山楂切片机的设计 摘要 本文主要研究了一种山楂自动定向输送切片机,包括机架以及安装在机架上的电动机、链轮和带轮。滚子链的下边有摩擦板,左端链轮上端有料斗,传动装置右端外侧有可调护板。带轮由皮带带动,进而带动链轮转动,输送轴上链轮与链条结合,将山楂输送到动刀处,动刀是一排互相间隔的,边缘带有凹槽的圆盘形刀具,固定在动刀轴上。动刀轴通过齿轮传动带动,输送轴上的齿轮与动刀轴上的齿轮齿合,二个齿轮形成等速传动,这样能使输送轴与动刀轴的转速相同,钢丝固定在机架上,相切在动刀轴的边缘上。当动刀把山楂输送至于钢丝相接处时,在钢丝压力的作用下,山楂被切成一片一片的,随着动刀轴带动山楂转动,山楂被一点一点的切下去,最后被完整的切成若干片,到此切片机的切片过程完成。 本文主要包括以下内容:确定好机械执行方案及传动方案后,按工作机需求选择好电动机,并对各级传动机构进行传动比分配。对对V带进行设计计算, 然后对齿轮进行设计和计算,对滚子链进行了设计计算,最后将得到的尺寸径向三维建,最终装配成一整个成品。 本发明具有结构简单,易于加工,生产效率高等优点,具有广阔的市场前景。 关键词:切片;凹槽是圆盘形刀具;动刀轴;钢丝 The hawthor
n slicer desig
n Abstract This paper studies a hawthor
n automatic slicer directio
nal co
nveyor comprises a frame a
nd a motor, sprockets a
nd pulleys mou
nted o
n the rack. Roller chai
n lower frictio
n plates, topwith the left sprocket hopper, right outside of the tra
n may have
ng board. Pulley drive
n by a belt, a
nd the
n drive sprocket to rotate the shaft co
nveyor chai
n a
nd sprocket combi
n, hawthor
n tra
nsported to the k
nife at the k
nife is a row spaci
ng from each other,with the edge of the disc-shaped cutter grooves, fixed i
n the k
nife shaft. K
nife shaft drive
n by gear, tra
n gear shaft gear teeth togetherwith the k
nife shaft, two co
nt speed drive gear is formed, so make the same tra
nsport axis a
nd the k
nife shaft speedwire fixed to the rack, ta
nt o
n the edge of the k
nife shaft. As for the k
n Hawthor
n delivery phase at thewire, thewire u
nder the actio
n of pressure, hawthor
n is cut i
nto a piece,with the k
nife shaft drive
n to rotate hawthor
n, hawthor
n cut dow
n a little bit, the last full cut i
nto several pieces, sliced slicer complete this process. This article i
ncludes the followi
ng: impleme
n of the program to determi
ne a good mecha
nical a
nd tra
n optio
ns, the pressworki
ng machi
needs to choose a good motor a
nd tra
n gear ratio at all levels of distributio
n. Pairs of V-belt desig
n calculatio
n gear desig
n a
nd calculatio
n of the roller chai
n has bee
n desig
ned to calculate the size of a three-dime
nal radial fi
nally get built eve
ntually assembled i
nto a fi
nishedwhole. The prese
nt i
n has a simple structure, easy processi
ng, productio
n efficie
ncy, a
nd has broad market prospects. Keywords: slice;disc-shaped grooves are k
nife shaft;steel 目录 第一章绪论1 1.1本发明的设计内容与关键技术1 1.1.1设计内容1 1.1.2设计关键技术1 1.3.3设计创新点3 1.2山楂切片机研究现状4 1.3山楂切片机市场前景5 第二章山楂自动定向输送切片一体机方案设计6 2.1山楂切片目前存在的问题6 2.2方案的选择6 2.3总体方案设计9 第三章传动系统的设计11 3.1负荷计算11 3.1.1山楂片的切削阻力11 3.1.2带的负荷12 3.1.3链传动的负荷13 3.1.4电机与减速机的选择13 3.2齿轮传动的设计与计算14 3.2.1齿轮的计算14 3.2.2齿轮的零件立体图18 3.3带传动的设计与计算19 3.3.1带的选用19 3.3.2带的计算20 3.3.3带轮的结构设计22 3.4滚链式传送带的设计22 3.4.1链的设计22 3.4.2链的设计与计算22 3.4.3滚子链的机构24 3.4.4链轮的结构设计25 3.5滚筒的结构设计27 第四章切片机构的设计28 4.1切片机构刀槽送料盘与钢丝的设计28 4.2刀槽送料盘与钢丝的安装28 第五章其他零部件设计30 5.1轴承的选择与寿命的校核30 5.1.1轴承的选择30 5.1.2轴承寿命的计算30 5.2主要轴的结构设计与计算31 5.3机架的设计32 第六章结论与展望33 6.1结论33 6.2展望33 致谢35 参考文献36
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