal eco
nomy, so the productio
n a
nd developme
nt of productio
n to meet the
new dema
nd with a vibratio
n sieve broad market prospects. Key words: scree
ng, high-power dual motor li
near vibratio
n scree
n, electrical sy
nous, Solidworks three-dime
nal modeli
ng software, the overall structure of the calculatio
n a
nd productio
n 目录 摘要I Abstract II 目录IV 第一章绪论1 1.1的目标选择与制作意义1 1.2国内外振动分选机械的发展1 1.2.1我国振动分选机械的发展现状1 1.2.2筛分机械发展方向2 1.2.4国内振动筛的发展计划及展望2 第二章整体方案的初步拟定3 2.1直线振动细筛的工作原理3 2.2振动筛的比较与选取5 2.2.1常规筛选分拣法5 2.2.2概率分拣分类法6 2.2.3等厚度分拣法6 2.2.4概率等厚分拣筛选法6 顾名思义就是它将概率筛分和等厚筛分的优点结合在一起从而做出来的筛选机械。 6 2.2.5选用哪种筛分方法6 2.3振动形式采用哪一种6 2.3.1非共振筛7 2.3.2共振筛7 2.4筛体运行路径的设计7 2.4.1圆形运动路径7 2.4.2直线运动轨迹7 2.5确定振动形式8 2.5.1弹性连杆式8 2.5.2确定激振方式8 2.6选择隔振系统8 2.7选择筛箱和筛面9 2.7.1筛箱9 2.7.2筛面的固定方法9 第三章直线振动筛设计计算10 3.1确定工艺参数10 3.2直线振动筛运动学参数的选择及计算10 振动次数的计算10 3.3动力学参数的选择计算11 3.3.1动力学参数的初算11 3.3.2验算动力学参数12 3.3.3选择振动电机14 3.4弹簧参数计算14 第四章振动筛三维模型的建立19 4.1 Solidworks软件概述19 4.1.1 Solidworks软件简介19 4.1.2 Solidworks软件的特点19 4.2直线振动筛零件三维模型的建立19 4.2.1侧板19 4.2.2横梁20 4.2.3箱体支撑20 图4.4箱体支撑21 4.2.4电机支架21 4.2.5加强板22 4.2.6出料挡板23 4.2.7后挡板23 4.2.8筛体装配24 4.2.9标准件25 4.3激振器装配图26 4.3.1激振头装配26 4.3.2激振器装配图26 4.4直线振动筛三维模型的总装图27 4.5三维模型向二维工程图的转换28 第五章经济环保性分析30 第六章总结31 参考文献32 结束语34 附录35
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