This is mai
nly a spri
ng process of formi
ng a
nd Desig
n of the Be
ng Die for Spri
ng Pieces,Spri
ng Pieces is a commo
n i
ndustrial product, it eve
n made from composite mold, but it ca
n o
nly produce a size ofworkpiece. With the developme
nt of i
ndustry the size specificatio
n of product become more a
nd more. Put forward request that o
ne mold ca
n produce avariety of size a
nd thick
ness of product. The desig
n has selected this program(co
nuo-us mold),
not o
nly to solve the problem, but also to improve the utilizatio
n of the material. Usi
ng co
nuous mold to produce, just cha
nge some parts of the mold, it also ca
n produce others size of products. Duri
ng the desig
n process, choosi
ng the sta
ndard compo
nt as far as possible. Because, it is helpful to reduce costs a
nd cut dow
n the amou
nts ofwork. The desig
n is divided i
nto five part,that is : Material selectio
n, Mold structure, Art a
nd crafts a
nalysis a
nd calculatio
n, The mai
n parts desig
n, Ma
ng process.A practical structure of the be
ng die for formi
ng spri
ng pieces is prese
nted. Theworki
ng process of the die is i
ntroduced. The rebou
nd qua
ntity of the spri
ng pieces has bee
n calculated.Avertically floati
ng pu
nch a
nd two horizo
ntally movable die blocks are used for the die to compe
nsate the rebou
nd of the formed spri
ng pieces. 目录 内容提要Ⅰ AbstractⅡ 前言1 1绪论2 1.1冲压技术理论概述2 1.2冲压加工经济性分析3 2零件工艺性分析及确定工艺结构方案4 2.1产品零件图4 2.2零件工艺性分析4 2.3确定冲裁工艺方案5 3确定模具总体结构方案6 3.1模具类型6 3.2操作与定位方式6 3.3卸料与出件方式6 3.4模架类型及精度6 4工艺计算6 4.1排样设计与计算6 4.2冲裁力、压力机的选取及压力中心计算9 4.3压力中心的计算10 4.4凸、凹模刃口尺寸计算11 4.5卸料结构设计、弹性元件的选用和计算15 5连续模的主要零件设计16 5.1凸凹模结构设计16 5.2定位形式与结构设计20 5.3结构件与安装22 5.4模架23 5.5模具紧固件与自制零件选用24 5.6压力机的选用与校核25 6弯曲模设计计算26 6.1弯曲力的计算及压力机的选择26 6.2弹簧片的回弹量计算27 6.3弯曲模工作部分尺寸的确定28 6.4弯曲模的结构零件设计31 6.5弯曲模具弹簧结构及选用32 6.6弯曲模整体模具结构34 6.7弯曲模具工作过程35 6.8弯曲模零件总体尺寸的确定35 7模具的装配36 7.1模具装配的要点概述36 7.2连续模的装配工艺37 8方案二:进行冲孔落料的设计38 8.1零件的冲裁工艺分析38 8.2操作与定位方式38 8.3卸料装置的设计38 8.5工艺计算39 8.6凸凹模刃口尺寸的计算40 8.7冲裁力的计算40 8.8模架的选择41 8.9紧固件选用42 8.10压力机的选择42 9两种方案的优缺点42 9.1制造精度及使用寿命比较42 9.2模具的安装和调整43 9.3其它方面比较43 总结44 参考文献45 致谢46
nly a spri
ng process of formi
ng a
nd Desig
n of the Be
ng Die for Spri
ng Pieces,Spri
ng Pieces is a commo
n i
ndustrial product, it eve
n made from composite mold, but it ca
n o
nly produce a size ofworkpiece. With the developme
nt of i
ndustry the size specificatio
n of product become more a
nd more. Put forward request that o
ne mold ca
n produce avariety of size a
nd thick
ness of product. The desig
n has selected this program(co
nuo-us mold),
not o
nly to solve the problem, but also to improve the utilizatio
n of the material. Usi
ng co
nuous mold to produce, just cha
nge some parts of the mold, it also ca
n produce others size of products. Duri
ng the desig
n process, choosi
ng the sta
ndard compo
nt as far as possible. Because, it is helpful to reduce costs a
nd cut dow
n the amou
nts ofwork. The desig
n is divided i
nto five part,that is : Material selectio
n, Mold structure, Art a
nd crafts a
nalysis a
nd calculatio
n, The mai
n parts desig
n, Ma
ng process.A practical structure of the be
ng die for formi
ng spri
ng pieces is prese
nted. Theworki
ng process of the die is i
ntroduced. The rebou
nd qua
ntity of the spri
ng pieces has bee
n calculated.Avertically floati
ng pu
nch a
nd two horizo
ntally movable die blocks are used for the die to compe
nsate the rebou
nd of the formed spri
ng pieces. 目录 内容提要Ⅰ AbstractⅡ 前言1 1绪论2 1.1冲压技术理论概述2 1.2冲压加工经济性分析3 2零件工艺性分析及确定工艺结构方案4 2.1产品零件图4 2.2零件工艺性分析4 2.3确定冲裁工艺方案5 3确定模具总体结构方案6 3.1模具类型6 3.2操作与定位方式6 3.3卸料与出件方式6 3.4模架类型及精度6 4工艺计算6 4.1排样设计与计算6 4.2冲裁力、压力机的选取及压力中心计算9 4.3压力中心的计算10 4.4凸、凹模刃口尺寸计算11 4.5卸料结构设计、弹性元件的选用和计算15 5连续模的主要零件设计16 5.1凸凹模结构设计16 5.2定位形式与结构设计20 5.3结构件与安装22 5.4模架23 5.5模具紧固件与自制零件选用24 5.6压力机的选用与校核25 6弯曲模设计计算26 6.1弯曲力的计算及压力机的选择26 6.2弹簧片的回弹量计算27 6.3弯曲模工作部分尺寸的确定28 6.4弯曲模的结构零件设计31 6.5弯曲模具弹簧结构及选用32 6.6弯曲模整体模具结构34 6.7弯曲模具工作过程35 6.8弯曲模零件总体尺寸的确定35 7模具的装配36 7.1模具装配的要点概述36 7.2连续模的装配工艺37 8方案二:进行冲孔落料的设计38 8.1零件的冲裁工艺分析38 8.2操作与定位方式38 8.3卸料装置的设计38 8.5工艺计算39 8.6凸凹模刃口尺寸的计算40 8.7冲裁力的计算40 8.8模架的选择41 8.9紧固件选用42 8.10压力机的选择42 9两种方案的优缺点42 9.1制造精度及使用寿命比较42 9.2模具的安装和调整43 9.3其它方面比较43 总结44 参考文献45 致谢46