Automobile productio
n li
ne weldi
ng robot structure desig
n 摘要 据不完全统计,全世界在役的工业机器人中大约有将近一半的工业机器人用于各种形式的焊接加工领域,焊接机器人应用中最普遍的主要有两种方式,即点焊和电弧焊。我们所说的焊接机器人其实就是在焊接生产领域代替焊工从事焊接任务的工业机器人。这些焊接机器人中有的是为某种焊接方式专门设计的,而大多数的焊接机器人其实就是通用的工业机器人装上某种焊接工具而构成的。在多任务环境中,一台机器人甚至可以完成包括焊接在内的抓物、搬运、安装、焊接、卸料等多种任务,因此,从某种意义上来说,工业机器人的发展历史就是焊接机器人的发展历史。 众所周知,焊接加工一方面要求焊工要有熟练的操作技能、丰富的实践经验、稳定的焊接水平;另一方面,焊接又是一种劳动条件差、烟尘多、热辐射大、危险性高的工作。工业机器人的出现使人们自然而然首先想到用它代替人的手工焊接,减轻焊工的劳动强度,同时也可以保证焊接质量和提高焊接效率。 本次我所设计的机器人为五自由度弧焊机器人。本说明书对本次设计的主要考虑内容进行了叙述和讲解,包括机器人的总体设计以及传动系统的构成与设计,电动机的选择,圆锥齿轮的设计与校核,谐波减速器的原理以及选择,腕部转动轴的校核,齿形带规格的选择以及滚动轴承的选择与校核等。 由于设计经验不足以及理论知识的匮乏,本次设计肯定存在许多不足之处,望答辩老师谅解并不吝赐教。 关键词焊接机器人;齿形带传动;谐波减速器; ABSTRCT Accordi
ng to i
ncomplete statistics,
nearly half of the world's i
ndustrial robots i
n service are used for weldi
ng. The most commo
n applicatio
n of weldi
ng robot are i
n two mai
n ways, spot weldi
ng a
nd arc weldi
ng. The weldi
ng robot we are talki
ng about is actually i
ndustrial robots which are doi
ng the work i
n the weldi
ng tasks i
nstead of weldi
ng productio
n welder. Some of this weldi
ng robot is specially desig
ned for weldi
ng while most of them are actually a commo
n i
ndustrial robot fitted with a weldi
ng tool. I
n multi-task e
nt, a robot ca
n eve
n complete ma
ny ki
nds of work i
ng the grasp of weldi
ng, ha
ng, i
n, weldi
ng, u
ng a
nd other tasks,. Therefore, i
n a se
nse, the history of the developme
nt of i
ndustrial robots is the history of the developme
nt of weldi
ng robot. It is well k
n that the weldi
ng processi
ng o
n o
ne ha
nd requires o
n skilled operatio
nal skills, rich practical experie
nce a
nd stable level of weldi
ng; o
n the other ha
nd, weldi
ng is a work with poor worki
ng co
ns, dust, a
nd heat radiatio
n a
nd high-risk. The emerge
nce of i
ndustrial robots first makes people
naturally thi
nk of usi
ng it to replace the ma
nual weldi
ng to reduce labor i
nsity. But also it e
nsures the weldi
ng quality a
nd e
nces the efficie
ncy of weldi
ng. The robot I desig
ned is a DOF arc weldi
ng robot. The desig
n stateme
nt mai
nly i
nclude desig
n of robot's drive system a
nd the its compositio
n, the choice of motor, desig
n of bevel gear a
nd verificatio
n, the pri
nciple of harmo
nic reducer a
nd its choice, wrist Check the Departme
nt of rotatio
nal axis, the choice of rolli
ng beari
ngs a
nd its checki
ng a
nd so o
n. KEY WORDS weldi
ng robot; profile belt tra
n; harmo
nic reducer; 目录 一、引言1 1.1焊接机器人的研究意义及目的1 1.2焊接机器人的发展现状及研究2 1.2.1国内现状分析3 1.2.2国外现状分析3 1.3焊接机器人的发展前景4 1.4焊接机器人的研究热点4 二、机器人基础结构设计4 2.1针对用途分析手臂工作要求4 2.2关节参数及坐标选择5 2.3内部结构6 2.4机械臂运动机构简图10 2.5电机及机械结构布局10 2.6本章小结12 三、焊接机器人机腕部结构设计12 3.1腕部结构设计12 3.1.1腕部结构设计要求12 3.1.2腕部的结构设计12 3.1.3手腕的材料选择14 3.2腕部传动方式的选择15 3.3腕部电机的型号选择15 3.4涡轮蜗杆选型与计算13 3.5齿轮副的强度校核26 3.6本章小结28 四、机械臂的臂部结构设计29 4.1臂部结构设计要求29 4.2臂部结构的设计29 4.2.1臂部材料的选择与结构设计29 4.2.2小臂的涡轮蜗杆传动设计31 4.3肘部结构的设计33 4.3.1肘部设计的原理及作用33 4.3.2肘部材料的选择34 4.3.3肘部传动方式的选择34 4.3.4肘部电机的型号选择34 4.4本章小结36 五、机器人本体静力学分析36 5.1静力学分析36 5.2本章小结40 六、机器人本体结构模型40 6.1本体结构三维模型40 6.2底座部分建模及结构设计41 6.3腰部回转件建模、结构、及运动分析43 6.4大臂的建模、结构、及运动分析44 6.5小臂的建模、结构及运动分析45 6.6腕部的建模、结构及运动分析46 6.7手部结构设计47 七、设计总结47 参考文献49 谢辞50
n li
ne weldi
ng robot structure desig
n 摘要 据不完全统计,全世界在役的工业机器人中大约有将近一半的工业机器人用于各种形式的焊接加工领域,焊接机器人应用中最普遍的主要有两种方式,即点焊和电弧焊。我们所说的焊接机器人其实就是在焊接生产领域代替焊工从事焊接任务的工业机器人。这些焊接机器人中有的是为某种焊接方式专门设计的,而大多数的焊接机器人其实就是通用的工业机器人装上某种焊接工具而构成的。在多任务环境中,一台机器人甚至可以完成包括焊接在内的抓物、搬运、安装、焊接、卸料等多种任务,因此,从某种意义上来说,工业机器人的发展历史就是焊接机器人的发展历史。 众所周知,焊接加工一方面要求焊工要有熟练的操作技能、丰富的实践经验、稳定的焊接水平;另一方面,焊接又是一种劳动条件差、烟尘多、热辐射大、危险性高的工作。工业机器人的出现使人们自然而然首先想到用它代替人的手工焊接,减轻焊工的劳动强度,同时也可以保证焊接质量和提高焊接效率。 本次我所设计的机器人为五自由度弧焊机器人。本说明书对本次设计的主要考虑内容进行了叙述和讲解,包括机器人的总体设计以及传动系统的构成与设计,电动机的选择,圆锥齿轮的设计与校核,谐波减速器的原理以及选择,腕部转动轴的校核,齿形带规格的选择以及滚动轴承的选择与校核等。 由于设计经验不足以及理论知识的匮乏,本次设计肯定存在许多不足之处,望答辩老师谅解并不吝赐教。 关键词焊接机器人;齿形带传动;谐波减速器; ABSTRCT Accordi
ng to i
ncomplete statistics,
nearly half of the world's i
ndustrial robots i
n service are used for weldi
ng. The most commo
n applicatio
n of weldi
ng robot are i
n two mai
n ways, spot weldi
ng a
nd arc weldi
ng. The weldi
ng robot we are talki
ng about is actually i
ndustrial robots which are doi
ng the work i
n the weldi
ng tasks i
nstead of weldi
ng productio
n welder. Some of this weldi
ng robot is specially desig
ned for weldi
ng while most of them are actually a commo
n i
ndustrial robot fitted with a weldi
ng tool. I
n multi-task e
nt, a robot ca
n eve
n complete ma
ny ki
nds of work i
ng the grasp of weldi
ng, ha
ng, i
n, weldi
ng, u
ng a
nd other tasks,. Therefore, i
n a se
nse, the history of the developme
nt of i
ndustrial robots is the history of the developme
nt of weldi
ng robot. It is well k
n that the weldi
ng processi
ng o
n o
ne ha
nd requires o
n skilled operatio
nal skills, rich practical experie
nce a
nd stable level of weldi
ng; o
n the other ha
nd, weldi
ng is a work with poor worki
ng co
ns, dust, a
nd heat radiatio
n a
nd high-risk. The emerge
nce of i
ndustrial robots first makes people
naturally thi
nk of usi
ng it to replace the ma
nual weldi
ng to reduce labor i
nsity. But also it e
nsures the weldi
ng quality a
nd e
nces the efficie
ncy of weldi
ng. The robot I desig
ned is a DOF arc weldi
ng robot. The desig
n stateme
nt mai
nly i
nclude desig
n of robot's drive system a
nd the its compositio
n, the choice of motor, desig
n of bevel gear a
nd verificatio
n, the pri
nciple of harmo
nic reducer a
nd its choice, wrist Check the Departme
nt of rotatio
nal axis, the choice of rolli
ng beari
ngs a
nd its checki
ng a
nd so o
n. KEY WORDS weldi
ng robot; profile belt tra
n; harmo
nic reducer; 目录 一、引言1 1.1焊接机器人的研究意义及目的1 1.2焊接机器人的发展现状及研究2 1.2.1国内现状分析3 1.2.2国外现状分析3 1.3焊接机器人的发展前景4 1.4焊接机器人的研究热点4 二、机器人基础结构设计4 2.1针对用途分析手臂工作要求4 2.2关节参数及坐标选择5 2.3内部结构6 2.4机械臂运动机构简图10 2.5电机及机械结构布局10 2.6本章小结12 三、焊接机器人机腕部结构设计12 3.1腕部结构设计12 3.1.1腕部结构设计要求12 3.1.2腕部的结构设计12 3.1.3手腕的材料选择14 3.2腕部传动方式的选择15 3.3腕部电机的型号选择15 3.4涡轮蜗杆选型与计算13 3.5齿轮副的强度校核26 3.6本章小结28 四、机械臂的臂部结构设计29 4.1臂部结构设计要求29 4.2臂部结构的设计29 4.2.1臂部材料的选择与结构设计29 4.2.2小臂的涡轮蜗杆传动设计31 4.3肘部结构的设计33 4.3.1肘部设计的原理及作用33 4.3.2肘部材料的选择34 4.3.3肘部传动方式的选择34 4.3.4肘部电机的型号选择34 4.4本章小结36 五、机器人本体静力学分析36 5.1静力学分析36 5.2本章小结40 六、机器人本体结构模型40 6.1本体结构三维模型40 6.2底座部分建模及结构设计41 6.3腰部回转件建模、结构、及运动分析43 6.4大臂的建模、结构、及运动分析44 6.5小臂的建模、结构及运动分析45 6.6腕部的建模、结构及运动分析46 6.7手部结构设计47 七、设计总结47 参考文献49 谢辞50