芦苇收割机的设计与实现 Desig
n a
nd Impleme
n of Reed Harvester 摘要 芦苇是我国造纸工业的主要原料,及时收割芦苇是提高芦苇经济效率的关键因素。芦苇收割季节短,条件艰苦,因而机械收割就成为理想的芦苇治理方式,芦苇收割机的设计与实现本设计通过对现有切割机械的对比研究,设计一款结构紧凑,效率高的芦苇收割机械,并对收割机工作原理进行分析,制定设计方案,参数的确定,传动系统相关计算,并对零部件进行设计计算,用CAD绘制图形,编制设计和制造工艺,通过车、铣床进行加工,从而实现零件的设计、制造一体化的图纸设计和制造。设计一款新的芦苇收割机,满足市场需求。 关键词芦苇收割机;方案对比及选择;参数的确定 Abstract Phragmites australis is the mai
n raw material of Chi
na's paper i
ndustry. Timely harvest of reeds is the key factor to improve the eco
nomic efficie
ncy of reeds. The reed seaso
n is short a
nd the co
ns are difficult, so the mecha
nical harvesti
ng becomes the ideal way of reed treatme
nt. The desig
n a
nd Realizatio
n of reed harvester ca
n desig
n a reed reapi
ng machi
ne with compact structure a
nd high efficie
ncy by compari
ng the existi
ng cutti
ng machi
nes, a
nd a
nalyze the worki
ng pri
nciple of the reaper a
nd formulate the desig
n scheme. The parameters are determi
ned, the tra
n system is calculated, a
nd the parts are desig
ned a
nd calculated. The graphics are draw
n by CAD Keywords the reed harvester the scheme compariso
n a
nd selectio
n the determi
n of the parameters the calculatio
n of the tra
n system a
nd the desig
n of the te
ng device the desig
n of the shaft the desig
n of the processi
ng tech
nology of the shaft 目录 摘要I Abstract II 1引言1 1.1课题提出的背景1 1.2水草收割机的分类及特点1 1.2.1水草收割机的分类1 1.2.2水草收割机的特点5 1.3芦苇收割机械国内发展现状5 1.4芦苇收割机械国外发展现状6 2方案对比及选择7 2 .1总体方案7 2 .2剪切方案对比及选择7 2 .3传动方案对比及选择8 2 .4动力系统方案对比及选择9 3.剪刀式切割装置10 3.1切割器的类型和构造10 3.2切割原理10 3.3切割器零件的选取11 3.4切割器驱动机构的选取11 4切割电机的功率计算及选型13 5.传动系统相关计算及张紧装置的设计14 5.1 V带传动的设计14 5.2 V带传动张紧装置15 5.3轴的设计16 5.3.1轴的应用与分类16 5.3.2轴的材料及结构17 5.3.3轴的最小直径计算17 5.3 .4轴强度校核17 6轴上轴承选择19 7轴的加工工艺设计20 7.1轴的设计20 7.2轴的工艺过程20 8设计总结23 致谢24 参考文献25
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