摘要 真空包装机是一种被广泛使用的包装机械真空包装技术可以提高商品的使用价值,防腐防潮防锈蚀,减少损耗,节约贮运费用,有利于健康真空包装技术广泛用于食品药品电子仪器精密仪表化工产品等行业随着真空包装技术的发展,真空包装机械技术正逐渐提高和完善低成本智能化高品质是真空包装机械的发展趋势 本文分析了目前真空包装设备的不足,参考相关的资料,对现有的单盖双工位真空包装机进行了改进设计主要的改进如下:重新选用了热封变压器,提高了封口质量;对上工作室的密封槽密封条进行了重新设计,改善了真空室的密封性;对四连杆机构进行重新设计,改善了上真空室运动的平稳性和灵活性 关键词:真空包装四连杆机构热合器 ABSTRACT Vacuum pack machi
ne is o
ne of the pack mecha
nisms bei
ng widely used.Vacuumized tech
nology have the ma
ny importa
nt fu
ns as a
ntisepsis, protectio
n agai
nst the damp, protectio
n agai
nst the rust, a
nd adva
nce the products performa
nce,reduce the wastage, co
nomize the fare of storage a
nd tra
n, a
nd have some co
ns to people's health. Vacuumized tech
nology has bee
n used i
n the i
ndustry of foodstuff, phsic,electro
n i
nt, precisio
n meter, chemical i
ndustry ma
nufacture etc.With the developme
nt Vacuum pack tech
niques,the pack mecha
nisms are improvi
ng a
ng gradually. The developme
nt directio
ns vacuum pack mecha
nism are Low cost,i
ng a
nd high quality. This thesis a
nalysed the deficie
ncy of curre
nt pack equipme
nts, co
nsulted relatedmaterials, improved desig
n of the existi
ng vacuum pack machi
ne which is si
ngle cover board a
nd double positio
n. The mostly improveme
nts ca
n be list as follows: rechoose the heat tra
nsformer a
nd adva
nce the quality of the seal; redesig
n the atertight groove a
ndbar a
nd melioratio
n the seal character of the vaccum room; redesig
n the four li
nk mecha
nism a
nd perfect the stability a
nd flexibility of the vaccum room moveme
nt. Key words: vacuumize four li
nk mecha
nism fusio
n impleme
nt 目录 第一章引言……………………………………………………l 第二章总体方案设计…………………………………………2 2.1单盖双室真空包装机的热封原理……………………………………2 2.2单盖双室真空包装机的工艺流程……………………………………2 2.3总体方案的确定………………………………………………………2 2.3.1热合部件…………………………………………………………2 2.3.2真空室的下工作室形状…………………………………………3 2.3.3平衡机构…………………………………………………………3 2.4主要零件的定型………………………………………………………4 2.4.1四连杆机构及真空室的设计……………………………………5 2.4.2四连杆机构的工艺说明…………………………………………8 2.4.3单盖双工位真空包装机的气路设计……………………………9 2.4.4热合条的参数确定………………………………………………10 2.4.5热合部件结构的确定……………………………………………11 第三章设计说明……………………………………………12 3.1润滑和密封……………………………………………………………12 3.2使用维护和保养………………………………………………………12 3.2.1使用前注意……………………………………………………12 3.2.2车间环境………………………………………………………12 3.2.3工艺参数的选择与调整………………………………………12 3.2.4其余操作注意事项……………………………………………12 3.2.5维护……………………………………………………………13 结束语………………………………………………………………14 致谢…………………………………………………………………15 参考文献……………………………………………………………16
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