塑胶运动场地摊铺机设计 Desig
n of Plastic Sports Site Pavi
ng Machi
ne 摘要 塑胶运动地面,包括塑胶跑道、塑胶球类场地等,是20世纪60年代西方发达国家首先研制成功的新技术。我国于1979年研制成功,并通过了国家鉴定。塑胶材料的摊铺是塑胶跑道摊铺施工中最重要的作业,摊铺机的作用之一,就是要把人力从繁重的劳动中解放出来。它应该像公路沥青摊铺机那样,机器开过去即可铺出塑胶地面。设计参考公路沥青摊铺机和观摩手工摊铺过程,搜集与设计相关资料从而确定摊铺机的性能。必须具有完整的摊铺功能,既能摊铺透气型颗粒塑胶,也能摊铺混合型塑胶具有混料的功能。 关键词:摊铺机的速度混料装置履带 Abstract Plastic sports grou
nd, i
ng plastic ru
nways, plastic ball ve
nues, etc., was the first
new tech
nology developed by Wester
n developed cou
ntries i
n the 1960s. Our cou
ntry was successfully developed i
n 1979 a
nd passed the Natio
nal appraisal. The pavi
ng of plastic materials is the most importa
nt operatio
n i
n the co
n of plastic ru
nway pavi
ng. O
ne of the fu
ns of the pavi
ng machi
ne is to liberate ma
npower from heavy labor. It should be like a road asphalt paver, a
nd the machi
ne ca
n ope
n up the plastic floor. Desig
n refere
nce highway asphalt pavi
ng machi
ne a
nd observi
ng the ma
nual pavi
ng process, collect a
nd desig
n releva
nt data to determi
ne the performa
nce of the pavi
ng machi
ne. Must have a complete pavi
ng fu
not o
nly ca
n spread the breathable gra
nule plastic, but also ca
n spread the mixed plastic has the fu
n of mixi
ng material. Keywords:Speed of paver Mixi
ng device Track 目录 摘要i Abstract ii 1引言1 2.确定摊铺机的性能方案3 2.1主要技术参数的确定3 3.机器的部件划分与总体布局设计5 3.1机器的部件设计5 3.2机身部件设计及计算5 3.3机架主要零件强度计算7 4.履带传动部件设计及计算15 4.1.履带的结构设计15 4.2履带传动的动力计算16 4.3履带传动系统设计及主要元件选型17 4.4传动轴强度校核19 5.摊铺部件设计22 5.1摊铺部件的作用与功能22 5.2.摊铺部件的结构22 5.3滑座横向往复运动传动系统23 6.混料部件设计及计算26 6.1混料机构的技术参数26 6.2混料转子负载转矩计算27 6.3混料部件传动系统设计29 6.4传动链主要零件强度校核30 6.5混料部件设计33 7.摇臂起吊部件设计及计算35 7.1主要技术参数及技术条件35 7.2横臂受力计算及用料选择35 7.3立柱受力计算及用料选择36 7.4提升传动机构设计37 8.总装配图的绘制40 结论41 致谢42 参考文献43
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