n a
nd impleme
n of a combi
ned pea
nut harvester 摘要 小型联合型花生收获机将两垄花生的藤、荚果和土壤同时犁起,在联合收获系统的作业下,将实现土壤的粉碎、果与藤的分离,在经过清选部件之后,实现花生的完整收获。完整的收获过程为:花生藤的分离扶起,犁耕,取果,土壤粉碎,果藤输送,荚果清选,集果。 根据花生生长的特点和收获技术的要求,小型花生联合收获机具有系统结构精确紧密、机器重量较轻、分离性能好的特点。采用八面碎土齿,首次破碎土壤块时便可使土壤破碎率达75%以上,再经过二次粉碎后,可实现土壤的完全细化。花生荚果被五个抛土轮从土壤中分离出来,摘果刀的刀刃将花生藤与荚果实分离,被传输轮拾取的藤条被收集,由机尾的出藤口排出。花生分离清选出后的果实直接落入荚果收集箱。收获后的花生由于清洁度高可以直接晾晒干燥、转运储存。 由于设计的机械系统较为精简,机器的造价成本的低廉,该花生联合收获机械适合小型家庭农场化的花生种植收获的农业生产,其作业效率与以往的人工采收相比有了显着的提升。 关键词:联合收获;低耗高效;分离彻底;低成本 ABSTRACT The small combi
ned pea
nut harvester simulta
neously ploughs the vi
nes, pods a
nd soil of two ridge pea
nuts. U
nder the operatio
n of the combi
ned harvesti
ng system, the commu
n of the soil a
nd the separatio
n of the fruit a
nd the vi
ne will be achieved. After the compo
nts have bee
n selected, the pea
nuts will be obtai
ned. Complete harvest. The complete harvesti
ng process is as follows: separatio
n a
nd promotio
n of pea
nut vi
nes, plowi
ng, fruit harvesti
ng, soil smashi
ng, fruit vi
ne tra
nsport, pod selectio
n, fruit collectio
n. Accordi
ng to the characteristics of pea
nut growth a
nd the requireme
nts of harvesti
ng tech
nology, the small pea
nut combi
ne harvester has the characteristics of precise a
nd compact system structure, lighter machi
ne weight a
nd good separatio
n performa
nce. The use of eight-faced soil scrapers ca
n result i
n a soil crushi
ng rate of more tha
n 70% whe
n the soil blocks are broke
n for the first time. After the seco
ndary crushi
ng, complete soil refi
nt ca
n be achieved. Pea
nut pods were separated from the soil by five throwi
ng wheels. The blades of the picki
ng k
nife separated the pea
nut vi
nes from the pods. The ratta
n picked up by the tra
n wheel was collected a
nd discharged from the tail of the tail. The fruit that is separated from the pea
nuts is directly dropped i
nto the pod collectio
n box. The pea
nuts harvested ca
n be directly dried, tra
nsported, a
nd stored for clea
ness. Si
nce the desig
ned mecha
nical system is relatively simple a
nd the cost of the machi
ne is low, the pea
nut combi
ned harvesti
ng machi
ne is suitable for small-scale family-farm farmed pea
nut harvesti
ng a
nd agricultural productio
n, a
nd its operati
ng efficie
ncy has bee
n sig
ntly improved compared to previous ma
nual operatio
ns. Key words: joi
nt harvesti
ng low co
n high efficie
ncy efficie
nt complete separatio
n low cost 目录 1绪论3 1.1花生种植的分布及种类3 1.2花生的主要收获方式4 1.3国内花生收获机械发展研究概况6 1.4主要研究内容9 2收获机系统总体方案10 2.1结构总体设计原则10 2.2花生收获机总系统的确定11 3配套动力13 3.1花生收获机主要工作参数13 3.2配套拖拉机的选择13 3.2.1工作效率的简单计算14 4超精型联合花生收获机总体结构与工作原理的设计15 4.1国内常见的两种花生收获机原理的分析15 4.2确定联合花生收获机结构与原理16 5相关零部件的结构设计与计算19 5.1具体机架结构和制造要求19 5.1.1机架的生产要求19 5.2荚果采摘刀的设计21 5.3碎土齿轮的外形及功能要求22 5.4挡果盖板结构和简易要求23 5.5起耕刀的结构设计24 5.5.1起耕刀耕犁时的角度分析24 5.5.2起耕刀刀具面的宽度计算26 6碎土轮链相关参数的计算27 6.1.计算传动链轮的相关参数27 6.2链轮传动的功率27 6.3传动链条的链接数27 6.4计算传动链条的链条节距28 6.5计算传动链长及链条中心距28 6.6由相关传动链条来设计传动链轮: 29 6.6.1小链轮的计算29 6.6.2大链轮的计算: 30 6.7分土轮轴的设计与校验31 7其他部分零件的简要说明及技术要求33 7.1、拔禾器的设计33 7.2、拔禾轮的作用33 7.3、上压藤板的设计33 7.4、输藤带的设计及要求34 7.5、夹、压藤板的设计及配置34 7.6、果筛的设计34 结论35 致谢36 参考文献37
n a
nd impleme
n of a combi
ned pea
nut harvester 摘要 小型联合型花生收获机将两垄花生的藤、荚果和土壤同时犁起,在联合收获系统的作业下,将实现土壤的粉碎、果与藤的分离,在经过清选部件之后,实现花生的完整收获。完整的收获过程为:花生藤的分离扶起,犁耕,取果,土壤粉碎,果藤输送,荚果清选,集果。 根据花生生长的特点和收获技术的要求,小型花生联合收获机具有系统结构精确紧密、机器重量较轻、分离性能好的特点。采用八面碎土齿,首次破碎土壤块时便可使土壤破碎率达75%以上,再经过二次粉碎后,可实现土壤的完全细化。花生荚果被五个抛土轮从土壤中分离出来,摘果刀的刀刃将花生藤与荚果实分离,被传输轮拾取的藤条被收集,由机尾的出藤口排出。花生分离清选出后的果实直接落入荚果收集箱。收获后的花生由于清洁度高可以直接晾晒干燥、转运储存。 由于设计的机械系统较为精简,机器的造价成本的低廉,该花生联合收获机械适合小型家庭农场化的花生种植收获的农业生产,其作业效率与以往的人工采收相比有了显着的提升。 关键词:联合收获;低耗高效;分离彻底;低成本 ABSTRACT The small combi
ned pea
nut harvester simulta
neously ploughs the vi
nes, pods a
nd soil of two ridge pea
nuts. U
nder the operatio
n of the combi
ned harvesti
ng system, the commu
n of the soil a
nd the separatio
n of the fruit a
nd the vi
ne will be achieved. After the compo
nts have bee
n selected, the pea
nuts will be obtai
ned. Complete harvest. The complete harvesti
ng process is as follows: separatio
n a
nd promotio
n of pea
nut vi
nes, plowi
ng, fruit harvesti
ng, soil smashi
ng, fruit vi
ne tra
nsport, pod selectio
n, fruit collectio
n. Accordi
ng to the characteristics of pea
nut growth a
nd the requireme
nts of harvesti
ng tech
nology, the small pea
nut combi
ne harvester has the characteristics of precise a
nd compact system structure, lighter machi
ne weight a
nd good separatio
n performa
nce. The use of eight-faced soil scrapers ca
n result i
n a soil crushi
ng rate of more tha
n 70% whe
n the soil blocks are broke
n for the first time. After the seco
ndary crushi
ng, complete soil refi
nt ca
n be achieved. Pea
nut pods were separated from the soil by five throwi
ng wheels. The blades of the picki
ng k
nife separated the pea
nut vi
nes from the pods. The ratta
n picked up by the tra
n wheel was collected a
nd discharged from the tail of the tail. The fruit that is separated from the pea
nuts is directly dropped i
nto the pod collectio
n box. The pea
nuts harvested ca
n be directly dried, tra
nsported, a
nd stored for clea
ness. Si
nce the desig
ned mecha
nical system is relatively simple a
nd the cost of the machi
ne is low, the pea
nut combi
ned harvesti
ng machi
ne is suitable for small-scale family-farm farmed pea
nut harvesti
ng a
nd agricultural productio
n, a
nd its operati
ng efficie
ncy has bee
n sig
ntly improved compared to previous ma
nual operatio
ns. Key words: joi
nt harvesti
ng low co
n high efficie
ncy efficie
nt complete separatio
n low cost 目录 1绪论3 1.1花生种植的分布及种类3 1.2花生的主要收获方式4 1.3国内花生收获机械发展研究概况6 1.4主要研究内容9 2收获机系统总体方案10 2.1结构总体设计原则10 2.2花生收获机总系统的确定11 3配套动力13 3.1花生收获机主要工作参数13 3.2配套拖拉机的选择13 3.2.1工作效率的简单计算14 4超精型联合花生收获机总体结构与工作原理的设计15 4.1国内常见的两种花生收获机原理的分析15 4.2确定联合花生收获机结构与原理16 5相关零部件的结构设计与计算19 5.1具体机架结构和制造要求19 5.1.1机架的生产要求19 5.2荚果采摘刀的设计21 5.3碎土齿轮的外形及功能要求22 5.4挡果盖板结构和简易要求23 5.5起耕刀的结构设计24 5.5.1起耕刀耕犁时的角度分析24 5.5.2起耕刀刀具面的宽度计算26 6碎土轮链相关参数的计算27 6.1.计算传动链轮的相关参数27 6.2链轮传动的功率27 6.3传动链条的链接数27 6.4计算传动链条的链条节距28 6.5计算传动链长及链条中心距28 6.6由相关传动链条来设计传动链轮: 29 6.6.1小链轮的计算29 6.6.2大链轮的计算: 30 6.7分土轮轴的设计与校验31 7其他部分零件的简要说明及技术要求33 7.1、拔禾器的设计33 7.2、拔禾轮的作用33 7.3、上压藤板的设计33 7.4、输藤带的设计及要求34 7.5、夹、压藤板的设计及配置34 7.6、果筛的设计34 结论35 致谢36 参考文献37