Plastic i
n mold is a
n importa
nt process equipme
nt for moldi
ng plastics. Through the desig
n of Bluetooth headset plastic mold, we ca
n fully u
nd the basic pri
nciples a
nd methods of plastic mold desig
n, a
nd ca
n use UG, AUTOCAD software to desig
n plastic mold skillfully to improve their drawi
ng ability. This will lay a solid fou
n for future desig
n work. With the developme
nt of moder
n i
ndustry, plastic products are used more a
nd more widely i
n i
ndustry, agriculture, daily life, military a
nd other fields, a
nd the quality requireme
nts are higher a
nd higher. Chi
na has become o
ne of the largest plastic markets i
n the world, a
nd the output of plastic products is the seco
nd i
n the world. The mai
n desig
n is the i
n mold desig
n of Bluetooth headset, focusi
ng o
n the moldi
ng pri
nciple of plastic parts, material selectio
n a
nd i
n tech
nology a
nalysis. Accordi
ng to the a
nalysis results of shape, size, accuracy a
nd surface quality requireme
nts, the required moldi
ng scheme, post-processi
ng of products, selectio
n of parti
ng surface,
number a
nd arra
nt of cavity, structure of formi
ng parts, pouri
ng system a
nd so o
n are determi
ned. Key words: Bluetooth headset; plastic mold; i
n mold; parti
ng surface; cavity; Gati
ng System 目录 摘要I Abstract II 1绪论1 1.1概述1 1.2国内研究现状1 1.3国外研究现状2 2塑料制品分析3 2.1明确制品设计要求3 2.2明确制品批量3 2.3材料选择及性能4 2.3.1材料选择4 2.3.2材料品种4 2.4成型设备5 2.5拔模斜度5 2.6计算制品的体积和质量5 2.6.1表面质量的分析5 2.6.2塑件的体积重量6 3注射机及成型方案的确定7 3.1注射机的确定7 3.1.1最大注塑量校核8 3.1.2锁模力校核8 3.1.3模具与注塑机安装部分相关尺寸校核9 3.1.4开模行程校核9 3.2成型方案的确定10 3.2.1成型设备的选择10 3.2.2成型的特点10 3.2.3成型的原理10 3.2.4成型过程10 4型腔数的确定及分型面的选择12 4.1型腔数的确定12 4.2分型面的选择12 4.2.1分型面的主要选择原则12 4.3确定型腔的排列方式13 4.4标准模架的选用14 4.3模架装配图15 5成型零部件的设计与计算16 5.1凸模设计16 5.2凹模的设计16 5.3成型零件工作尺寸的计算17 5.3.1模腔工作尺寸的计算17 5.4侧向抽芯机构类型选择与设计19 5.4.1侧向抽芯机构类型19 5.4.2侧向抽芯机构主要参数的确定20 6浇注系统的设计22 6.1主流道设计22 6.1.1分流道的设计22 6.2浇口的设计23 7排气与冷却系统的设计23 7.1冷却系统设计的原则24 7.2冷却水路的计算24 7.4排气系统的设计25 8顶出机构的设计26 8.1推杆复位装置26 8.2推件机构的设计26 9导向机构的设计28 9.1导向、定位机构的主要功能28 9.2导向机构的设计28 9.2.1导柱的设计28 10结论与展望30 致谢31 参考文献32
n mold is a
n importa
nt process equipme
nt for moldi
ng plastics. Through the desig
n of Bluetooth headset plastic mold, we ca
n fully u
nd the basic pri
nciples a
nd methods of plastic mold desig
n, a
nd ca
n use UG, AUTOCAD software to desig
n plastic mold skillfully to improve their drawi
ng ability. This will lay a solid fou
n for future desig
n work. With the developme
nt of moder
n i
ndustry, plastic products are used more a
nd more widely i
n i
ndustry, agriculture, daily life, military a
nd other fields, a
nd the quality requireme
nts are higher a
nd higher. Chi
na has become o
ne of the largest plastic markets i
n the world, a
nd the output of plastic products is the seco
nd i
n the world. The mai
n desig
n is the i
n mold desig
n of Bluetooth headset, focusi
ng o
n the moldi
ng pri
nciple of plastic parts, material selectio
n a
nd i
n tech
nology a
nalysis. Accordi
ng to the a
nalysis results of shape, size, accuracy a
nd surface quality requireme
nts, the required moldi
ng scheme, post-processi
ng of products, selectio
n of parti
ng surface,
number a
nd arra
nt of cavity, structure of formi
ng parts, pouri
ng system a
nd so o
n are determi
ned. Key words: Bluetooth headset; plastic mold; i
n mold; parti
ng surface; cavity; Gati
ng System 目录 摘要I Abstract II 1绪论1 1.1概述1 1.2国内研究现状1 1.3国外研究现状2 2塑料制品分析3 2.1明确制品设计要求3 2.2明确制品批量3 2.3材料选择及性能4 2.3.1材料选择4 2.3.2材料品种4 2.4成型设备5 2.5拔模斜度5 2.6计算制品的体积和质量5 2.6.1表面质量的分析5 2.6.2塑件的体积重量6 3注射机及成型方案的确定7 3.1注射机的确定7 3.1.1最大注塑量校核8 3.1.2锁模力校核8 3.1.3模具与注塑机安装部分相关尺寸校核9 3.1.4开模行程校核9 3.2成型方案的确定10 3.2.1成型设备的选择10 3.2.2成型的特点10 3.2.3成型的原理10 3.2.4成型过程10 4型腔数的确定及分型面的选择12 4.1型腔数的确定12 4.2分型面的选择12 4.2.1分型面的主要选择原则12 4.3确定型腔的排列方式13 4.4标准模架的选用14 4.3模架装配图15 5成型零部件的设计与计算16 5.1凸模设计16 5.2凹模的设计16 5.3成型零件工作尺寸的计算17 5.3.1模腔工作尺寸的计算17 5.4侧向抽芯机构类型选择与设计19 5.4.1侧向抽芯机构类型19 5.4.2侧向抽芯机构主要参数的确定20 6浇注系统的设计22 6.1主流道设计22 6.1.1分流道的设计22 6.2浇口的设计23 7排气与冷却系统的设计23 7.1冷却系统设计的原则24 7.2冷却水路的计算24 7.4排气系统的设计25 8顶出机构的设计26 8.1推杆复位装置26 8.2推件机构的设计26 9导向机构的设计28 9.1导向、定位机构的主要功能28 9.2导向机构的设计28 9.2.1导柱的设计28 10结论与展望30 致谢31 参考文献32