电子式测距轮自动化校准检测系统设计 摘要 本次设计的检测系统主要针对电子式测距轮精度变化问题,用来检测测距轮的轮胎在不同压力的情况下发生的形变程度。用过液压装置将电子式测距轮夹持住,施加一定的压力让测距轮在导轨上行走,通过编码器测量电子式测距轮的实际测量周长,并对电子式测距轮的测量精度进行修正。 本文首先对电子式测距论的运动过程、测量原理和结构特点进行总体分析。结合本次的设计要求,对电子式测距轮检测系统装置分步设计,对需要的装置进行选型。通过一系列约束条件得出各部分的合理尺寸,绘制CAD工程图纸,然后根据所得尺寸运用Creo软件绘制三维图形,并且将各个部分进行组装,得出电子式测距轮检测装置的总装图,介绍该机构是如何对电子式测距轮进行检测的,强调其优势,更好的体现本次设计的可行性。 关键词:电子式测距轮;测量精度;液压装置;结构设计 The developme
nt of E
nt for NC Simulatio
n system based o
n the solid modelli
ng Abstract The desig
n system mai
nly aims at the accuracy cha
nge of the electro
nic dista
nce measuri
ng wheel, which is used to detect the degree of deformatio
n of the tyre i
n the co
n of differe
nt pressure. The electro
nic ra
nge fi
nder is clamped with a hydraulic device, a
nd a certai
n pressure is applied to walk the dista
nce wheel o
n the guide rail. The actual measuri
ng circumfere
nce of the electro
nic dista
nce measuri
ng wheel is measured by the e
ncoder, a
nd the measureme
nt accuracy of the electro
nic dista
nce measuri
ng wheel is corrected. I
n this paper, the motio
n process, measuri
ng pri
nciple a
nd structural characteristics of electro
nic ra
ng theory are a
nalyzed. Combi
ned with the desig
n requireme
nts of this paper, the electro
nic ra
ng wheel detectio
n system is desig
ned step by step, a
nd the
needed devices are selected. Through a series of co
nts, draw the reaso
nable size of each part, draw CAD e
ng drawi
ngs, a
nd the
n draw 3D graphics usi
ng Creo software accordi
ng to the size of the obtai
ned size, a
nd assemble each part to get the assembly drawi
ng of the electro
nic dista
nce measuri
ng wheel, a
nd i
ntroduce how the mecha
nism is to detect the electro
nic dista
nce measuri
ng wheel. Adjust its adva
ntages to better reflect the feasibility of this desig
n Key words: Electro
nic dista
nce measuri
ng wheel; Measureme
nt accuracy; Hydraulic device; Structural desig
n 目录 摘要II Abstract III 1绪论1 1.1市场现况1 1.2轮式测距仪的优缺点1 2电子式测距轮检测装置总体设计3 2.1设计要求3 2.2电子式测距轮检测系统的运行思路3 2.3与传统检测系统的比较4 3电子式测距轮检测装置主要零件设计5 3.1伺服电机的选用5 3.2主轴的设计5 3.3导轨的的设计10 3.4液压夹紧装置设计11 3.5联轴器的选用15 3.6法兰盘的设计15 4电子式测距轮检测系统的三维装配17 4.1creo软件的介绍17 4.2整体三维装配17 4.3三维装配细节爆炸图18 5结论19 参考文献20 致谢21
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