摘要 汽车制动性能的好坏直接影响着整车的安全性能,所以对于汽车制动性能的检测始终是汽车生产中十分重要的一环。ABS系统和制动器是影响汽车制动性能的关键设备。台架试验是目前制动系统检测的主流方法,本文的主要目标是设计一台针对载货汽车的制动性能检测的试验台。 本文介绍了惯性式滚筒制动试验台主要部件的设计方法及设计过程。分析比较了现行的几种制动试验台,总结了它们各自的优缺点,结合设计任务书的要求,选定了总体的设计方案。 本设计采用惯性式滚筒制动试验台,该试验台主要原理是通过电机驱动滚筒,由滚筒带动车轮,利用飞轮组加上试验台自身的转动惯量来模拟汽车行驶时的惯量,通过滚筒来模拟道路。所以飞轮和滚筒是该实验台的核心部件,根据车轮的尺寸及汽车的重量分析设计滚筒的结构及尺寸。对整个试验台的惯量和汽车的惯量进行分析计算设计出飞轮的尺寸参数,再通过一系列传动部件将它们连接起来。最后对试验台进行一定程度的校核。 关键词:制动试验台,制动性能,检测 Abstract The performa
nce of the car brake directly affects the safety performa
nce of the vehicle, so the detectio
n of the braki
ng performa
nce of the car is always a very importa
nt part of automobile productio
n. ABS systems a
nd brakes are key equipme
nt that affect the performa
nce of automotive braki
ng. The mai
n goal of this paper is to desig
n a test rig for the brake performa
nce test of the truck. This paper i
ntroduces the desig
n method a
nd desig
n process of the mai
n compo
nts of the i
nertial roller brake test bed. The compariso
n a
nd compariso
n of the existi
ng several brake test bed, summed up their respective adva
ntages a
nd disadva
ntages, combi
ned with the requireme
nts of the desig
n task book, selected the overall desig
n. The desig
n of the i
nertial roller brake test bed, the mai
n pri
nciple of the test bed is drive
n by the motor drum, drive
n by the wheel , the use of flywheel group with the test be
nch's ow
n i
nertia to simulate the i
nertia of the car drivi
ng, through the drum to simulate the way. So the flywheel a
nd drum is the core of the test be
nch, accordi
ng to the size of the wheel a
nd the car's weight a
nalysis of the desig
n of the drum structure a
nd size. The i
nertia of the e
ntire test bed a
nd the i
nertia of the car are a
nalyzed a
nd calculated to desig
n the size parameters of the flywheel, a
nd the
n through a series of tra
n compo
nts to co
nect them. Fi
nally, the test be
nch to a certai
n degree of verificatio
n. Keywords:Brake test bed, brake performa
nce, testi
ng 目录 摘要I Abstract II 1绪论1 1.1研究的背景及意义1 1.1.1研究背景1 1.1.2研究意义1 1.2国内研究现状2 1.3课题研究内容与技术路线3 1.3.1研究内容3 1.3.2技术路线4 2方案设计5 2.1试验台整体方案选择5 2.1.1滚筒反力式制动力检测台5 2.1.2平板式制动检测试验台5 2.1.3惯性式滚筒制动试验台6 2.1.4方案选定7 2.2检测原理7 3滚筒的设计8 3.1滚筒直径选择8 3.2滚筒长度选择8 3.3车轮与滚筒间附着系数的选择8 3.4安置角的选择8 3.4.1安置角对测试车轮稳定性的影响8 3.4.2最佳安置角的选择9 3.5滚筒中心距L的选择10 4传动系统设计11 4.1电机的选择11 4.2离合器的选择11 4.3增速器的设计11 4.3.1制动时滚筒轴所受的摩擦力矩11 4.3.2增速器的运动及动力参数12 4.3.3增速器的齿轮传动设计13 4.4链传动的设计17 4.4.1传动链的设计17 4.4.2链轮的设计17 5飞轮的设计19 5.1惯量系统分析19 5.1.1滚筒组的惯量19 5.1.2增速器的转动惯量20 5.2飞轮的惯量20 5.2.1飞轮的尺寸计算21 5.2.3飞轮的布置22 6总体的设计与校核24 6.1总体结构设计24 6.2轴的校核24 6.2.1滚筒轴的校核24 6.2.2飞轮轴的校核28 6.3轴承的校核29 6.3.1滚筒轴承的校核29 6.3.2飞轮轴轴承的校核30 7总结31 参考文献32 致谢33
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