摘要 轴零件的主要作用是支撑回转零件、实现回转运动并传递转矩和动力。轴具备传动效率高、结构紧凑和使用寿命长等一系列优点,是通用机械特别是工程机械传动中的重要零件之一。轴加工材料、热处理方式、机械加工工艺过程的优化,将对提高轴的加工质量及寿命有着重要借鉴意义。本文对某企业提供的“轴”零件进行了机械制造工艺规程设计和铣键槽专用夹具设计。对于工艺规程设计和夹具设计制订了两套不同的方案,从中甄选出最佳方案。本设计首先分析了轴零件的作用和加工工艺性,然后进行工艺规程设计,最后是铣键槽专用夹具设计。轴零件的机械综合性能要求较高,一般选择锻件作为毛坯。合理安排工艺路线,划分加工阶段对保证零件加工质量至关重要。使用夹具可以缩短辅助时间,提高劳动生产率,保证加工精度,稳定加工质量,降低对工人的技术要求,扩大机床工艺范围。本文对所设计的专用夹具进行了精度校核和定位误差分析,对夹具的设计质量也进行了评估。 关键词:轴;工艺分析;工艺规程设计;夹具设计 Abstract The mai
n effect of shaft parts is to support the rotati
ng parts, rotary motio
n a
nd torque a
nd power. Shaftwith high tra
n efficie
ncy, compact structure a
nd lo
ng service life a
nd a series of adva
ntages, is the u
niversal machi
ne is o
ne of the most importa
nt parts i
n the tra
n of E
ng machi
nery. Shaft processi
ng materials, heat treatme
nt, machi
ng process optimizatio
n, to improve the machi
ng quality a
nd the life of shaft has sig
nce. I
n a
n e
nterprise to provide"axis" parts of the machi
nery ma
ng process pla
ng a
nd keyway milli
ng fixture desig
n. For the process desig
n a
nd fixture desig
n for two differe
nt sets of programs, select the best solutio
n fromzhe
n. Firstly this paper a
nalyzes the role a
nd process of shaft parts, the
n order for the desig
n process, the fi
nal desig
n of special fixture keyway milli
ng. Comprehe
nsive mecha
nical performa
nce requireme
nts of high shaft parts, ge
nerally as bla
nk forgi
ngs. Reaso
nable process route arra
nt, divisio
n stage of processi
ng isvery importa
nt to e
nsure the machi
ng quality of parts. The use of fixture ca
n reduce the auxiliary time, improve labor productivity, guara
ntee the processi
ng precisio
n, stable processi
ng quality, reduce the tech
nical requireme
nts forworkers, machi
ne tech
nology to expa
nd the scope of. I
n this paper, the precisio
n of calibratio
n a
nd positio
ng error of the special fixture desig
n a
nalysis, desig
n quality of the fixturewere also evaluated. Keywords: axis; process a
nalysis; process desig
n; fixture desig
n 目录 摘要I Abstract I 1引言3 1.1机械加工工艺规程3 1.2夹具设计特点4 2工艺规程设计6 2.1零件的分析6 2.1.1零件的作用6 2.1.2零件的工艺分析7 2.2工艺规程设计7 2.2.1确定毛坯的制造形式7 2.2.2基面的选择8 2.2.3制定工艺路线8 2.2.4机械加工余量,工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸的确定12 2.2.5确定切削用量12 第3章钻φ7孔专用夹具设计29 3.1夹具设计任务29 3.2拟订夹具结构方案与绘制夹具草图29 3.3钻削力和夹紧力的计算30 3.4定位误差33 3.5绘制夹具装配总图34 3.6夹具装配图上标注尺寸、配合和技术要求35 3.7夹具专用零件图设计绘制35 结论36 结论37 致谢38 参考文献39
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