ng ball type steeri
ng gear is composed of the
nut a
nd screw tra
n gear a
nd shaft a
nut tra
n of two parts. The
nut a
nd the screw pair is composed of a li
nk i
nside the ball, a
nd the gear shaft a
nut tra
n pair is li
nked through the meshi
ng be- twee
n the fi
nal completio
n of the tra
nsfer of power. Firstly, the steeri
ng situatio
n a
nd tre
nd of curre
nt study to make a
n expositio
n of BJ2020 models of automobile steeri
ng system, sorti
ng out the system desig
n requireme
nts for autom- otive steeri
ng, the
n accordi
ng to the type of car, use the car fro
nt a
nd rear axle load a
nd vehic- le selectio
n of the steeri
ng type prelimi
nary, followed by steeri
ng gear the selectio
n a
nd a
nal- ysis of the complete summary, complete the circulati
ng ball type mai
n parameters for the ste- eri
ng a
nd steeri
ng a
ngle, gear ratio accordi
ng to the circulati
ng ball type, tra
n efficie-
ncy a
nd use of refere
nce a
nd the model of successful car cycli
ng ball stre
ngth a
nd device spe- cific parameters are calculated, the
n the recirculati
ng ball type steeri
ng the performa
nce a
nal- ysis is fi
nally complete the desig
n drawi
ngs a
nd desig
n specificatio
n. Fi
nally, by usi
ng the w- ay of modeli
ng drawi
ng to three-dime
nal desig
n, from three-dime
nal a
ngle reflects the shift The structure a
nd fu
n of device. A
nd part drawi
ng, draw the size of the recircul- ati
ng ball type steeri
ng gear assembly drawi
ng parts. Coordi
n betwee
n the various parts, more comprehe
nsively reflect the circulati
ng ball type steeri
ng gear structure. The stress a
nal- ysis show the recirculati
ng ball steeri
ng the force. At the e
nd of the article, all the desig
ns of the BJ2020 redirector from the i
nitial selectio
n of structural form to the fi
nal layout of the ma
ng process are completed, a
nd the des- ig
n is up to sta
ndard. Keywords:Recirculati
ng ball steeri
ng; Process arra
nt;Force a
nalysis 目录 摘要I ABSTRACT II 1绪论1 1.1课题背景1 1.2转向器的介绍1 1.3国外的研究现状5 1.4国内的研究现状5 1.5本课题研究的主要内容6 1.6本章小结7 2转向器的设计与参数选择8 2.1转向器的主要使用性能参数8 2.2主要尺寸参数的选择10 2.3循环球式转向器的强度校核18 2.4转向摇臂轴直径的确定20 2.5本章小结21 3建模及受力分析22 3.1二维工程图22 3.2三维零件图24 3.3受力分析27 3.4本章小结30 4结论31 参考文献32 附录1:外文翻译33 附录2:翻译原文37 致谢41
ng ball type steeri
ng gear is composed of the
nut a
nd screw tra
n gear a
nd shaft a
nut tra
n of two parts. The
nut a
nd the screw pair is composed of a li
nk i
nside the ball, a
nd the gear shaft a
nut tra
n pair is li
nked through the meshi
ng be- twee
n the fi
nal completio
n of the tra
nsfer of power. Firstly, the steeri
ng situatio
n a
nd tre
nd of curre
nt study to make a
n expositio
n of BJ2020 models of automobile steeri
ng system, sorti
ng out the system desig
n requireme
nts for autom- otive steeri
ng, the
n accordi
ng to the type of car, use the car fro
nt a
nd rear axle load a
nd vehic- le selectio
n of the steeri
ng type prelimi
nary, followed by steeri
ng gear the selectio
n a
nd a
nal- ysis of the complete summary, complete the circulati
ng ball type mai
n parameters for the ste- eri
ng a
nd steeri
ng a
ngle, gear ratio accordi
ng to the circulati
ng ball type, tra
n efficie-
ncy a
nd use of refere
nce a
nd the model of successful car cycli
ng ball stre
ngth a
nd device spe- cific parameters are calculated, the
n the recirculati
ng ball type steeri
ng the performa
nce a
nal- ysis is fi
nally complete the desig
n drawi
ngs a
nd desig
n specificatio
n. Fi
nally, by usi
ng the w- ay of modeli
ng drawi
ng to three-dime
nal desig
n, from three-dime
nal a
ngle reflects the shift The structure a
nd fu
n of device. A
nd part drawi
ng, draw the size of the recircul- ati
ng ball type steeri
ng gear assembly drawi
ng parts. Coordi
n betwee
n the various parts, more comprehe
nsively reflect the circulati
ng ball type steeri
ng gear structure. The stress a
nal- ysis show the recirculati
ng ball steeri
ng the force. At the e
nd of the article, all the desig
ns of the BJ2020 redirector from the i
nitial selectio
n of structural form to the fi
nal layout of the ma
ng process are completed, a
nd the des- ig
n is up to sta
ndard. Keywords:Recirculati
ng ball steeri
ng; Process arra
nt;Force a
nalysis 目录 摘要I ABSTRACT II 1绪论1 1.1课题背景1 1.2转向器的介绍1 1.3国外的研究现状5 1.4国内的研究现状5 1.5本课题研究的主要内容6 1.6本章小结7 2转向器的设计与参数选择8 2.1转向器的主要使用性能参数8 2.2主要尺寸参数的选择10 2.3循环球式转向器的强度校核18 2.4转向摇臂轴直径的确定20 2.5本章小结21 3建模及受力分析22 3.1二维工程图22 3.2三维零件图24 3.3受力分析27 3.4本章小结30 4结论31 参考文献32 附录1:外文翻译33 附录2:翻译原文37 致谢41