DN1100斜孔式精馏塔设计 摘要 本次设计的是DN1100斜孔式精馏塔,其中DN1100表示的是该塔的塔内径。斜孔式精馏塔属于板式塔的一种,其塔盘采用的是斜孔塔盘,斜孔塔充分地结合了筛板塔和浮阀塔的优点。斜孔塔盘是属于喷射型塔盘,近似于筛孔塔板,流动状态比筛孔塔板合理,性能比筛孔塔板优越。不过也有类似筛孔塔板的缺点,如有设计方法和使用技巧不正确时,容易被误会为弹性小,不好操作而得不到重视。其与浮阀塔盘相比,弹性不如浮阀塔盘,但处理量大大超过浮阀塔盘。斜孔塔盘优缺点并存,本设计的目的就是要尽量放大其具备的优点,再进一步缩小其缺点,提高塔盘的处理效率,解决斜孔容易堵塞以及设计使用方法复杂等难题,让其得到工人们的认可,并将其推广发扬。整个设计过程,我通过塔体载荷,塔体的强度等不同方面的数据计算来设计斜孔塔盘的最优数值,根据计算得出的数值来进一步确定塔盘的最佳摆放位置与最优开孔方式。为了使斜孔塔盘能发挥其最大的功效,在选材方面也要进行慎重考虑。最后一步就是塔设备安装与运输计划的制定,以及防腐工作计划的确定。除此之外,对于斜孔塔盘的加工工艺过程也需有详细的加工计划。 关键词:斜孔塔盘;精馏塔;喷射型;板式塔;DN1100;设计 ABSTRACT I desig
ned DN1100 oblique-hole distillatio
n colum
n, i
n which DN1100 represe
nts the le
ngth of the i
ner diameter of the tower. The oblique-orifice distillatio
n tower is a ki
nd of plate-type tower. Its tray adopts oblique-orifice tray, which fully combi
nes the adva
ntages of sieve tray a
nd float valve tray. The oblique-orifice tray belo
ngs to jet-type tray, which is similar to sieve-orifice tray. Its flow state is more reaso
nable tha
n sieve-orifice tray a
nd its performa
nce is superior to sieve-orifice tray. However, there are some shortcomi
ngs similar to the sieve tray. If the desig
n method a
nd use skills are i
ncorrect, it is easy to be misu
nderstood as small elasticity, poor operatio
n a
not paid atte
n to. Compared with the valve tray, the elasticity of the valve tray is
not as good as that of the valve tray, but the throughput of the valve tray is much larger tha
n that of the valve tray. The oblique hole tray has both adva
ntages a
nd disadva
ntages. The purpose of my desig
n is to e
nlarge its adva
ntages as far as possible, further
narrow its disadva
ntages, improve the tray's treatme
nt efficie
ncy, solve the problems of easy blockage of oblique hole a
nd complex calculatio
n method, so that it ca
n be recog
nized by workers a
nd promoted. Throughout the whole desig
n process, I desig
n the optimum value of the i
ned hole tray by calculati
ng the mass of the tower, the load of the quality of the tower equipme
nt, the stre
ngth of the tower body a
nd other data. Accordi
ng to the calculated value, I further determi
ne the optimum positio
n of the tray a
nd the optimum ope
ng mode. I
n order to make the oblique orifice tray play its most effective role, careful co
n should also be take
n i
n material selectio
n. I
n additio
n, a detailed processi
ng pla
n is also
needed for the i
ndustrial process of i
ned hole tray. Key words: sieve tray tower; tray; reduci
ng liquid;I
ned hole tray 目录 1概述1 1.1塔设备的简介1 1.2精馏塔的简介1 1.3斜孔塔盘的介绍2 1.4 DN1100斜孔式精馏塔的介绍2 2塔体结构设计2 2.1塔体设计内容3 2.1.1设计数据3 2.1.2塔体结构图3 2.2材料型号的选择确定4 2.3塔体、封头壁厚计算及确定4 2.3.1塔体厚度的计算4 2.3.2封头厚度计算5 2.4塔设备质量载荷计算5 2.4.1塔体总质量计算5 2.4.2风载荷与风弯矩计算6 2.4.3地震弯矩计算7 2.4.4最大弯矩8 3塔体的强度校核10 3.1.塔体的强度及轴向稳定性校核10 3.1.1塔体危险截面轴向应力计算10 3.1.2塔体危险截面强度及轴向稳定性校核10 3.2裙座的强度及稳定性计算与核验10 3.2.1裙座底部危险截面轴向应力计算: 11 3.2.2裙座维修检查孔洞截面的强度计算与校核11 3.2.3裙座底部焊缝强度的计算与校核12 3.3水压试验时塔体的强度计算和稳定性核验12 3.3.1水压试验时塔体截面的强度校核与计算12 3.3.2水压试验时裙座底部截面的强度和轴向稳定性校核12 4基础环板与开孔设计13 4.1基础环板设计13 4.1.1基础环板内外径的确定13 4.1.2混泥土强度校核13 4.1.3基础环板厚度设计13 4.1.4地脚螺栓的设计与数据计算14 4.1.5筋板的设计与计算15 4.1.6盖板的设计和计算16 4.2开孔及开孔补强的计算与核验16 4.2.1甲苯进口N02开孔及开孔补强16 4.2.2苯进口N04开孔及开孔补强18 4.2.3甲苯出口N08开孔及开孔补强19 4.2.4人孔开孔及其开孔补强21 5精馏塔辅助装置的介绍与选择23 5.1管壳式换热器的介绍与选择23 5.2冷凝器24 5.3再沸器的介绍与选择24 5.4塔釜隔板的介绍与选择25 5.5加热蒸汽鼓泡管26 5.6接管结构的选择26 5.7溢流装置的介绍以及安装方式选择26 6塔设备的制造、安装及运输28 6.1制造,组装与安装28 6.2焊接及其特点与热处理29 6.3塔器的腐蚀与防腐措施29 参考文献30 致谢31 附录33
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