The mai
n purpose of this paper is to desig
n a large
numerical co
ntrol sleeve rotary tailstock. Large
numerical co
ntrol sleeve rotary tailstock has the fu
n of rotati
ng the core shaft with the workpiece, the pressure gauge shows pressure, a
nd the gear shifti
ng gear which is cha
nged ma
nually. This paper desig
ns a
nd i
ntroduces the ge
neral worki
ng mode of the tail seat, the i
n process of the gear shift gear shift, a
nd the a
nalysis a
nd the stre
ngth a
nd stability of the rear seat. Ordi
nary cyli
ndrical worm drive beari
ng capacity calculatio
n i
ng the worm drive force a
nalysis, the worm gear tooth surface co
ntact fatigue stre
ngth calculatio
n, the worm gear tooth root be
ng fatigue stre
ngth calculatio
n, the calculatio
n of the rigidity for the worm a
nd worm drive the accuracy grade of choice. The stre
ngth calculatio
n of the bevel gear tra
n i
ncludes the force a
nalysis of the gear teeth, the calculatio
n of the fatigue stre
ngth of the tooth root a
nd the fatigue stre
ngth of the tooth surface. The calculatio
n of the shaft i
ncludes the stre
ngth of the shaft a
nd the calculatio
n of the rigidity of the shaft. A
ng desig
n process a
nd maki
ng summary a
nd improveme
nt. Accordi
ng to the desig
n scheme, the ge
neral assembly drawi
ng a
nd some mai
n parts drawi
ngs are draw
n by CAD, a
nd the tail-seat structure is draw
n with Solidworks software. Key Words:The tailstock; Ma
nual shift; Mecha
nical desig
n 目录 摘要I Abstract II 1绪论- 1 - 1.1课题研究的目的与意义- 1 - 1.2相关课题国内外发展的现状及发展趋势- 1 - 2总体方案- 3 - 2.1工作方式- 3 - 2.2手动换挡齿轮变速的安装过程- 4 - 2.2.1安装步骤- 4 - 2.2.2注意事项- 4 - 2.3具体装配过程- 4 - 3尾座的受力情况分析- 5 - 3.1普通圆柱蜗杆传动承载能力计算- 5 - 3.1.1蜗杆传动的受力分析- 5 - 3.1.2蜗轮齿面接触疲劳强度计算- 6 - 3.1.3蜗轮齿根弯曲疲劳强度计算- 6 - 3.1.4蜗杆的刚度计算- 6 - 3.1.5蜗杆传动的精度等级的选择- 7 - 4直齿锥齿轮传动的强度计算- 7 - 4.1直齿锥齿轮传动的强度计算- 7 - 4.1.1设计参数- 7 - 4.1.2轮齿的受力分析- 7 - 4.1.3按齿根弯曲疲劳强度计算- 8 - 4.1.4按齿面接触疲劳强度计算- 10 - 5轴的计算- 12 - 5.1轴的强度校核计算- 12 - 5.2轴的刚度校核计算- 13 - 5.2.1轴的扭矩刚度校核计算- 13 - 6设计并绘制总装图及部分零件图- 14 - 6.1尾座的零件图- 14 - 6.2尾座的装配图- 15 - 7结论- 17 - 参考文献- 18 - 附录Ⅰ外文翻译- 19 -
n purpose of this paper is to desig
n a large
numerical co
ntrol sleeve rotary tailstock. Large
numerical co
ntrol sleeve rotary tailstock has the fu
n of rotati
ng the core shaft with the workpiece, the pressure gauge shows pressure, a
nd the gear shifti
ng gear which is cha
nged ma
nually. This paper desig
ns a
nd i
ntroduces the ge
neral worki
ng mode of the tail seat, the i
n process of the gear shift gear shift, a
nd the a
nalysis a
nd the stre
ngth a
nd stability of the rear seat. Ordi
nary cyli
ndrical worm drive beari
ng capacity calculatio
n i
ng the worm drive force a
nalysis, the worm gear tooth surface co
ntact fatigue stre
ngth calculatio
n, the worm gear tooth root be
ng fatigue stre
ngth calculatio
n, the calculatio
n of the rigidity for the worm a
nd worm drive the accuracy grade of choice. The stre
ngth calculatio
n of the bevel gear tra
n i
ncludes the force a
nalysis of the gear teeth, the calculatio
n of the fatigue stre
ngth of the tooth root a
nd the fatigue stre
ngth of the tooth surface. The calculatio
n of the shaft i
ncludes the stre
ngth of the shaft a
nd the calculatio
n of the rigidity of the shaft. A
ng desig
n process a
nd maki
ng summary a
nd improveme
nt. Accordi
ng to the desig
n scheme, the ge
neral assembly drawi
ng a
nd some mai
n parts drawi
ngs are draw
n by CAD, a
nd the tail-seat structure is draw
n with Solidworks software. Key Words:The tailstock; Ma
nual shift; Mecha
nical desig
n 目录 摘要I Abstract II 1绪论- 1 - 1.1课题研究的目的与意义- 1 - 1.2相关课题国内外发展的现状及发展趋势- 1 - 2总体方案- 3 - 2.1工作方式- 3 - 2.2手动换挡齿轮变速的安装过程- 4 - 2.2.1安装步骤- 4 - 2.2.2注意事项- 4 - 2.3具体装配过程- 4 - 3尾座的受力情况分析- 5 - 3.1普通圆柱蜗杆传动承载能力计算- 5 - 3.1.1蜗杆传动的受力分析- 5 - 3.1.2蜗轮齿面接触疲劳强度计算- 6 - 3.1.3蜗轮齿根弯曲疲劳强度计算- 6 - 3.1.4蜗杆的刚度计算- 6 - 3.1.5蜗杆传动的精度等级的选择- 7 - 4直齿锥齿轮传动的强度计算- 7 - 4.1直齿锥齿轮传动的强度计算- 7 - 4.1.1设计参数- 7 - 4.1.2轮齿的受力分析- 7 - 4.1.3按齿根弯曲疲劳强度计算- 8 - 4.1.4按齿面接触疲劳强度计算- 10 - 5轴的计算- 12 - 5.1轴的强度校核计算- 12 - 5.2轴的刚度校核计算- 13 - 5.2.1轴的扭矩刚度校核计算- 13 - 6设计并绘制总装图及部分零件图- 14 - 6.1尾座的零件图- 14 - 6.2尾座的装配图- 15 - 7结论- 17 - 参考文献- 18 - 附录Ⅰ外文翻译- 19 -