n this paper, the applicatio
n of pump parts processi
ng a
nd processi
ng tech
nology a
nalysis, i
n additio
n to bori
ng_60 hole process desig
n bori
ng fixture. I
n order to e
nsure the machi
ng accuracy, the workpiece must be i
nstalled correctly so that it occupies the correct positio
n relative to the cutti
ng formi
ng moveme
nt a
nd the cutti
ng tool. This process is called "positio
ng". I
n order
not to be subjected to cutti
ng force, i
nertia force, gravity a
nd other exter
nal forces to destroy the correct positio
n of the workpiece has bee
n set, but also must be applied to a certai
n clampi
ng force, this process is called "clampi
ng". The whole process of positio
ng a
nd clampi
ng is called "i
n". The importa
nt process equipme
nt used to complete the task of workpiece i
n o
n the machi
ne tool is the most widely used "machi
ne tool fixture". There are ma
ny ki
nds of jigs, but they are widely used i
n mass productio
n. Special jigs are desig
ned a
nd ma
nufactured accordi
ng to the workpiece processi
ng tech
nology. Therefore, the desig
n of special fixture is a
n importa
nt preparatio
n for productio
n. Every Tooli
ng Desig
ner e
ngaged i
n processi
ng tech
nology should master the basic k
nowledge of fixture desig
n. Key words: pump body; process; process; bori
ng fixture; cutti
ng; cutti
ng tools; processi
ng tech
nology 目录 摘要1 Abstract 2 第1章绪论5 1.1设计的背景及意义5 1.2设计的内容和思路6 1.3关键问题7 第2章机械加工工艺与夹具设计概述7 2.1工艺规程的拟定7 2.2夹具的分类8 2.3工件在夹具中的定位9 2.4工件在夹具中的夹紧11 第3章泵体机械加工工艺规程设计13 3.1泵体零件的分析13 3.2加工工艺规程的设计14 3.3机械加工余量及毛坯尺寸的确定16 3.4工序设计17 3.5确定切削用量18 3.6泵体机械加工工艺及工序卡片30 第4章镗孔夹具的设计34 4.1镗床夹具设计注意点34 4.2定位元件的设计及分析34 4.3夹紧力的计算35 4.4夹具体的设计36 4.5夹具操作说明37 致谢38 参考文献39
n this paper, the applicatio
n of pump parts processi
ng a
nd processi
ng tech
nology a
nalysis, i
n additio
n to bori
ng_60 hole process desig
n bori
ng fixture. I
n order to e
nsure the machi
ng accuracy, the workpiece must be i
nstalled correctly so that it occupies the correct positio
n relative to the cutti
ng formi
ng moveme
nt a
nd the cutti
ng tool. This process is called "positio
ng". I
n order
not to be subjected to cutti
ng force, i
nertia force, gravity a
nd other exter
nal forces to destroy the correct positio
n of the workpiece has bee
n set, but also must be applied to a certai
n clampi
ng force, this process is called "clampi
ng". The whole process of positio
ng a
nd clampi
ng is called "i
n". The importa
nt process equipme
nt used to complete the task of workpiece i
n o
n the machi
ne tool is the most widely used "machi
ne tool fixture". There are ma
ny ki
nds of jigs, but they are widely used i
n mass productio
n. Special jigs are desig
ned a
nd ma
nufactured accordi
ng to the workpiece processi
ng tech
nology. Therefore, the desig
n of special fixture is a
n importa
nt preparatio
n for productio
n. Every Tooli
ng Desig
ner e
ngaged i
n processi
ng tech
nology should master the basic k
nowledge of fixture desig
n. Key words: pump body; process; process; bori
ng fixture; cutti
ng; cutti
ng tools; processi
ng tech
nology 目录 摘要1 Abstract 2 第1章绪论5 1.1设计的背景及意义5 1.2设计的内容和思路6 1.3关键问题7 第2章机械加工工艺与夹具设计概述7 2.1工艺规程的拟定7 2.2夹具的分类8 2.3工件在夹具中的定位9 2.4工件在夹具中的夹紧11 第3章泵体机械加工工艺规程设计13 3.1泵体零件的分析13 3.2加工工艺规程的设计14 3.3机械加工余量及毛坯尺寸的确定16 3.4工序设计17 3.5确定切削用量18 3.6泵体机械加工工艺及工序卡片30 第4章镗孔夹具的设计34 4.1镗床夹具设计注意点34 4.2定位元件的设计及分析34 4.3夹紧力的计算35 4.4夹具体的设计36 4.5夹具操作说明37 致谢38 参考文献39