锤式破碎机机械结构设计 MECHANICAL STRUCTURE DESIGN OF HAMMER CRUSHER 摘要 在各类基础建设中会用到大量的石块、沙粒,第一代的破碎机是在各种动力机械技术较为成熟后逐渐制造出来的,比如:蒸汽机技术、电动机技术。 破碎机的作用是对破碎料进行破碎使其变成一定尺寸的机器,破碎机的研发,生产效率有了相当大的提高,生产效率提高且安全性能也提高了。锤式破碎机一般会根据有多少个转子分为拥有一个转子的锤式破碎机与拥有两个转子的锤式破碎机,根据转盘上锤头的排数可以分为一排锤头的锤式破碎机和多排锤头的锤式破碎机,根据转子拥有的转向个数分为单转向不可逆式锤式破碎机和双转向可逆式锤式破碎机。还有结构较为简单的锤式破碎机,例如:十字粉碎机,链环式碎煤机等。 本设计的内容主要是,在对机器整体设计初步完成之后,对机器中较为重要的零部件的创新、位置确定、装卸等问题与对机器中一些零部件强度校核与试验的研究。其中单附章节,对锤头寿命延长进行细致的分析。每个个零部件的研发设计,都会包括选择材料、确定尺寸、确定加工方案,满足结构工艺性,及与其他部件之间的配合问题等。校核强度是使用相关公式,对主要部分进行解析、查表、查表、作图等。在整体的安装与工作开始到工作结束过程中进行检查,并同时对维修与保险装置进行检查,本设计的后半部分主要是对机器中主要零件加工时的精度与所使用公差类型、数值的选择的分析,保证最后设计出的破碎机具有可靠性与经济性的双重优势。 关键词:锤式破碎机;公差;强度;锤头 Abstract A large
number of sto
nes a
nd sa
nd grai
ns will be used i
n all ki
nds of i
nfrastructure co
n. The first ge
n of crusher is made gradually after the maturi
ng of various power a
nd machi
nery tech
nology, such as steam e
ne a
nd motor tech
nology. The fu
n of the crusher is to break the crushi
ng material i
nto a certai
n size machi
ne. The crusher's R & D, the productio
n efficie
ncy has bee
n greatly improved, the productio
n efficie
ncy is improved a
nd the safety performa
nce is also improved. A hammer crusher is usually divided i
nto a hammer crusher with a rotor a
nd a hammer crusher with two rotors o
n the basis of the
number of rotors. Accordi
ng to the
number of hammer heads o
n the tur
ntable, a hammer crusher a
nd a hammer crusher with multiple rows of hammers ca
n be divided i
nto a si
ngle steeri
ng irreversible
number accordi
ng to the steeri
number of the rotors. Hammer crusher a
nd double steeri
ng reversible hammer crusher. There are also simple Hammer Crushers, such as cross gri
nder, chai
n type coal crusher, etc. The mai
n co
nt of this desig
n is to study the i
n, positio
n determi
n, loadi
ng a
nd u
ng of the more importa
nt parts i
n the machi
ne a
nd the stre
ngth checki
ng a
nd test of some parts i
n the machi
ne after the overall desig
n of the machi
ne is completed. Amo
ng them, the si
ngle attached chapter is a detailed a
nalysis of the prolo
n of the life of the hammer. The research a
nd desig
n of each compo
nt will i
nclude the selectio
n of material, the determi
n of the size, the determi
n of the processi
ng scheme, the tech
nature of the structure, a
nd the coordi
n with other compo
nts. Checki
ng stre
ngth is to use releva
nt formulas to parse, look up, look up a
nd map out the mai
n parts. The fi
nal part of this desig
n is mai
nly the a
nalysis of the precisio
n of the mai
n parts i
n the machi
ne a
nd the selectio
n of the type of tolera
nce a
nd the value of the tolera
nces used i
n the machi
ne, which e
nsures the reliability of the fi
nal crusher. The dual adva
ntages of the eco
nomy. Keywords: Hammer crusher tolera
nce Stre
ngth Hammerhead 目录 摘要I Abstract II 1绪论1 1.1破碎机械的发展1 1.2理论发展1 2锤式破碎机原理及特点2 2.1锤式破碎机的工作原理2 2.2锤式破碎机的特点2 2.2.1优点2 2.2.2缺点2 3破碎机主体设计3 3.1壳体3 3.2转子3 3.3转轴3 3.4碰撞板3 3.5锤头3 3.6篦条4 3.7间隙调整4 3.8设定参数4 4参数选择与计算5 4.1主参数计算选择5 4.1.1主轴转速选择5 4.1.2生产率的计算5 4.1.3电动机功率计算5 4.2结构尺寸计算选择5 4.2.1转子的直径和长度5 4.2.2进料口的尺寸6 4.2.3出料口的尺寸6 4.2.4锤子的质量计算6 5传动装置的选择计算7 5.1传动方式的选择与计算7 5.1.1选择带型7 5.1.2确定带的根数8 5.2飞轮的设计8 6主要结构设计10 6.1锤头的设计计算10 6.2转盘的设计计算10 6.3主轴设计11 6.3.1主轴材料选择11 6.3.2主轴最小直径与长度估算11 6.3.3主轴弯矩扭矩合成强度计算11 6.3.4校核主轴疲劳强度13 6.4轴承的设计14 6.4.1材料的选择14 6.4.2轴承类型选择15 6.4.3轴承工作时的位移15 6.5箱体结构及相关设计16 6.5.1制造方法16 6.5.2截面形状选择16 7专题设计17 7.1锤头结构的改进17 7.2锤头寿命的延长17 7.3锤头材料选择分析18 7.3.1使用高锰钢的缺点18 7.3.2元素含量的影响18 8公差与配合19 8.1配合的选择19 8.1.1配合的方式19 8.1.2配合方式的选择19 8.2尺寸公差的选取19 8.3形位公差19 8.3.1形位公差种类选择19 8.3.2形位公差的值选择19 9操作与维护21 9.1操作21 9.1.1启动前的操作21 9.1.2启动后的操作21 9.1.3停止后的操作21 9.2维护21 10锤式破碎机的三维立体视图22 10.1锤式破碎机总体三维视图22 10.2锤式破碎机各零件三维视图23 结论30 致谢31 参考文献32
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