Abstract: O
n the pri
nciple of savi
ng materials, low cost, safe a
nd simple, a
nd high efficie
ncy, the text is based o
n the desig
n a
nd developme
nt of the mecha
nical mecha
nism of the blast fur
nace hoist. The basic work is as follows: through sampli
ng a
nd a
nalysis of domestic a
nd foreig
n tech
nical i
ns, it is the key to the equipme
nt. The parts a
nd test research provide the performa
nce basis. After the theoretical guida
nce, the structure of the mecha
nical device is desig
ned reaso
nably. The mai
n desig
n i
ncludes structural desig
n, stre
ngth check, etc., through theoretical a
nalysis of each worki
ng part, a
nd the
n o
n the blast fur
nace. The performa
nce of the material wi
nch is optimized, a
nd the desig
n is based o
n the traditio
nal wi
nch, which has bee
n developed u
now a
nd i
n the future. Keywords: Wi
nch Structure Check 目录 1绪论1 1.1卷扬机发展概况1 1.2卷扬机国内发展概况1 1.3国外卷扬机概况2 1.4卷扬机的发展趋势2 1.5研究方法3 2起升机构的组成4 2.1起升机构的组成4 2.2起升机构传动方式4 3钢丝绳的选择7 3.1钢丝绳的种类和构造7 3.2钢丝绳直径的选择7 3.3钢丝绳的使用9 4卷筒的结构设计及尺寸确定10 4.1卷筒的分类10 4.2卷筒绳槽的确定10 4.3卷筒的设计11 5筒轴的设计15 5.1卷筒轴的受力分析与工作应力分析15 5.2卷筒轴的设计计算15 5.3电动机选择16 5.3.1电动机选择16 5.4验算电动机发热条件17 5.5减速器的设计计算18 5.5.1卷扬机总传动比计算18 5.6减速器的计算18 5.7齿轮轴参数设计21 5.8滑轮及吊钩的选择22 5.9滑轮结构与材料22 5.10滑轮直径的计算23 5.11吊钩的构造及材料23 5.12吊钩的计算24 6行走机构设计26 6.1轨道26 6.2车轮与车轮组26 6.3车轮直径的计算26 6.4安全设计及电气控制27 6.5电气控制设计27 总结28 参考文献29 致谢30
n the pri
nciple of savi
ng materials, low cost, safe a
nd simple, a
nd high efficie
ncy, the text is based o
n the desig
n a
nd developme
nt of the mecha
nical mecha
nism of the blast fur
nace hoist. The basic work is as follows: through sampli
ng a
nd a
nalysis of domestic a
nd foreig
n tech
nical i
ns, it is the key to the equipme
nt. The parts a
nd test research provide the performa
nce basis. After the theoretical guida
nce, the structure of the mecha
nical device is desig
ned reaso
nably. The mai
n desig
n i
ncludes structural desig
n, stre
ngth check, etc., through theoretical a
nalysis of each worki
ng part, a
nd the
n o
n the blast fur
nace. The performa
nce of the material wi
nch is optimized, a
nd the desig
n is based o
n the traditio
nal wi
nch, which has bee
n developed u
now a
nd i
n the future. Keywords: Wi
nch Structure Check 目录 1绪论1 1.1卷扬机发展概况1 1.2卷扬机国内发展概况1 1.3国外卷扬机概况2 1.4卷扬机的发展趋势2 1.5研究方法3 2起升机构的组成4 2.1起升机构的组成4 2.2起升机构传动方式4 3钢丝绳的选择7 3.1钢丝绳的种类和构造7 3.2钢丝绳直径的选择7 3.3钢丝绳的使用9 4卷筒的结构设计及尺寸确定10 4.1卷筒的分类10 4.2卷筒绳槽的确定10 4.3卷筒的设计11 5筒轴的设计15 5.1卷筒轴的受力分析与工作应力分析15 5.2卷筒轴的设计计算15 5.3电动机选择16 5.3.1电动机选择16 5.4验算电动机发热条件17 5.5减速器的设计计算18 5.5.1卷扬机总传动比计算18 5.6减速器的计算18 5.7齿轮轴参数设计21 5.8滑轮及吊钩的选择22 5.9滑轮结构与材料22 5.10滑轮直径的计算23 5.11吊钩的构造及材料23 5.12吊钩的计算24 6行走机构设计26 6.1轨道26 6.2车轮与车轮组26 6.3车轮直径的计算26 6.4安全设计及电气控制27 6.5电气控制设计27 总结28 参考文献29 致谢30