散装物料倾斜TDⅡ型固定式带式输送机设计 摘要 随着科学技术的发展,带式输送机的种类也逐步全面,由自动化程度低且工作效率低的带式输送机向工作效率高,自动化程度高的方向发展。在带式输送机的发展长河里,原始的带式输送机在操作方面需要大量的人力物力。现在,带式输送机的运用已经和其他学科的知识相结合,设计制造出在不同场合下适用的带式输送机,使其工作效率更高,节省大量物力劳力。 带式输送机作为连续运输机中的一种,其运输特点是形成装载点到装载点之间的连续物料流,靠连续物料流的整体运动来完成物流从装载点到卸载点的输送,应用非常广泛,主要运用在输送沙石、谷物、煤炭等散装物料。其优点有:1、工作效率高,短时间内连续不断运输很多物料;2、结构简单,零件便宜,工业成本降低了很多;3、应用广泛,涉及多个方面;4、适应环境强,在恶劣环境下也能稳定工作。 本次设计首先通过查询资料了解带式输送机的国内外发展现状,然后对固定式带式输送机的构造以及工作原理进行理论分析,并进行传动系统和结构的设计,最后通过设计和计算确定主要参数、主要零件的选用以及图纸的绘制,从而完成本次设计。 关键词:带式输送机;设计;计算;选型 ABSTRACT With the developme
nt of scie
nce a
nd tech
nology, also gradually thorough, the ki
nds of belt co
nveyor by the low degree of automatio
n a
nd low worki
ng efficie
ncy of belt co
nveyor to the high efficie
ncy, high degree of automatio
n i
n the directio
n of developme
nt. I
n the developme
nt of belt co
nveyor i
n the lo
ng river, the origi
nal belt co
nveyor i
n the aspect of operatio
n requires a lot of ma
npower material resources. Now, the applicatio
n of belt co
nveyor, a
nd other discipli
nes of k
nowledge, the combi
n of desig
n a
nd ma
nufacture of the applicable belt co
nveyor u
nder differe
nt situatio
ns, make it work more efficie
nt, save a lot of physical labor. As o
ne of the co
nuous co
nveyer belt co
nveyor, the tra
n characteristics is formed betwee
n the loadi
ng poi
nt to the loadi
ng poi
nt of material flow i
n a row, complete logistics by the holistic moveme
nt of a co
nuous material flow from the loadi
ng poi
nt to the tippi
ng poi
nt of tra
n, applicatio
n is very broad, mai
nly used i
n co
ng sa
nd, grai
n, coal a
nd other bulk materials. Its adva
ntages are: 1, high efficie
ncy, short time co
nuous tra
nsport a lot of materials; 2, simple structure, cheap parts, i
ndustrial cost decreased a lot; 3, wide applicatio
n, i
ng ma
ny aspects; 4, to adapt to the e
nt is stro
ng, also ca
n work stable i
n harsh e
nts. The graduatio
n desig
n: the first belt co
nveyor by queryi
ng the i
n the developme
nt prese
nt situatio
n at home a
nd abroad, the
n the structure a
nd worki
ng pri
nciple of statio
nary belt co
nveyor through theoretical a
nalysis, a
nd carry o
n the desig
n of the drive system a
nd structure, at last, through desig
n a
nd calculate a
nd determi
ne the mai
n parameters, the selectio
n of mai
n parts a
nd drawi
ngs of drawi
ng, so as to complete the graduatio
n desig
n. Keywords :belt co
nveyor, desig
n, calculatio
n, selectio
n 目录 摘要I ABSTRACT II 1绪论1 1.1设计内容1 1.2设计目的及意义1 1.3带式输送机的发展历史及其发展前景1 2带式输送机的介绍3 2.1带式输送机的应用3 2.2带式输送机的分类3 2.3带式输送机的简介3 2.4带式输送机的工作原理5 2.5带式输送机的结构和布置形式5 2.5.1带式输送机的结构5 2.5.2布置方式6 3带式输送机的设计计算7 3.1原始数据及工作条件7 3.2带速和槽角的确定7 3.3运行阻力的计算9 3.4张力的计算10 3.5输送带的强度验算11 3.6传动滚筒直径的确定和滚筒强度的验算13 3.7电动机功率和减速器的减速比13 4带式输送机部件的选用15 4.1输送带15 4.2驱动装置15 4.2.1电机的选用15 4.2.2减速器的选用15 4.2.3液力耦合器的选用16 4.2.4联轴器的选用16 4.2.5制动装置的选用16制动装置的种类16制动装置的选型17 4.3传动滚筒17 4.3.1传动滚筒的作用及类型17 4.3.2传动滚筒的选型及设计17 4.4改向滚筒18 4.5托辊18 4.5.1托辊的作用与类型18 4.5.2托辊的选型20 4.6拉紧装置21 4.6.1拉紧装置的作用21 4.6.2拉紧装置工作时应满足以下要求21 4.6.3拉紧装置的种类及特点22 4.6.4拉紧装置的选型22 4.7清扫器22 4.8给料装置23 4.8.1对给料装置的基本要求23 4.8.2装料段拦板的布置及尺寸23 4.8.3装料点的缓冲23 4.9卸料装置24 4.10导料槽24 4.11机架24 4.11.1机架的结构24 4.11.2滚筒直径范围25 4.11.3中间架25 4.12头部漏斗25 4.13电气及安全保护装置25 结束语27 致谢28 参考文献
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