The purpose of this report is to absorb SO2 from tail gas. It is well k
n that SO2 is a
n importa
nt factor causi
ng air pollutio
n. It ca
n form acid rai
n, cause corrosio
n to ope
n-air objects such as buildi
ngs, a
nd seriously e
nger people's perso
nal safety a
nd cause serious eco
nomic losses to society. Therefore, it is very importa
nt to desig
n tower equipme
nt for absorbi
ng SO2. Bulk packi
ng tower is widely used because of its high efficie
ncy, low power a
nd better eco
nomy. This report is mai
nly divided i
nto four parts: the mai
n structure desig
n, i
nal structure desig
n, additio
nal device desig
n, a
nd stre
ngth check. Amo
ng them, the mai
n structure desig
n is mai
nly for the tower body a
nd the head, mai
nly for the calculatio
n of its thick
ness a
nd the selectio
n of ma
ng materials; the i
nal desig
n is mai
nly for the desig
n of packi
ng support devices, liquid distributio
n devices, etc., mai
nly for the selectio
n of some devices that meet the desig
n sta
ndards; the desig
n of additio
nal devices is for the selectio
n of ma
nhole a
nd ha
nd holes, the selectio
n of fla
nges; the most importa
nt part of this report is the desig
n. That is to check the stre
ngth, the stress of the tower a
nd its stability. This report upholds the pri
nciple of improvi
ng efficie
ncy a
nd reduci
ng e
nergy co
n cost. Through co
ng a large
number of data, co
nservative estimatio
n of data is made i
n a rigorous ma
ner. Through the desig
n improveme
nt of tower equipme
nt, the efficie
ncy of SO2 absorptio
n is greatly improved a
nd e
nergy co
n is saved. Key words SO2;Packed tower; Desig
n steps; Desig
n purposes 目录 1绪论1 1.1化工生产概述1 1.1.1化工生产的特点1 1.1.2化工生产在国民经济中的地位和作用2 1.2塔设备概述4 1.2.1填料塔结构原理4 1.2.2填料塔优缺点4 1.2.3填料技术的新趋势5 1.3设计任务和思想5 1.3.1设计任务5 1.3.2设计思想5 2填料塔的主体结构设计6 2.1筒体厚度计算6 2.2填料塔封头的设计和选择6 2.3支座的结构设计8 2.4.1裙座与塔体的连接9 2.4.2地脚螺栓座10 2.4.3检查孔的结构设计11 2.4.4排气孔的结构设计12 3填料塔内部结构设计13 3.1填料的类型及选择13 3.1.1填料的类型13 3.1.2填料的选择15 3.2填料塔的液体分布装置15 3.2.1填料塔的液体分布装置设计要求15 3.2.2液体喷淋分布装置的类型15 3.3填料支承装置17 3.3.1支承装置的设计原则17 3.3.2支承装置的典型结构17 3.4液体再分布装置18 4辅助装置及附件20 4.1人孔及手孔20 4.1.1人孔的设置和选用20 4.1.2手孔的设置和选用21 4.2法兰21 4.2.1法兰的作用21 4.2.2法兰的结构与种类21 4.3吊柱和吊耳22 4.4除沫器22 4.4.1除沫器的类型及选用22 4.5进料口与出料口23 4.5.1进料口23 4.5.2出料口24 5强度计算与校核24 5.1填料塔的设计参数25 5.2塔体各项载荷计算25 5.2.1质量载荷25 5.2.2风载荷26 5.2.3地震载荷的计算26 5.3塔体强度及轴线稳定性计算27 5.3.1圆筒轴向应力计算27 5.3.2圆筒轴向稳定性校核27 5.3.3圆筒拉应力校核27 5.3.4塔体液压实验时的应力校核27 6化工设备的腐蚀及防腐措施29 6.1金属的腐蚀29 6.1.1金属腐蚀的破坏形式29 6.2设备的防腐措施29 7化工设备的维护与检修31 7.1化工设备维护检修的重要性31 7.2维护主要内容32 致谢33 参考文献34 附录35
n that SO2 is a
n importa
nt factor causi
ng air pollutio
n. It ca
n form acid rai
n, cause corrosio
n to ope
n-air objects such as buildi
ngs, a
nd seriously e
nger people's perso
nal safety a
nd cause serious eco
nomic losses to society. Therefore, it is very importa
nt to desig
n tower equipme
nt for absorbi
ng SO2. Bulk packi
ng tower is widely used because of its high efficie
ncy, low power a
nd better eco
nomy. This report is mai
nly divided i
nto four parts: the mai
n structure desig
n, i
nal structure desig
n, additio
nal device desig
n, a
nd stre
ngth check. Amo
ng them, the mai
n structure desig
n is mai
nly for the tower body a
nd the head, mai
nly for the calculatio
n of its thick
ness a
nd the selectio
n of ma
ng materials; the i
nal desig
n is mai
nly for the desig
n of packi
ng support devices, liquid distributio
n devices, etc., mai
nly for the selectio
n of some devices that meet the desig
n sta
ndards; the desig
n of additio
nal devices is for the selectio
n of ma
nhole a
nd ha
nd holes, the selectio
n of fla
nges; the most importa
nt part of this report is the desig
n. That is to check the stre
ngth, the stress of the tower a
nd its stability. This report upholds the pri
nciple of improvi
ng efficie
ncy a
nd reduci
ng e
nergy co
n cost. Through co
ng a large
number of data, co
nservative estimatio
n of data is made i
n a rigorous ma
ner. Through the desig
n improveme
nt of tower equipme
nt, the efficie
ncy of SO2 absorptio
n is greatly improved a
nd e
nergy co
n is saved. Key words SO2;Packed tower; Desig
n steps; Desig
n purposes 目录 1绪论1 1.1化工生产概述1 1.1.1化工生产的特点1 1.1.2化工生产在国民经济中的地位和作用2 1.2塔设备概述4 1.2.1填料塔结构原理4 1.2.2填料塔优缺点4 1.2.3填料技术的新趋势5 1.3设计任务和思想5 1.3.1设计任务5 1.3.2设计思想5 2填料塔的主体结构设计6 2.1筒体厚度计算6 2.2填料塔封头的设计和选择6 2.3支座的结构设计8 2.4.1裙座与塔体的连接9 2.4.2地脚螺栓座10 2.4.3检查孔的结构设计11 2.4.4排气孔的结构设计12 3填料塔内部结构设计13 3.1填料的类型及选择13 3.1.1填料的类型13 3.1.2填料的选择15 3.2填料塔的液体分布装置15 3.2.1填料塔的液体分布装置设计要求15 3.2.2液体喷淋分布装置的类型15 3.3填料支承装置17 3.3.1支承装置的设计原则17 3.3.2支承装置的典型结构17 3.4液体再分布装置18 4辅助装置及附件20 4.1人孔及手孔20 4.1.1人孔的设置和选用20 4.1.2手孔的设置和选用21 4.2法兰21 4.2.1法兰的作用21 4.2.2法兰的结构与种类21 4.3吊柱和吊耳22 4.4除沫器22 4.4.1除沫器的类型及选用22 4.5进料口与出料口23 4.5.1进料口23 4.5.2出料口24 5强度计算与校核24 5.1填料塔的设计参数25 5.2塔体各项载荷计算25 5.2.1质量载荷25 5.2.2风载荷26 5.2.3地震载荷的计算26 5.3塔体强度及轴线稳定性计算27 5.3.1圆筒轴向应力计算27 5.3.2圆筒轴向稳定性校核27 5.3.3圆筒拉应力校核27 5.3.4塔体液压实验时的应力校核27 6化工设备的腐蚀及防腐措施29 6.1金属的腐蚀29 6.1.1金属腐蚀的破坏形式29 6.2设备的防腐措施29 7化工设备的维护与检修31 7.1化工设备维护检修的重要性31 7.2维护主要内容32 致谢33 参考文献34 附录35