摘要 随着国民经济水平的的提高,人们生活节奏的加快,越来越多的人没有时间来照料自己的生活,日常生活中,迭衣服是非常频繁而且琐碎的工作,人们主要是依靠自己手动迭衣,没有合适的自动化装置进行迭衣。本次课题为:自动迭衣机的设计,其由齿轮传动机构、导杆机构、槽轮间歇机构及迭衣板和扭簧构成。 本次设计首先,调查了自动迭衣机的研究及发展现况;接着,通过现有自动迭衣机原理进行分析,在此分析基础上提出了总体结构方案,即采用齿轮传动、;导杆机构折迭、槽轮机构间歇动作、扭簧回位的方式;然后,对各主要机构及其零件进行设计与校核;最后,绘制了本迭衣机的装配图和主要零件图。 通过本次设计,巩固了大学所学专业知识,如:机械原理、机械设计、材料力学、公差与互换性理论、机械制图等;掌握了普通机械产品的设计方法并能够熟练使用AutoCAD软件,对今后的工作与生活具有极大意义。 关键词:迭衣,导杆,槽轮,齿轮,设计 Abstract With the improveme
nt of the
nal eco
nomy a
nd the quicke
ng of people's life rhythm, more a
nd more people have
no time to take care of their lives. I
n daily life, foldi
ng clothes arevery freque
nt a
nd trivialwork. People mai
nly rely o
n their ow
n ma
nual stacki
ng, a
nd there is
no suitable automatic device to stack their clothes. This topic is: the desig
n of automatic foldi
ng machi
ne,which is composed of gear tra
n mecha
nism, guide bar mecha
nism, i
nt mecha
nism of groovedwheel, overlay plate a
nd torsio
n spri
ng. This desig
n first i
nvestigates the curre
nt status of the research a
nd developme
nt of automatic foldi
ng machi
ne. The
n, through the a
nalysis of the existi
ng automatic coati
ng machi
ne pri
nciple, the overall structural scheme is put forward o
n the basis of the a
nalysis, that is, theway of gear tra
n, the foldable guide rod mecha
nism, the i
nt moveme
nt of the slotwheel mecha
nism a
nd the torsio
n spri
ng back. Desig
n a
nd check the mecha
nism a
nd its parts; fi
nally, draw up the assembly drawi
ng a
nd mai
n parts drawi
ng of the overlay machi
ne. Through this desig
n, it has co
nsolidated the professio
nal k
nowledge of the U
niversity, such as mecha
nical pri
nciple, mecha
nical desig
n, material mecha
nics, tolera
nce a
nd i
ngeability theory, mecha
nical drawi
ng, a
nd so o
n. It has mastered the desig
n method of ordi
nary mecha
nical products a
nd ca
n use AutoCAD software skillfully,which is of great sig
nce for the futurework a
nd life. Keywords: Overlay; Guide rod, Groovedwheel, Desig
n 目录 摘要I Abstract II 第一章绪论1 1.1研究背景及意义1 1.2研究现状1 1.3课题目的2 第二章总体方案设计2 2.1总体结构设想2 2.2执行机构方案3 2.3动力类型的选择4 2.4减速器类型的选择4 2.4机方案确定4 2.4.1最终方案4 2.4.1工作原理5 第三章整机参数选择与计算6 3.1电动机选择6 3.1.1电动机概述6 3.1.2选择电动机系列6 3.1.3选择电动机功率6 3.2减速器选择7 3.3运动和动力参数计算7 第四章主要零部件的设计与校核9 4.1齿轮传动的设计9 4.1.1齿轮传动概述9 4.1.2选精度等级、材料和齿数9 4.1.3按齿面接触疲劳强度设计9 4.1.4按齿根弯曲强度设计11 4.1.5几何尺寸计算12 4.2槽轮机构12 4.2.1槽轮机构概述12 4.2.2槽轮机构运动分析13 4.2.3槽轮机构运动参数14 4.3导杆机构设计14 4.3.1导杆结构介绍14 4.3.2位置分析14 4.3.3速度分析15 4.3.4设计计算15 为确定导杆的加速度,为公式4-8对时间求二次导数,结果为: 15 4.4传动轴的设计17 4.4.1尺寸与结构设计计算17 4.4.2强度校核计算18 4.4标准件的选用与校核19 4.4.1轴承19 4.4.2键20 4.5复位扭簧的选择20 4.5.1扭转弹簧介绍20 4.5.2主要参数20 4.5.3扭转弹簧性能因数21 4.6传动箱体的设计21 4.7机架的设计21 总结22 参考文献23 致谢24
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