25吨桥式起重机大车机构设计 摘要 起重机械用来对物料作起重、运输、装卸和安装等作业的机械设备,它可以减轻体力劳动、提高劳动生产率和在生产过程中进行某些特殊的工艺操作,实现机械化和自动化。随着现代科学技术的迅速发展,工业生产规模的扩大和自动化程度的提高,起重机在现代化生产过程中应用越来越广,作用愈来愈大,对起重机的要求也越来越高。尤其是计算机技术的广泛应用,许多跨学科的先进设计方法出现,这些都促使起重机的技术进入崭新的发展阶段。起重机械运送的物料可以是成件物品,也可以是散料或者是液态的。起重机受的载荷是变化的,它是一种间歇动作的机械。起重机一般由机械、金属结构和电气等三大部分组成,机械方面是指起升、运行、变幅和旋转等机构,即起重机一般是多动作的。 本设计通过对桥式起重机的大车运行机构部分的总体设计计算,以及电动机联轴器、缓冲器、制动器的选用;运行机构减速器的设计计算和零件的校核计算及结构设计,完成了桥式起重机的大车运行机构机械部分的设计。通过一系列的设计,满足了25t起重量、桥跨度为20米的设计要求,并且整个传动过程比较平稳,且大车运行机构结构简单,拆装方便,维修容易,价格低廉。关键词:起重机;桥式起重机;大车运行机构;减速器 ABSTRACT Cra
ne is a ki
nd of mecha
nical equipme
nts used for lifti
ng, movi
ng, loadi
ng, a
nd i
ng. It ca
n lower the ma
nualworkload a
nd upgrade productivity. With fast developme
nts of the moder
n tech
nology, the expa
n of i
ndustrial productio
n a
nd the growth of the automatic level, applicatio
ns of the car
nes i
n the moder
n ma
nufacture has bee
n more a
nd more exte
nsive, the effect has bee
n bigger a
nd bigger. Higher a
nd higher requireme
nt has bee
n caused. Especially,with the broad applicatio
n of computer tech
nology a
nd the appeara
nce of the adva
nced desig
n method of a lot of i
ne,which urge the tech
nology of the car
ne i
nto a bra
new seedtime.It ca
n be operated i
n some special e
nt, too, a
ndworkwith high automatic level. Cra
ne ca
n operatewhole objects, disi
ntegrated materials, or liquid substa
nces. The cra
ne loadsvary from time to time, so it is a periodic operatio
nal machi
ne. A cra
ne co
ns three major parts, mecha
nic compo
nts, a metal structure, a
nd electrical devices. A cra
ne’s mecha
nical moveme
nts are multi-actio
ns, such as raisi
ng, ru
ng, a
nd rotati
ng. This paper is mai
n dealwith mecha
nical desig
n for the movi
ng mai
nframe of bridge cra
ne, i
ng all desig
n calculatio
n selectio
n of electrical motors, clutch, buffer, a
nd brakes, the desig
n a
nd calculatio
n of the mai
nframe reducer, calibratio
n a
n of the calculatio
n for the parts, a
nd structure desig
ns. Through a series ofwork, the desig
n is satisfiedwith the fu
nal requirme
nts, 25to
n lifti
ng power a
nd 20 metre bridge spa
n. The course of drive is quite smooth. The mecha
nical structure of the mai
nframe is simple, easy to i
nstall/disassemble, a
nd mai
n. A
nd it has low cost. [Keywords]: car
ne;bridge cra
ne;the movi
ng mai
nframe;the reducer 目录 前言1 第1章概述2 1.1起重机的介绍2 1.2桥式起重机桥架简介2 1.3大车运行机构的设计2 1.4箱形梁桥式起重机桥架简介3 1.5箱形梁桥式起重机桥架主梁优化设计5 第2章桥式起重机大车运行机构设计6 2.1大车运行机构的计算6 2.2确定机构的传动方案6 2.3选择车轮与轨道,并验算其强度6 2.4运行阻力计算8 2.5选择电动机9 2.6验算电动机的发热功率条件9 2.7减速器的选择10 2.8验算运行速度和实际所需功率10 2.9验算起动时间10 2.10起动工况下校核减速器功率12 2.11验算启动不打滑条件12 2.12选择制动器14 2.13选择联轴器15 2.14浮动轴的验算16 第3章桥式起重机主梁的计算18 3.1大车轮距18 3.2主梁高粱18 3.3主梁腹板高度18 3.4确定主梁截面尺寸18 3.6主梁计算载荷确定19 3.7主梁垂直最大弯矩21 3.8主梁水平最大弯矩21 3.9主梁的强度验算22 3.10主梁的垂直刚度验算23 3.11主梁的水平刚度验算24 第4章桥式起重机端梁的计算25 4.1端梁高度25 4.2桥架端部梯形高度25 4.3端梁计算载荷的确定25 4.4端梁垂直最大弯矩26 4.5端梁水平最大弯矩26 4.6端梁截面尺寸的确定27 4.7端梁的强度验算28 第5章桥式起重机主要焊缝的计算31 5.1端梁端部上翼焊缝31 5.2端梁端部下翼缘焊缝31 5.3主梁与端梁的连接焊缝32 5.4主梁上盖板焊缝32 第6章桥式起重机端梁接头的设计33 6.1端梁接头的确定及计算33 6.2计算螺栓和焊缝的强度35 第7章桥式起重机焊接工艺设计37 总结40 参考文献42 致谢43
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