摘要 1963年,设计民微型Hydrack钻机。这是一种非常轻而短的钻机,其行程为851mm。采用三速齿轮箱,其最大转矩为691Nm,有效钻孔推力为2145公斤。设计钻杆较小,直径为41.3mm,长为762mm,也带锥形螺纹接头,称为ET/A型钻杆。ET/A型和最初的ET/N型钻杆是抽放瓦斯的两种标准钻孔设备,现已包括在英国煤炭部第613/1974号样本中。 钻机——有一个带滑板的机架,由滑板支撑。钻头安装在滑座上,由液压马达、变速齿轮箱和推力套以及供水旋转接头组成。在机架内滑座下是液压缸。机架上钻孔末端的导向夹持器用来固定和支持钻杆。 Hydrack钻机是由由组标准件装置组成; 动力设备——这是一个装有液压油的油箱,下面有滑橇,便于运输。一台电动机液压泵及其它辅助设备,如回油过滤器安全阀、加油泵、油箱通气管以及湿度安全开关都安装在油箱上面。 控制盘——为四个装置中最小的。包含有钻孔功能的控制阀,指示转矩的压力计以及钻头上的钻进压力。 装配式机架——当准备钻孔时,机架支撑着钻机。机架形式多种以适应不同钻孔地形变化,有H型机架、A型机架和单支柱支座。后两项是根据钻机使用者提出来的要求设计的。 液压油通过挠性液压软管从动力装置站输送到控制盘,然后进入钻机。软管一般长4m,能适应各种装置的定位。 关键词:动力设备控制盘装配式机架 ABSTRACT Hydrack gas drilli
ng rig is the first for the electro-hydraulic drilli
ng rig, the rig before most of the air-powered. Drill pipe a
nd bit by a hydraulic motor through the rotati
ng six-speed gear box; to be thrust i
nto power a
nd the trip from 815 mm to achieve the hydraulic cyli
nders,with rack a
nd pi
n system to processwill be carried out twice. About the most torque 949 Nm, away to about 1702 mm bit o
n the effective thrust of about 2,794 kg. Diameter drill pipe desig
n for the 60.3 mm, for the 1524 mm lo
ngwith a co
ne-shaped male co
nector, commo
nly k
n as EF/ N-type drill pipe. 1963, the desig
n of the micro-Hydrack rig. This is avery short period of Qi
nger drilli
ng rig, his trip to 851 mm. A three-speed gear box, the largest of its torque to 691 Nm, effective drilli
ng thrust 2,145 kg. Desig
n drill pipe smaller diameter of 41.3 mm, le
ngth of 762 mm, alsowith co
ne-shaped male co
nector, called ET/ A-type drill pipe. ET/ A-type a
nd the i
nitial ET/ N-type drill pipe is the drai
nage of two sta
ndard gas drilli
ng equipme
nt, i
ng i
n the U
nited Ki
ngdom is
now No. 613/1974 of the Mi
nistry of Coal samples. Hydrack drilli
ng rig is i
nstalled by the group composed of sta
ndard parts; Drill- a rackwith skateboards, skateboards support. Bit i
nstalled i
n the slidi
ng seat, by the hydraulic motors, Bia
n me a
nd thrust aswell as sets of compo
nt supply rotary joi
nt. O
n the rack, slide u
nder the hydraulic cyli
nder. Bored e
nd of the rack-orie
nted holder used to support the drill pipe a
nd fixed. Power equipme
nt-which is equippedwith a hydraulic oil ta
nk, followi
ng a slip-ski, makes it easy to tra
nsport. A motor a
nd hydraulic pump a
nd other auxiliary equipme
nt, such as the retur
n to the oil filter, safetyvalve, a
nd pumps, ta
nk airway a
nd humidity safety switches are i
nstalled i
n the fuel ta
nk above. Co
ntrol pa
nel- the smallest of the four devices. Bored fu
ns i
nclude the co
ntrolvalve, pressure gauge a
nd the i
ns of torque o
n the drilli
ng bit pressure. Rack assembly-whe
n the preparatio
ns for drilli
ng, rack supports drilli
ng rig. Rack to adapt to avariety of differe
nt forms of drilli
ng terrai
n cha
nges, H-rack, A-frame a
nd si
ng pillars. The latter two are based drilli
ng rig users to the requireme
nts of the desig
n. Hydraulic oil through hydraulic flexible hose from the power pla
nt statio
n tra
nsmitted to the co
ntrol pa
nel a
nd the
n i
nto the rig. Ge
neral lo
ng hose 4 m, to adapt to the positio
ng devices. Keyword: Power equipme
nt Co
ntrol pa
nel Rack assembly 目录 1.1引言1 1.2概述3 1.2.2钻机整体设计分析6 1.3钻机主要用途6 1.4钻机组成部分6 1.5、钻机工作原理8 2总体设计9 2.1设计总则9 2.2已知条件9 2.3马达的选择与计算9 2.4液压缸13 2.4.1液压缸已知参数14 2.4.2液压缸几何参数的计算14 2.4.3液压缸性能参数的计算15 3减速器的设计计算19 3.1国外减速器现状19 3.2国内减速器现状19 3.3各级传动比分配及总传动比20 3.3.1总传动比20 3.3.2传动比的分配21 3.3.3传动系统的运动和动力参数计算21 3.4传动零件的计算22 3.4.1 a-b齿轮副设计计算: 22 3.4.2 c-d齿轮副: 28 3.4.3 e-f齿轮副: 34 4轴的设计及校核计算45 4.1花键轴的设计计算: 45 4.2空心轴的设计计算48 4.3轴承的选择与校核计算52 4.4键的选择与校核计算54 4.4.1轴上键的选择与校核54 4.5轴系部件的结构设计55 4.5.1轴承盖的结构设计55 4.6轴外伸处的密封设计57 4.7套筒的设计57 4.8减速器箱体的设计58 4.9油面位置及箱座高度的确定60 5钻机其他部件的设计60 5.1立柱的设计60 5.2夹持架的设计: 61 5.3机架的设计: 62 6钻机的操作和日常维护62 6.1钻空操作: 62 6.2常见故障分析与处理方法63 6.3钻机的维护、保养65 6.4井下安装试车66 6.5下井运输66 6.6地面试车67 7结论69 致谢70 参考文献71
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