FTT2722零件加工方案制定与数控编程 摘要 数控机床加工工艺的编制比普通机床工艺规程编制相比,有其特殊。这是因为在普通机床的加工工艺中不必考虑的问题,如工序内工步的安排、对刀点、换刀点及走刀路线的确定等问题,在数控铣削加工时,这一切都无例外地都变成了固定的程序内容,正由于这个特点,促使对加工程序的正确性和合理性要求极高,工艺设计不能有丝毫的差错,否则加工不出合格的零件。 本文主要讲述FTT2722零件的三维造型和数控加工工艺编程,可乐瓶底的数控加工的重点和难点是复杂曲面的分析与加工,曲面加工相较于平面加工又困难很多。通过对零件图纸的分析,确定该零件的加工工艺、刀具、切削用量,制定出该零件的机械加工工艺过程卡片及数控加工工序卡,然后利用UG软件绘制出该零件的三维实体图,并运用UG软件对零件进行数控编程,最终进行模拟仿真,完成该零件的加工。 关键词:数控铣削;三维造型;加工工艺;切削用量;数控编程 ABSTRACT The programmi
ng of NC machi
ne tools is more complicated tha
n that of ge
neral machi
ne tools. This is because i
n the process of ge
neral machi
ne tools do
not co
nsider the problem, such as the steps i
n the process of work arra
nts, the k
nife poi
nt, cha
nge poi
nt a
nd the tool path determi
n problem i
n NC milli
ng, it all without exceptio
n i
nto a fixed program co
nt, precisely because of this characteristic for the processi
ng procedures, the correct
ness a
nd ratio
nality of the highly dema
ng process desig
n, there ca
n be
no mistake, otherwise the processi
ng of qualified parts. This paper focuses o
n the 3D modeli
ng a
nd NC machi
ng process a
nd programmi
ng the coke bottle bottom parts, through the a
nalysis of the drawi
ngs, determi
ne the cutti
ng process, the cutti
ng tool a
nd the dosage, formulate the parts machi
ng process card a
nd NC machi
ng process card, a
nd the
n use UG software to draw the parts of the three-dime
nal e
ntity map, a
nd the use of UG software for NC programmi
ng of parts, will eve
ntually complete the program recordi
ng machi
ne, the parts processi
ng. Key words: CNC milli
ng; 3D modeli
ng; processi
ng tech
nology; cutti
ng; NC programmi
ng 目录 摘要I ABSTRACT II 1概论1 1.1简介1 1.2课题的任务及技术1 1.2.1课题的任务1 1.2.2技术2 1.3课题的目的及意义2 2FTT2722零件三维造型设计1 2.1UG软件的简介3 2.2三维实体造型3 3零件的工艺分析11 3.1零件几何要素的分析11 3.2尺寸精度的分析11 3.3形位精度分析12 3.4装夹方案分析12 3.5确定加工工艺方案12 3.4刀具的选择12 3.5切削用量的确定原则13 3.5.1主轴的转动速度的选择13 3.5.2进给速度的最后确定13 3.5.3背吃刀量的确定13 3.6选择加工机床14 4基于UG的数控模拟加工15 4.1CAM编程的一般步骤15 4.2建立几何毛坯和加工坐标系15 4.3后处理20 4.4NC程序的输出23 5总结31 参考文献33 致谢34
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