Heat Heat excha
nger is a device to tra
nsfer a
nd co
nvert e
nergy. Ge
nerally speaki
ng, it mea
ns that fluid medium with high e
nergy tra
nsfers to fluid medium with low e
nergy. Fixed tubesheet heat excha
nger is a
n e
ng device for heat tra
nsfer betwee
n materials. As o
ne of the heat excha
nge equipme
nts, fixed tube-plate heat excha
nger has various adva
ntages a
nd disadva
ntages. The i
n has the adva
ntages of small bypass leakage flow, large heat tra
nsfer area, simple structure, co
nt ma
nufacture, stable structure, high reliability, wide applicatio
n ra
nge a
nd low cost. Disadva
ntages are that the temperature differe
nce betwee
n the shell a
nd the tube wall is large, the temperature differe
nce stress is easily ge
nerated betwee
n the tube plate a
nd the tube head, the shell side ca
not be clea
ned mecha
nically, a
nd the service life of the equipme
nt is relatively low. Although the shortcomi
ngs exist, the adva
ntages ca
n be highlighted. It is because of these adva
ntages that the tube-plate heat excha
nger ca
n be trusted a
nd used by the masses. U
normal circumsta
nces, i
n order to save eco
nomy, special atte
n should be paid to the stre
ngth a
nd service life of the heat excha
nger. I
n the desig
n process, the most reaso
nable structure should be desig
ned. I
n additio
n, co
ng the factors of pressure, temperature, material, fluid property a
nd temperature differe
nce, the most suitable structure is selected. I
n the desig
n process, it is also divided i
nto the desig
n of pipe shape a
nd pipe diameter, the arra
nt form of heat excha
nge tubes, the split desig
n of shell side a
nd i
nlet a
nd outlet, a
nd the structural desig
n of baffle plates. I
n terms of calculatio
n, the thermal calculatio
n of the heat excha
nger, the steady heat tra
nsfer equatio
n, the calculatio
n of heat tra
nsfer coefficie
nt, pressure drop a
nd other aspects, a
nd fi
nally the i
n a
nd mai
nce of the heat excha
nger. It ca
n be u
nderstood that the desig
n of heat excha
nger is a complicated process. I
n actual productio
n, the productio
n co
ns of each i
ndustry are differe
nt. I
n order to obtai
n suitable equipme
nt, heat excha
ngers with differe
nt forms a
nd structures
need to be desig
ned. Selecti
ng equipme
nt suitable for worki
ng co
ns ca
n i
ncrease eco
nomic be
nefits. Key words: heat excha
nger; scope of use; structural desig
n; stre
ngth calculatio
n; materials 目录 1前言1 1.1概述1 1.1.1换热器1 1.1.2换热器的类型1 1.1.3固定管板式换热器2 1.2固定管板式换热器设计的目的2 1.3管壳式换热器现今发展情况2 1.4强化换热器传热能力的方法3 1.4.1扩展传热面积3 1.4.2加大传热温差3 1.4.3增强传热系数3 2换热器结构论述4 2.1换热器管形的设计4 2.2换热器管径的设计4 2.3换热管排列形式的设计4 2.4管、壳程分程设计4 2.5折流板的结构设计5 2.6管、壳程进、出口的设计5 2.7选材方法6 2.7.1管壳式换热器的选型6 2.7.2流体空间的选择8 2.7.3流速的选择8 2.7.4材质的选择9 2.7.5管子的排列型式9 3管壳式换热器的热力计算10 3.1确定参数10 3.2稳态传热方程10 3.2.1热负荷11 3.2.2总传热系数11 3.2.3总传热面积12 3.2.4平均温差12 3.3结构初步设计12 3.4管程换热系数计算13 3.5壳程换热系数计算13 3.6管壁温度计算14 3.7管程压降计算15 3.8壳程压降计算16 4换热器的结构设计17 4.1换热器壳体壁厚计算17 4.2换热器封头的选择17 4.3容器法兰的选择18 4.4管板19 4.5计算是否安装膨胀节19 4.6折流板设计20 5强度压力计算和校核22 5.1壳体厚度校核22 5.2管子拉脱力校核23 5.3开孔补强的计算24 6换热器的维护26 6.1换热器的防腐26 6.2换热器的使用及注意事项26 小结27 参考文献28 致谢29
nger is a device to tra
nsfer a
nd co
nvert e
nergy. Ge
nerally speaki
ng, it mea
ns that fluid medium with high e
nergy tra
nsfers to fluid medium with low e
nergy. Fixed tubesheet heat excha
nger is a
n e
ng device for heat tra
nsfer betwee
n materials. As o
ne of the heat excha
nge equipme
nts, fixed tube-plate heat excha
nger has various adva
ntages a
nd disadva
ntages. The i
n has the adva
ntages of small bypass leakage flow, large heat tra
nsfer area, simple structure, co
nt ma
nufacture, stable structure, high reliability, wide applicatio
n ra
nge a
nd low cost. Disadva
ntages are that the temperature differe
nce betwee
n the shell a
nd the tube wall is large, the temperature differe
nce stress is easily ge
nerated betwee
n the tube plate a
nd the tube head, the shell side ca
not be clea
ned mecha
nically, a
nd the service life of the equipme
nt is relatively low. Although the shortcomi
ngs exist, the adva
ntages ca
n be highlighted. It is because of these adva
ntages that the tube-plate heat excha
nger ca
n be trusted a
nd used by the masses. U
normal circumsta
nces, i
n order to save eco
nomy, special atte
n should be paid to the stre
ngth a
nd service life of the heat excha
nger. I
n the desig
n process, the most reaso
nable structure should be desig
ned. I
n additio
n, co
ng the factors of pressure, temperature, material, fluid property a
nd temperature differe
nce, the most suitable structure is selected. I
n the desig
n process, it is also divided i
nto the desig
n of pipe shape a
nd pipe diameter, the arra
nt form of heat excha
nge tubes, the split desig
n of shell side a
nd i
nlet a
nd outlet, a
nd the structural desig
n of baffle plates. I
n terms of calculatio
n, the thermal calculatio
n of the heat excha
nger, the steady heat tra
nsfer equatio
n, the calculatio
n of heat tra
nsfer coefficie
nt, pressure drop a
nd other aspects, a
nd fi
nally the i
n a
nd mai
nce of the heat excha
nger. It ca
n be u
nderstood that the desig
n of heat excha
nger is a complicated process. I
n actual productio
n, the productio
n co
ns of each i
ndustry are differe
nt. I
n order to obtai
n suitable equipme
nt, heat excha
ngers with differe
nt forms a
nd structures
need to be desig
ned. Selecti
ng equipme
nt suitable for worki
ng co
ns ca
n i
ncrease eco
nomic be
nefits. Key words: heat excha
nger; scope of use; structural desig
n; stre
ngth calculatio
n; materials 目录 1前言1 1.1概述1 1.1.1换热器1 1.1.2换热器的类型1 1.1.3固定管板式换热器2 1.2固定管板式换热器设计的目的2 1.3管壳式换热器现今发展情况2 1.4强化换热器传热能力的方法3 1.4.1扩展传热面积3 1.4.2加大传热温差3 1.4.3增强传热系数3 2换热器结构论述4 2.1换热器管形的设计4 2.2换热器管径的设计4 2.3换热管排列形式的设计4 2.4管、壳程分程设计4 2.5折流板的结构设计5 2.6管、壳程进、出口的设计5 2.7选材方法6 2.7.1管壳式换热器的选型6 2.7.2流体空间的选择8 2.7.3流速的选择8 2.7.4材质的选择9 2.7.5管子的排列型式9 3管壳式换热器的热力计算10 3.1确定参数10 3.2稳态传热方程10 3.2.1热负荷11 3.2.2总传热系数11 3.2.3总传热面积12 3.2.4平均温差12 3.3结构初步设计12 3.4管程换热系数计算13 3.5壳程换热系数计算13 3.6管壁温度计算14 3.7管程压降计算15 3.8壳程压降计算16 4换热器的结构设计17 4.1换热器壳体壁厚计算17 4.2换热器封头的选择17 4.3容器法兰的选择18 4.4管板19 4.5计算是否安装膨胀节19 4.6折流板设计20 5强度压力计算和校核22 5.1壳体厚度校核22 5.2管子拉脱力校核23 5.3开孔补强的计算24 6换热器的维护26 6.1换热器的防腐26 6.2换热器的使用及注意事项26 小结27 参考文献28 致谢29