At prese
nt, with the rapid developme
nt of Chi
na's i
ndustry, all walks of life o
n the use of pressure vessels more a
nd more widely i
nvolved i
n areas such as chemical, rubber, food, medici
ne, oil, etc., especially Chi
na's dema
nd for rubber products more a
nd more The larger, the polymerizatio
n reactor is esse
ntial for the rubber productio
n process reactio
n co
ner, a
now the mai
n domestic reactor capacity of 30mlow productio
n efficie
ncy, high cost, has bee
n u
nable to meet the
needs of rubber productio
n, the desig
n of larger volume of the reactor without delay. So the desig
n of the reactor capacity of 60m, to achieve a large volume of equipme
nt to improve its productio
n efficie
ncy, the reactor temperature of 150℃, the use of steam from the bottom of the heati
ng, the use of steam heati
ng ca
n make the kettle Heat eve
nly, so that the material is more u
niform heat, the reactio
n more thoroughly, compared to the previous jacket heati
ng heat tra
nsfer efficie
ncy is higher. This desig
n is desig
ned for the reactor body desig
n, mixi
ng device selectio
n a
nd size desig
n (which stir the leaves are selected straight blade, straight blade propeller stirri
ng speed relative to other stirri
ng blade speed, high stirri
ng efficie
ncy), people Hole of the hole a
nd rei
nt calculatio
n, tra
n device, the reactor shaft seal device selectio
n, beari
ng selectio
n, selectio
n of weldi
ng type, while drawi
ng the parts, the reactor body a
nd the reactor assembly diagram. Desig
n methods usi
ng pressure vessel co
nal desig
n method, follow the《chemical equipme
nts, i
n accorda
nce with GB150-98《steel pressure vessel》a
nd other tech
nical regulatio
ns. Key Words:Pressure vessel; agitator; polymerizatio
n reactor 目录 摘要I ABSTRACT II 1绪论1 1.1压力容器的概述1 1.2反应釜的发展方向2 1.3本文设计的研究内容2 2材料选择3 3反应釜结构设计4 3.1罐体的尺寸参数确定4 3.2传热部件8 3.3工艺开孔和接管8 3.4人孔的补强计算9 4搅拌器的选型11 4.1搅拌桨的选型11 4.2搅拌附件(挡板) 11 4.3传动装置的选型12 4.4搅拌功率的计算12 4.3搅拌轴的计算13 4.4联轴器14 4.5安装支座14 5密封结构15 6安全检测16 6.1无损探伤16 6.2强度检验16 6.3致密性试验18 7结论19 参考文献20 附录1:外文翻译21 附录2:外文原文25 致谢32
nt, with the rapid developme
nt of Chi
na's i
ndustry, all walks of life o
n the use of pressure vessels more a
nd more widely i
nvolved i
n areas such as chemical, rubber, food, medici
ne, oil, etc., especially Chi
na's dema
nd for rubber products more a
nd more The larger, the polymerizatio
n reactor is esse
ntial for the rubber productio
n process reactio
n co
ner, a
now the mai
n domestic reactor capacity of 30mlow productio
n efficie
ncy, high cost, has bee
n u
nable to meet the
needs of rubber productio
n, the desig
n of larger volume of the reactor without delay. So the desig
n of the reactor capacity of 60m, to achieve a large volume of equipme
nt to improve its productio
n efficie
ncy, the reactor temperature of 150℃, the use of steam from the bottom of the heati
ng, the use of steam heati
ng ca
n make the kettle Heat eve
nly, so that the material is more u
niform heat, the reactio
n more thoroughly, compared to the previous jacket heati
ng heat tra
nsfer efficie
ncy is higher. This desig
n is desig
ned for the reactor body desig
n, mixi
ng device selectio
n a
nd size desig
n (which stir the leaves are selected straight blade, straight blade propeller stirri
ng speed relative to other stirri
ng blade speed, high stirri
ng efficie
ncy), people Hole of the hole a
nd rei
nt calculatio
n, tra
n device, the reactor shaft seal device selectio
n, beari
ng selectio
n, selectio
n of weldi
ng type, while drawi
ng the parts, the reactor body a
nd the reactor assembly diagram. Desig
n methods usi
ng pressure vessel co
nal desig
n method, follow the《chemical equipme
nts, i
n accorda
nce with GB150-98《steel pressure vessel》a
nd other tech
nical regulatio
ns. Key Words:Pressure vessel; agitator; polymerizatio
n reactor 目录 摘要I ABSTRACT II 1绪论1 1.1压力容器的概述1 1.2反应釜的发展方向2 1.3本文设计的研究内容2 2材料选择3 3反应釜结构设计4 3.1罐体的尺寸参数确定4 3.2传热部件8 3.3工艺开孔和接管8 3.4人孔的补强计算9 4搅拌器的选型11 4.1搅拌桨的选型11 4.2搅拌附件(挡板) 11 4.3传动装置的选型12 4.4搅拌功率的计算12 4.3搅拌轴的计算13 4.4联轴器14 4.5安装支座14 5密封结构15 6安全检测16 6.1无损探伤16 6.2强度检验16 6.3致密性试验18 7结论19 参考文献20 附录1:外文翻译21 附录2:外文原文25 致谢32