As the most curre
nt mea
ns of tra
nsport, people's lives a
nd socio-eco
nomic developme
nt has bee
n completely i
nseparable from the car. The wheel as a
n importa
nt part of the car, the overall performa
nce a
nd quality of the car also plays a very critical role i
n the productio
n of the wheel is also much co
ned about the automotive i
ndustry. At prese
nt, cars are movi
ng i
n a more lightweight, eco
nomical directio
n, how to solve these problems without i
ng the cost of productio
n, which is a very critical issue. The use of alumi
num alloy forged wheels just to meet these co
ns. Alumi
num alloy material de
nsity is small, the same volume tha
n the just light quality, a
nd the rigidity of alumi
num ca
n also meet the requireme
nts as a car wheel. The desig
n of the mai
n research a
nd discussio
n of alumi
num alloy forgi
ng process a
nd process methods, a
nd forgi
ng die desig
n. Has developed a process that is
not o
nly able to save raw materials as well as to e
nsure the excelle
nt quality a
nd good performa
nce of the products, but also to improve a
nd update the previous forgi
ng process. Through the careful a
nalysis of the characteristics a
nd performa
nce of the wheel structure, the correspo
ng mold is desig
ned, a
nd the performa
nce of the mold is checked a
nd checked. The drawi
ngs are illustrated by CAD drawi
ng a
nd three modeli
ng. This desig
n for the alumi
num alloy wheels of the factory productio
n, the co
n of raw materials, product performa
nce, excelle
nt a
nd market co
ns are very valuable refere
nce value. Key Words:Alumi
num alloy;Frgi
ng;Mold 目录 摘要I ABSTRACT II 1绪论1 2车轮成型工艺1 2.1汽车车轮的制造工艺1 2.2铝合金车轮的制造工艺2 2.3铝合金车轮的锻造2 3车轮锻件设计4 3.1变形力计算和液压机的选取4 3.2选取分模面4 3.3车轮锻造模锻的斜度和圆角半径5 3.4锻件结构的设计6 3.5锻造过程中工艺参数的影响7 4模具设计9 4.1预锻模具的主要零件结构设计9 4.2预锻上模的结构设计11 4.3预锻下模的结构设计12 5模具结构强度校核13 5.1模具受力分析13 5.2紧固螺栓强度校核13 5.3预紧罩抗拉检验14 6结论15 附录1:外文翻译17 附录2:外文原文21 致谢28
nt mea
ns of tra
nsport, people's lives a
nd socio-eco
nomic developme
nt has bee
n completely i
nseparable from the car. The wheel as a
n importa
nt part of the car, the overall performa
nce a
nd quality of the car also plays a very critical role i
n the productio
n of the wheel is also much co
ned about the automotive i
ndustry. At prese
nt, cars are movi
ng i
n a more lightweight, eco
nomical directio
n, how to solve these problems without i
ng the cost of productio
n, which is a very critical issue. The use of alumi
num alloy forged wheels just to meet these co
ns. Alumi
num alloy material de
nsity is small, the same volume tha
n the just light quality, a
nd the rigidity of alumi
num ca
n also meet the requireme
nts as a car wheel. The desig
n of the mai
n research a
nd discussio
n of alumi
num alloy forgi
ng process a
nd process methods, a
nd forgi
ng die desig
n. Has developed a process that is
not o
nly able to save raw materials as well as to e
nsure the excelle
nt quality a
nd good performa
nce of the products, but also to improve a
nd update the previous forgi
ng process. Through the careful a
nalysis of the characteristics a
nd performa
nce of the wheel structure, the correspo
ng mold is desig
ned, a
nd the performa
nce of the mold is checked a
nd checked. The drawi
ngs are illustrated by CAD drawi
ng a
nd three modeli
ng. This desig
n for the alumi
num alloy wheels of the factory productio
n, the co
n of raw materials, product performa
nce, excelle
nt a
nd market co
ns are very valuable refere
nce value. Key Words:Alumi
num alloy;Frgi
ng;Mold 目录 摘要I ABSTRACT II 1绪论1 2车轮成型工艺1 2.1汽车车轮的制造工艺1 2.2铝合金车轮的制造工艺2 2.3铝合金车轮的锻造2 3车轮锻件设计4 3.1变形力计算和液压机的选取4 3.2选取分模面4 3.3车轮锻造模锻的斜度和圆角半径5 3.4锻件结构的设计6 3.5锻造过程中工艺参数的影响7 4模具设计9 4.1预锻模具的主要零件结构设计9 4.2预锻上模的结构设计11 4.3预锻下模的结构设计12 5模具结构强度校核13 5.1模具受力分析13 5.2紧固螺栓强度校核13 5.3预紧罩抗拉检验14 6结论15 附录1:外文翻译17 附录2:外文原文21 致谢28