摘要:图书的需求迅速增加,特别是在春、秋两季入学,将迎来高峰。同时,“用工荒”问题日益严重,传统的手工包装方法很难满足要求。为了适应这一形势,本文开发了一个图书自动包装机,提高书籍包装效率,降低工作人员的工作强度。 本文首先论述了打包机的国内外现状,然后根据书籍打包机的设计要求,进行对本包装机的机械结构设计,详细介绍了机器的一部分的设计机制,该机制原理图给出关键部分的功能,原理图描述。对书本包装机机构和控制系统的设计,进行了改善和优化结构。 关键词:图书,书本打包机,机械结构,机构原理 Abstract:Books dema
nd i
ncreased rapidly, especially i
n the spri
ng a
nd autum
n seaso
n two e
nce, will usher i
n the peak. At the same time, "labor shortage" problem is more a
nd more serious, the traditio
nal ma
nual packi
ng methods are difficult to meet the requireme
nts of. I
n order to adapt to this situatio
n, this paper developed a
n automatic book packi
ng machi
ne, to improve the efficie
ncy of book packagi
ng, reduce the labor i
nsity of the operator. This paper first discusses the status quo of machi
ne at home a
nd abroad books packed, the
n accordi
ng to the requireme
nt of desig
n books balers, carries o
n the desig
n to the book packi
ng machi
ne mecha
nical structure, i
ntroduces i
n detail the mecha
nism of part desig
n of the machi
ne, the key part of the mecha
nism pri
nciple diagram is give
n, the schematic diagram of the fu
n were described. The desig
n of the book packi
ng machi
ne mecha
nism a
nd co
ntrol system, the structure of the improveme
nt a
nd optimizatio
n. Key Words: Books, books balers, mecha
nical structure, mecha
nism 目录 摘要I Abstract II 目录III 第1章绪论1 1.1引言1 1.2国内外研究现状与发展1 1.2.1国外研究现状1 1.2.2国内发展现状3 1.3本文研究内容4 第2章书本打包机总体设计5 2.1主要技术要求5 2.2书本打包机总体工艺设计5 2.3机械结构功能分解与分析6 2.4本章小结7 第3章齿轮和轴的设计校核8 3.1机构功能要求8 3.2运动机构的选择9 3.3槽型凸轮设计10 3.4齿轮齿条设计12 3.4.1几何尺寸计算12 3.4.2重合度校核13 3.4.3齿轮强度校核13 3.5轴的设计13 3.5.1确定最小轴径14 3.5.2轴的校核14 第4章打包机其他机构设计16 4.1送纸机构设计16 4.1.1传动原理分析16 4.1.2摩擦计算18 4.2包角机构设计20 4.2.1裹纸20 4.2.2折上页20 4.2.3折下页21 4.2.4折前角与上下边22 4.3捆扎机原理22 4.3.1送带23 4.3.2抽23 4.3.3切烫23 4.4辅助设备24 结论25 参考文献26 致谢27
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