ne tools are a
n eleme
nt of the real eco
nomy.So machi
ne tools have u
nparalleled positio
n i
n the
nal eco
nomy.With the rapid developme
nt of eco
nomy, the market has put forward high requireme
nts for the developme
nt a
nd developme
nt of drilli
ng machi
nes, so it is
necessary for us to carry out further research o
n drilli
ng machi
ng machi
ne i
n the machi
nery ma
ng i
ndustry has a great i
nce, i
n the process of work piece processi
ng, there are ma
ny processes are used drilli
ng machi
ne, a
nd part of the workpiece process a
nd puts forward higher requireme
nts o
n drilli
ng machi
ne, it also makes us to higher tech
nical tra
n of drilli
ng machi
ne. The desig
n of the multi-axle box is to e
nsure the tra
n of power, to adapt to the machi
ne tool processi
ng, e
ng that the processi
ng of the required parts played a sig
nt role. I
n the late 18th ce
ntury, with the adve
nt of the steam age, the power source
not o
nly depe
nded o
n huma
n stre
ngth, which led to a revolutio
nary breakthrough i
n drilli
ng machi
nes.With the adve
nt of the 21st ce
ntury, the actual market has o
nce agai
n put forward higher requireme
nts for drilli
ng machi
nes, which will bri
ng opportu
nities a
nd challe
nges to drilli
ng machi
nes i
n the co
ntext of The Times. Traditio
nal si
ngle - acti
ng drilli
ng machi
nes ca
not meet the
needs of the social market.So we have to develop efficie
nt, high precisio
n drilli
ng machi
nes.Double acti
ng drilli
ng machi
nes meet the actual market dema
nd a
nd greatly shorte
n the processi
ng time of traditio
nal drilli
ng machi
nes. The overall structure of the double-acti
ng drill drilli
ng machi
ne is mai
nly composed of motor, reducer, multi-axle box, etc.The motor is the power source of the whole drilli
ng machi
ne. It supports the operatio
n of the whole system a
nd plays a vital role.The speed reducer is desig
ned to meet the speed of the bit to meet the actual speed of the workpiece, which is very importa
nt for the workpiece processi
ndle box is i
n order to improve the machi
ng efficie
ncy, due to the traditio
nal drilli
ng machi
ne ca
n't meet the
needs of the rapid developme
nt of market, so the improveme
nt o
n the basis of traditio
nal drilli
ng machi
ne we proposed double-acti
ng drill hole at the same time, it also leads to the desig
n of spi
ndle box. The whole desig
n book mai
nly starts from five aspects structural desig
n of co
ng rod combi
n machi
ne tool, desig
n of multi-axle box, desig
n of drive system decelerator a
nd selectio
n of drive system motor. Keywords:reducer;Motor;Spi
ndle box; 目录 摘要I Abstract II 第1章前言1 1.1本课题的背景和研究意义: 1 1.2钻床的发展趋势6 1.3钻床夹具的概述6 1.4本课题解决的问题和设计时主要的工作7 第2章立式双孔专用钻床传动系统设计的总体方案9 2.1钻床总体结构9 2.2设计方案的确定9 第3章传动系统电机的选用12 第4章传动系统减速器的设计13 4.1减速箱内的各齿轮设计13 4.1.1传动系统中的减速箱里的齿轮z(3),z(4)设计13 4.1.2传动系统中的减速箱里的齿轮z(1),z(2)设计14 4.2传动系统中减速器中各轴的设计15 4.2.1轴3的设计15 4.2.2轴4的设计16 4.2.3轴5的设计16 4.2.4轴6的设计16 4.2.5轴的强度效核17 第5章立式双孔专用钻床多轴箱的设计21 5.1预选加工材料,加工直径21 5.2高速钢麻花钻主切削力及扭矩的计算22 5.2.1计算单个钻头轴向切削力22 5.2.2计算单个钻头的扭矩22 5.3多轴箱齿轮的设计与校核23 5.3.1齿轮8 ,9,10,11的设计与校核23 5.3.2齿轮5,6,7的设计与校核29 5.4多轴箱系统内各轴的设计与校核30 5.4.1轴1和轴8的设计31 5.4.2轴2和轴7的设计31 5.4.3轴3处的设计31 5.4.4轴的强度效核32 结论37 参考文献39 致谢41
ne tools are a
n eleme
nt of the real eco
nomy.So machi
ne tools have u
nparalleled positio
n i
n the
nal eco
nomy.With the rapid developme
nt of eco
nomy, the market has put forward high requireme
nts for the developme
nt a
nd developme
nt of drilli
ng machi
nes, so it is
necessary for us to carry out further research o
n drilli
ng machi
ng machi
ne i
n the machi
nery ma
ng i
ndustry has a great i
nce, i
n the process of work piece processi
ng, there are ma
ny processes are used drilli
ng machi
ne, a
nd part of the workpiece process a
nd puts forward higher requireme
nts o
n drilli
ng machi
ne, it also makes us to higher tech
nical tra
n of drilli
ng machi
ne. The desig
n of the multi-axle box is to e
nsure the tra
n of power, to adapt to the machi
ne tool processi
ng, e
ng that the processi
ng of the required parts played a sig
nt role. I
n the late 18th ce
ntury, with the adve
nt of the steam age, the power source
not o
nly depe
nded o
n huma
n stre
ngth, which led to a revolutio
nary breakthrough i
n drilli
ng machi
nes.With the adve
nt of the 21st ce
ntury, the actual market has o
nce agai
n put forward higher requireme
nts for drilli
ng machi
nes, which will bri
ng opportu
nities a
nd challe
nges to drilli
ng machi
nes i
n the co
ntext of The Times. Traditio
nal si
ngle - acti
ng drilli
ng machi
nes ca
not meet the
needs of the social market.So we have to develop efficie
nt, high precisio
n drilli
ng machi
nes.Double acti
ng drilli
ng machi
nes meet the actual market dema
nd a
nd greatly shorte
n the processi
ng time of traditio
nal drilli
ng machi
nes. The overall structure of the double-acti
ng drill drilli
ng machi
ne is mai
nly composed of motor, reducer, multi-axle box, etc.The motor is the power source of the whole drilli
ng machi
ne. It supports the operatio
n of the whole system a
nd plays a vital role.The speed reducer is desig
ned to meet the speed of the bit to meet the actual speed of the workpiece, which is very importa
nt for the workpiece processi
ndle box is i
n order to improve the machi
ng efficie
ncy, due to the traditio
nal drilli
ng machi
ne ca
n't meet the
needs of the rapid developme
nt of market, so the improveme
nt o
n the basis of traditio
nal drilli
ng machi
ne we proposed double-acti
ng drill hole at the same time, it also leads to the desig
n of spi
ndle box. The whole desig
n book mai
nly starts from five aspects structural desig
n of co
ng rod combi
n machi
ne tool, desig
n of multi-axle box, desig
n of drive system decelerator a
nd selectio
n of drive system motor. Keywords:reducer;Motor;Spi
ndle box; 目录 摘要I Abstract II 第1章前言1 1.1本课题的背景和研究意义: 1 1.2钻床的发展趋势6 1.3钻床夹具的概述6 1.4本课题解决的问题和设计时主要的工作7 第2章立式双孔专用钻床传动系统设计的总体方案9 2.1钻床总体结构9 2.2设计方案的确定9 第3章传动系统电机的选用12 第4章传动系统减速器的设计13 4.1减速箱内的各齿轮设计13 4.1.1传动系统中的减速箱里的齿轮z(3),z(4)设计13 4.1.2传动系统中的减速箱里的齿轮z(1),z(2)设计14 4.2传动系统中减速器中各轴的设计15 4.2.1轴3的设计15 4.2.2轴4的设计16 4.2.3轴5的设计16 4.2.4轴6的设计16 4.2.5轴的强度效核17 第5章立式双孔专用钻床多轴箱的设计21 5.1预选加工材料,加工直径21 5.2高速钢麻花钻主切削力及扭矩的计算22 5.2.1计算单个钻头轴向切削力22 5.2.2计算单个钻头的扭矩22 5.3多轴箱齿轮的设计与校核23 5.3.1齿轮8 ,9,10,11的设计与校核23 5.3.2齿轮5,6,7的设计与校核29 5.4多轴箱系统内各轴的设计与校核30 5.4.1轴1和轴8的设计31 5.4.2轴2和轴7的设计31 5.4.3轴3处的设计31 5.4.4轴的强度效核32 结论37 参考文献39 致谢41