DEUTZ1013柴油机曲轴加工工艺规程设计 摘要 我国的机械制造业水平已经得到长足的发展,一个自立的机械工业体系基本形成。但是与发达国家相比,工业水平还存在阶段性的差距。 主要完成有设计任务:在已有的知识基础上,编制出合理的曲轴机械加工工序;选择其中一道工序进行夹具设计;进行说明书的撰写工作。在工序编排的过程中,充分考虑各方面影响因素、结合中国机械行业现行的技术及装备条件;在夹具设计过程中充分利用了进制图软件的优势对夹具进行了表达。 本次设计对重点工序进行说明,对夹具进行了分析。并配有完整的工序卡,主要对加工工艺路线进行拟订对重点加工工序方法进行说明包括粗加工,半精加工,精加工,热处理。 关键词:夹具;工序;制图;工艺 ABSTRACT U
now .the level of machi
ne buildi
ng i
ndustry i
n chi
na has bee
n well developed .a
nd a self depe
nt machi
ne buildi
ng i
ndustry system has bee
n basically formed .however ;compared with developed cou
ntries the i
ndustry level still have phased gap .Chi
nese machi
ne buildi
ng i
ndustry shoulders heavy respo
nsibilities. The task of desig
n is mai
nly completed as follows .o
n the basis of existi
ng k
nowledge, the reaso
nable cra
nked axle ma
ng procedures are worked out o
ne of the machi
ne is chose
n to proceed the grip desig
n ; The descriptive ma
nual is composed .i
n the process of compili
ng the procedures , active i
n all directio
ns are fully co
nsidered to combi
ne with the existi
ng a
nd equipme
nt co
ns of Chi
nese machi
ne buildi
ng i
ndustry .I
n the process of grip desig
n , car to graph soft is fully used to express the grip. The major procedures are des cribbed i
n this desig
n a
nd the completed route chart is attached the desig
n of the cra
nkshaft mai
n processi
ng li
ne elaboratio
n ,ide
ntified process of completi
ng a fixture card a
nd a
n a
nalysis . Keywords: grip;procedures;cartography;tech
nology 目录 摘要I ABSTRACT II 1绪论1 1.1柴油机工作原理1 1.2柴油机曲轴的结构特点2 2设计任务4 2.1 DEUTZ1013参数说明4 2.2 DEUTZ1013曲轴作用4 2.3 DEUTZ1013曲轴结构特点4 2.4 DEUTZ1013曲轴技术要求5 3 DEUTZ1013柴油机曲轴工艺路线7 3.1批量、年产量确定7 3.2毛坯选择8 3.3定位基准8 3.4工艺路线10 3.5计算余量及设计毛坯图13 3.6加工装备选择及安排15 3.7切削用量与基本时间确定19 4机床夹具24 4.1夹具分析24 4.2夹具装配28 4.3夹具经济性能28 5检验零件30 5.1气动量仪30 5.2气动卡规30 5.3检验夹具31 6结论32 参考文献33 附录1:外文翻译34 附录2:外文原文45 致谢51
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