淮北矿业集团袁店一矿1.8 Mta新井设计含5张CAD图+说明书
设计题目:袁店一矿1.8 Mt/a新井设计 专题:高渗透压松散破碎大断面失稳巷道修复技术 摘要 一般部分为淮北矿业集团袁店一矿1.8Mt/a新井设计。袁店一矿西部边界为袁店断层为界,东至32煤层-1000m的水平投影线和39467500经线,南从杨柳~五沟断层及10煤层露头线,北到32煤层-1000m的水平投影线和区块登记边界。东西长约6.9~13.6km,南北宽1.2~3.4km,井田面积约37.22km2。主采煤层为8煤和10煤,其中8煤位于10煤上部,两煤层间距平均约80m,煤层倾角为5°~15°,平均约10°,属于缓倾斜煤层,煤层平均总厚为8煤3.5m、10煤3.6m。 井田工业储量为214.47Mt,矿井可采储量148.23Mt。矿井服务年限为58.8a,第一水平服务年限28a。矿井正常涌水量为392m3/h,最大涌水量为584m3/h。矿井最大相对瓦斯涌出量10.08 m3/t,属于高瓦斯矿井。 井田开拓方式为立井两水平暗斜井延深集中岩石大巷开拓,井田采用采、带区式布置方式,共划分为三个采区,八个带区,轨道大巷、胶带机大巷和回风大巷皆为岩石大巷,布置在10#煤层底板岩层中。 针对西二采区采用了采区准备方式,共划分3个回采工作面,并进行了通风、运煤、运料、排水、排矸、供电系统设计。针对8201工作面进行了采煤工艺设计。该工作面煤层平均厚度为3.5m,平均倾角15°。矿井年工作日为330d,工作制度为“四六”制,工作面采用长壁综采一次采全高采煤法。采用双滚筒采煤机割煤,往返一次割两刀。截深1.0m,每天六个循环,循环进尺6.0m,月推进度165 m。 大巷采用胶带输送机运煤,辅助运输采用电机车牵引固定矿车运料。矿井通风方式前期为中央分列式,后期为中央并列式通风。主井采用两套带平衡锤的16t箕斗提煤,副井采用一对1.0t矿车双层四车窄罐笼和一个带平衡锤的1.0 t矿车双层四车宽罐笼运料和升降人员。 专题部分题目是高渗透压松散破碎大断面失稳巷道修复技术。 翻译部分主要内容是美国煤矿锚杆安装质量改善研究,其英文题目为:Improvi
ng Rockbolt I
ns i
n US Coal Mi
nes。 关键词:袁店一矿;双立井;采区布置;中央并列式;大断面巷道;修复技术;锚杆性能 ABSTRACT The ge
neral part is a
new desig
n for Yua
n mi
ne. Yua
n Dia
n mi
ne i
n west is bou
nded Yua
n Dia
n fault; East to 32 coal-1000m level projectio
n li
nes a
nd 39467500 at warp; South from a willow ~ 5 ditch fault a
nd 10 coal seam outcrop li
nes; North to 32 coal-1000 m level projectio
n li
nes a
nd block registratio
n bou
ndary. The le
ngth of the mi
nefield is about 6.9 ~ 13.6km,
north a
nd south wide 1.2 ~ 3.4km, field with a
n area of about 37.22km2. The 8# a
nd 10# is the mai
n coal seam. A
nd the 8# is above the 10# with a vertical dista
nceof about 80m. The dip a
ngle of the coal is 5~15 degree a
nd the average o
ne is 10 degree. The average thick
ness of the coal is 3.5m i
n 8# a
nd 3.6m i
n 10#. The proved recoverable reserves of the mi
nefield are 214.47 millio
n to
ns, a
nd the mi
nable reserves are 148.23 millio
n to
ns. The desig
ned productive capacity is 1.8 millio
n to
ns per year, a
nd the service life of the mi
ne is 58.8 years. The
normal flow of the mi
ne is 392m3 per hour a
nd the max flow of the mi
ne is 584m3 per hour. The relative mi
ne gas gush is 10.08m3/t, It is a high gas mi
ne. The mi
ne is a double level dark tilt exte
ng depth a
nd co
n rock roadway to develop a
nd full strip preparatio
n, which divided i
nto three worki
ng areas a
nd eight ba
ndts, a
nd track roadway, belt co
nveyor roadway a
nd retur
n airway are all rock roadways, arra
nged i
n the floor rock of 10# coal seam. The desig
n applies strip preparatio
n agai
nst the first ba
nd of West Two which divided i
nto 3 stirps totally, a
nd co
nducted coal co
nce, ve
n, ga
ngue co
nce a
nd electricity desig
ng. The desig
n co
nducted coal mi
ng tech
nology desig
n agai
nst the 8201 face. The coal seam average thick
ness of this worki
ng face is 3.5m a
nd the average dip is 15°. The “four-six” worki
ng system is used i
n the mi
ne. It produces for 330 days a year. The worki
ng face applies fully mecha
nized lo
ngwall full-height coal cavi
ng method, a
nd uses double drum shearer cutti
ng coal which cuts twice each worki
ng cycle. The depth-web is 1.0m with six worki
ng cycles per day, a
nd the adva
nce of a worki
ng cycle is 6.0m a
nd the adva
nce is 165m per mo
nth. The ce
ntral la
neway uses Belt Co
nveyor to tra
nsit coal, a
nd trolley wago
ns are used for accessorial tra
n i
n the roadway.The ve
n mode of this mi
ne is earlier stage which usi
ng bou
ndary juxtapose form a
nd later stage which usi
ng ce
nter juxtapose form. The mai
n shaft uses double 16t skips to lift coal with a bala
nce hammer a
nd the auxiliary shaft uses a twi
narrow1.0t four-car double-deck cage a
nd a wide 1.0t four-car double-deck cage to lift material a
nd perso
nel tra
n. The topic of special subject parts is the restoratio
n tech
nology of large sectio
n a
nd loose-fractured I
nstability roadway which i
n high seepage pressure. Tra
n part is about the useage of coal mi
ne of US, a
nd discusses to set up a mecha
nical a
nchor system to improve the performa
nce of bolt. Its E
nglish title is “Improvi
ng Rockbolt I
ns i
n US Coal Mi
nes”. Keywords:Yua
n coal mi
ne; Double vertical shaft; Pa
nel layout; Ce
nter juxt aposesve
n; Large sectio
n roadway; Restoratio
n tech
nology; A
nchor performa
nce 目录 一般部分 1矿区概况及井田地质特征1 1.1矿区概况1 1.2矿井外部建设条件及评价2 1.3矿井资源条件3 2井田境界及资源/储量18 2.1井田境界18 2.2矿井储量计算18 3矿井工作制度、设计生产能力与服务年限23 3.1矿井工作制度23 3.2矿井设计生产能力23 3.3矿井设计服务年限24 4井田开拓25 4.1井田开拓的基本问题25 4.2矿井基本巷道33 5准备方式——采区巷道布置45 5.1煤层的地质特征45 5.2采区巷道布置及生产系统46 5.3采区车场选型设计53 6采煤方法56 6.1采煤工艺方式56 6.2回采巷道布置69 7井下运输72 7.1概述72 7.2采区运输设备选择73 7.3大巷运输设备选择75 8矿井提升78 8.1概述78 8.2主副井提升78 9矿井通风及安全技术82 9.1矿井概况、开拓方式及开拓方法82 9.2矿井通风系统的确定83 9.3矿井风量计算87 9.4矿井阻力计算94 9.5选择矿井通风设备97 9.6安全灾害的预防措施101 10设计矿井基本技术经济指标103 参考文献104 专题部分 高渗透压松散破碎大断面失稳巷道修复技术105 1 Ⅱ水平第二部皮带机大巷工程概况105 1.1地质条件105 1.2施工概况105 1.3底鼓变形106 1.4水文特征106 1.5变形原因107 2总体技术思路与技术路线108 3地质雷达探测围岩松散破碎圈研究109 3.1工程概况109 3.2探地雷达的工作原理109 3.3施工方法技术及参数选择110 3.4资料处理及解释112 3.5本次探测成果113 4钻孔窥视仪探测研究115 4.1观测方案及观测仪器115 4.2观测资料117 4.3巷道围岩窥视结果分析121 4.4支护建议122 5具体方案及参数122 5.1围岩松散破碎圈的确定122 5.2区域性疏水降压122 5.3安全扩刷与承载环的构建123 5.4补强加固及长期维控126 6主要结论128 参考文献128 翻译部分 英文原文130 IMPROVING ROCKBOLT INSTALLATIONS IN US COAL MINES 130 中文译文147 美国煤矿锚杆安装质量改善研究147 致谢161
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