n of small
nailed cor
n thresher 摘要 本文中设计的玉米脱粒机,用机械来取代人工进行。现代化农业技术的发展,促进了玉米产量的大幅度提高,因此对脱粒技术提出更高的要求。如果使用人工来进行脱粒,不仅花费很长的时间,而且工作强度大,非常不方便,我国农业是小农经济,也就是说大型的机器在我们国家的农村是推广不开来的。所以现在要研究一种比较小的玉米脱粒机,效率要高,破碎率要低,这样劳动人民的强度就变轻了,并且将农业生产的现代化水平变得更高。 本主完成的内容有:玉米脱粒机总体方案的设计,输出轴的选择,传送带及带轮的选用,其他零件的设计。根据设计要求,选择V型带传动作为传动方式,确保机构的稳定,确定脱粒机的技术参数。选择45号钢为轴的材料,保证轴的强度以及刚度;根据轴向定位要求确定轴的各段直径和长度。设计钉齿条来固定钉齿,使之呈螺旋状;确定栅格凹板的设计。入料口及上盖的设计,能够有效避免出现玉米棒卡死或溅出的情况。 本设计的玉米脱粒机重点是小型、钉齿。设计的时候,脱粒机的动力来源是电动机,电动机通过输出轴和传送带,将动力传送到钉齿脱粒滚筒上,之后它又跟栅格板进行配合,玉米粒也就排出机器了。 关键词玉米;脱粒机;小型;钉齿;设计 Abstract Cor
n thresher is a machi
ne for threshi
ng cor
n by mecha
nical actio
n i
nstead of ma
nual operatio
n. With the developme
nt of moder
n agricultural pla
ng tech
nology, the yield of maize has bee
n greatly improved, a
new requireme
nts for threshi
ng tech
nology of maize have bee
n put forward. Artificial threshi
ng is time-co
ng, laborious a
nd extremely i
nt. However, the curre
nt situatio
n of agriculture i
n Chi
na is mostly the small-scale peasa
nt eco
nomy, which determi
nes that it is difficult to popularize large machi
nery i
n some aspects. The research a
nd developme
nt of small cor
n thresher with high efficie
ncy a
nd low crushi
ng rate is of great sig
nce for reduci
ng the labor i
nsity of farmers a
nd improvi
ng the mecha
n of agricultural operatio
ns. The mai
n co
nt of this paper is: the desig
n of the overall pla
n of the cor
n sheller, the selectio
n of the output shaft, the selectio
n of the co
nveyor belt a
nd the pulley, a
nd the desig
n of other parts. Accordi
ng to the desig
n requireme
nts, the V-belt drive is selected as the tra
n method to e
nsure the stability of the mecha
nism a
nd the tech
nical parameters of the threshi
ng machi
ne are determi
ned. Select 45 steel as the material of the shaft to e
nsure the stre
ngth a
nd rigidity of the shaft; determi
ne the diameter a
nd le
ngth of each sectio
n of the shaft accordi
ng to the axial positio
ng requireme
nts. The
nail rack is desig
ned to fix the spikes a
nd make them spiral; the desig
n of the grid co
ncave plate is determi
ned. The desig
n of the i
nlet a
nd top cover ca
n effectively preve
nt cor
n sticks from bei
ng stuck or spilled. Based o
n the above reaso
ns, this paper mai
nly desig
ns small threshi
ng cor
n thresher. The mai
n co
nts are as follows: the machi
ne is mai
nly composed of a
n i
nlet port, a grid type co
ncave plate, a
nail tooth threshi
ng cyli
nder a
nd a tra
n part. The motor is used as the power source, the power is output from the output shaft of the motor, a
nd the
n passed through the drive belt to the
nail tooth threshi
ng roller, the cor
n is separated from the grid format co
ncave plate a
nd the cor
n grai
n is discharged from the machi
ne, a
nd the cor
n core is discharged from the other e
nd of the feed. Keywords threshi
ng machi
ne small
nail tooth desig
n 目录 摘要I Abstract II 1绪论1 1.1本课题研究的背景及意义1 1.2国内外玉米脱粒机的发展现状2 1.3玉米脱粒机市场需求的分析3 1.4玉米脱粒机技术发展及市场前景的分析3 1.5本课题研究的主要内容及拟解决的主要问题3 2总体方案、主要参数的设计与确定4 2.1玉米脱粒机的组成4 2.2玉米脱粒机的总体设计6 2.3技术参数的设计与确定6 2.4钉齿条上钉齿转速的确定7 2.5钉齿滚筒转速的确定7 2.6电动机的选择与确定7 3带及带轮的设计10 3.1传动带的设计10 3.1.1确定传送带的功率10 3.1.2选择V带的型号10 3.1.3确定带轮的基准直径10 3.1.4确定传动中心距和带长11 3.1.5验算主动轮上的包角11 3.1.6确定V带的根数11 3.1.7确定带的初拉力12 3.1.8求V带传动作用在轴上的压力12 3.2带轮的设计12 3.2.1带轮的材料选择12 3.2.2主动带轮的设计13 3.2.3从动带轮的设计13 3.2.4带轮轮槽的设计14 3.2.5带轮技术要求的确定14 4传动轴的设计15 4.1传动轴最小直径的估算15 4.2根据轴向定位的要求确定轴的各段直径和长度16 4.3初步选择输出轴16 4.4确定输出轴上的圆角半径16 4.5按弯扭合成条件校核轴的强度16 4.5.1轴受力简图的绘制16 4.5.2求输出轴上的所受作用力的大小17 4.5.3钉齿条上的合力17 4.5.4轴上水平面内所受支反力18 4.5.5轴在垂直面内所受的支反力18 4.5.6作弯矩图18 4.5.7作当量弯矩图19 4.5.8校核轴的强度19 5其他零件的设计、选择与确定21 5.1钉齿条的设计21 5.1.1钉齿条的总体结构设计21 5.1.2钉齿条及钉齿的设计21 5.1.3钉齿的设计22 5.1.4圆盘的设计22 5.2栅格式凹板的设计22 5.3入料口及脱粒机上盖的设计23 5.4机架的设计24 5.5轴承座的设计25 5.6玉米脱粒机上标准件的选择25 结论26 致谢27 参考文献28
n of small
nailed cor
n thresher 摘要 本文中设计的玉米脱粒机,用机械来取代人工进行。现代化农业技术的发展,促进了玉米产量的大幅度提高,因此对脱粒技术提出更高的要求。如果使用人工来进行脱粒,不仅花费很长的时间,而且工作强度大,非常不方便,我国农业是小农经济,也就是说大型的机器在我们国家的农村是推广不开来的。所以现在要研究一种比较小的玉米脱粒机,效率要高,破碎率要低,这样劳动人民的强度就变轻了,并且将农业生产的现代化水平变得更高。 本主完成的内容有:玉米脱粒机总体方案的设计,输出轴的选择,传送带及带轮的选用,其他零件的设计。根据设计要求,选择V型带传动作为传动方式,确保机构的稳定,确定脱粒机的技术参数。选择45号钢为轴的材料,保证轴的强度以及刚度;根据轴向定位要求确定轴的各段直径和长度。设计钉齿条来固定钉齿,使之呈螺旋状;确定栅格凹板的设计。入料口及上盖的设计,能够有效避免出现玉米棒卡死或溅出的情况。 本设计的玉米脱粒机重点是小型、钉齿。设计的时候,脱粒机的动力来源是电动机,电动机通过输出轴和传送带,将动力传送到钉齿脱粒滚筒上,之后它又跟栅格板进行配合,玉米粒也就排出机器了。 关键词玉米;脱粒机;小型;钉齿;设计 Abstract Cor
n thresher is a machi
ne for threshi
ng cor
n by mecha
nical actio
n i
nstead of ma
nual operatio
n. With the developme
nt of moder
n agricultural pla
ng tech
nology, the yield of maize has bee
n greatly improved, a
new requireme
nts for threshi
ng tech
nology of maize have bee
n put forward. Artificial threshi
ng is time-co
ng, laborious a
nd extremely i
nt. However, the curre
nt situatio
n of agriculture i
n Chi
na is mostly the small-scale peasa
nt eco
nomy, which determi
nes that it is difficult to popularize large machi
nery i
n some aspects. The research a
nd developme
nt of small cor
n thresher with high efficie
ncy a
nd low crushi
ng rate is of great sig
nce for reduci
ng the labor i
nsity of farmers a
nd improvi
ng the mecha
n of agricultural operatio
ns. The mai
n co
nt of this paper is: the desig
n of the overall pla
n of the cor
n sheller, the selectio
n of the output shaft, the selectio
n of the co
nveyor belt a
nd the pulley, a
nd the desig
n of other parts. Accordi
ng to the desig
n requireme
nts, the V-belt drive is selected as the tra
n method to e
nsure the stability of the mecha
nism a
nd the tech
nical parameters of the threshi
ng machi
ne are determi
ned. Select 45 steel as the material of the shaft to e
nsure the stre
ngth a
nd rigidity of the shaft; determi
ne the diameter a
nd le
ngth of each sectio
n of the shaft accordi
ng to the axial positio
ng requireme
nts. The
nail rack is desig
ned to fix the spikes a
nd make them spiral; the desig
n of the grid co
ncave plate is determi
ned. The desig
n of the i
nlet a
nd top cover ca
n effectively preve
nt cor
n sticks from bei
ng stuck or spilled. Based o
n the above reaso
ns, this paper mai
nly desig
ns small threshi
ng cor
n thresher. The mai
n co
nts are as follows: the machi
ne is mai
nly composed of a
n i
nlet port, a grid type co
ncave plate, a
nail tooth threshi
ng cyli
nder a
nd a tra
n part. The motor is used as the power source, the power is output from the output shaft of the motor, a
nd the
n passed through the drive belt to the
nail tooth threshi
ng roller, the cor
n is separated from the grid format co
ncave plate a
nd the cor
n grai
n is discharged from the machi
ne, a
nd the cor
n core is discharged from the other e
nd of the feed. Keywords threshi
ng machi
ne small
nail tooth desig
n 目录 摘要I Abstract II 1绪论1 1.1本课题研究的背景及意义1 1.2国内外玉米脱粒机的发展现状2 1.3玉米脱粒机市场需求的分析3 1.4玉米脱粒机技术发展及市场前景的分析3 1.5本课题研究的主要内容及拟解决的主要问题3 2总体方案、主要参数的设计与确定4 2.1玉米脱粒机的组成4 2.2玉米脱粒机的总体设计6 2.3技术参数的设计与确定6 2.4钉齿条上钉齿转速的确定7 2.5钉齿滚筒转速的确定7 2.6电动机的选择与确定7 3带及带轮的设计10 3.1传动带的设计10 3.1.1确定传送带的功率10 3.1.2选择V带的型号10 3.1.3确定带轮的基准直径10 3.1.4确定传动中心距和带长11 3.1.5验算主动轮上的包角11 3.1.6确定V带的根数11 3.1.7确定带的初拉力12 3.1.8求V带传动作用在轴上的压力12 3.2带轮的设计12 3.2.1带轮的材料选择12 3.2.2主动带轮的设计13 3.2.3从动带轮的设计13 3.2.4带轮轮槽的设计14 3.2.5带轮技术要求的确定14 4传动轴的设计15 4.1传动轴最小直径的估算15 4.2根据轴向定位的要求确定轴的各段直径和长度16 4.3初步选择输出轴16 4.4确定输出轴上的圆角半径16 4.5按弯扭合成条件校核轴的强度16 4.5.1轴受力简图的绘制16 4.5.2求输出轴上的所受作用力的大小17 4.5.3钉齿条上的合力17 4.5.4轴上水平面内所受支反力18 4.5.5轴在垂直面内所受的支反力18 4.5.6作弯矩图18 4.5.7作当量弯矩图19 4.5.8校核轴的强度19 5其他零件的设计、选择与确定21 5.1钉齿条的设计21 5.1.1钉齿条的总体结构设计21 5.1.2钉齿条及钉齿的设计21 5.1.3钉齿的设计22 5.1.4圆盘的设计22 5.2栅格式凹板的设计22 5.3入料口及脱粒机上盖的设计23 5.4机架的设计24 5.5轴承座的设计25 5.6玉米脱粒机上标准件的选择25 结论26 致谢27 参考文献28