n;出料作业粒度大小:100-200(毫米);电动机结构功率大小:132KW。设计了解破碎机设备的发展情况和研究颚式结构类型,破碎机设备具体意义及复摆颚式结构类型的尺寸大小对破碎作业综合性能方面的影响,求解分析确定PE1200×1600结构型号设备机构性能参数,设计内容通常包含复摆颚式结构类型破碎机设备动颚结构、偏心形式轴结构、皮带轮结构、动颚部件的齿板结构、定颚部件齿板结构、机架总体结构等一些重要的部件;除此以外,对颚式结构类型的破碎机设备作业的基本原理以及性能特点和关键零件的功能作了分析了解,包括保险作业机构、调整作业机构、机架结构作业机构、润滑作业机构等;同时对设备的参数大小(主轴结构的转速大孝生产作业的能力大孝破碎载荷大孝功率大小等)作求解分析。此外,对破碎作业的意义、破碎作业的工艺和破碎比参数大小的求解分析,颚式结构类型的破碎机设备,主要的安装作业、操作作业及维修作业进行了详细的介绍。 关键词:破碎机;进料口;颚式; Abstract There are ma
ny ki
nds of crusher types used i
n our cou
now, i
ng jaw, hammer, co
nical structure, cou
nterattack structure a
nd roll structure type. Compari
ng the crusher equipme
nt of the compou
nd pe
ndulum type a
nd the simple pe
ndulum type crusher, his adva
ntage is that the overall quality is small, the structure of the crushi
ng cavity is full of the effect of the operatio
n, a
nd the material block is broke
n by the u
niform type. The productio
n operatio
n is more efficie
nt, a
nd the efficie
ncy of the productio
n operatio
n is higher tha
n that of the simple pe
ndulum type structure type crusher of the same specificatio
n type, a
nd the efficie
ncy of the productio
n operatio
n is higher 20-30%; the material block object has a large up a
nd dow
n operatio
n i
n the lower positio
n of the movable jaw structure. It is easy to roll out the moveme
nt i
n the shape of the cube a
nd reduce the compo
nt of the sheet like type i
n the material like the simple a
nd pe
ndulum type structure, a
nd the quality of the product is better. The parameters developed i
n this paper belo
ng to the size of the i
nlet structure: 1200x 1600 mm; the maximum size of the feedi
ng operatio
n: 1100 mm; the ability to dealwith the operatio
n: 400-800(t/h); the rotatio
nal speed of the ecce
ntric shaft structure: 160r/mi
n; the size of the dischargi
ng operatio
n: 100-200(millimeter); the power of the motor structure is large Little: 132KW. beltwheel structure, movable jaw tooth plate structure, fixed jaw tooth plate structure, frame structure a
nd so o
n are importa
nt for the crusher equipme
nt of the compou
nd jaw type structure type. At the same time, the parameters of the equipme
nt, such as the size of the rotatio
nal speed of the spi
ndle, the size of the productio
n operatio
n, the size of the crushi
ng load, the size of the crushi
ng load, the power a
nd so o
n, are also a
nalyzed. I
n additio
n, the sig
nce of the crushi
ng operatio
n, the process of crushi
ng operatio
n a
nd the size of the crushi
ng ratio parameters are solved, a
nd the mai
n i
n, operatio
n a
nd mai
ncework of the jaw crusher type crusher equipme
nt are i
ntroduced. Keywords: crusher; feed port; jaw type 目录 摘要I Abstract II 第1章绪论1 1.1引言1 1.2复摆颚式破碎机设备的特点2 1.3国内外颚式破碎机设备的发展及现状3 第2章总体的结构设计4 2.1复摆颚式破碎机设备的结构4 2.2复摆颚式破碎机设备的工作原理5 第3章主要参数大小的确定7 3.1.已知参数大小7 3.2.部分结构参数大小的确定7 3.3工作的参数大小的确定9 3.4电动机结构的选择9 3.5四连杆形式机构各杆长度大小的确定10 3.6破碎力载荷大小求解分析10 3.7各受载荷分析11 第4章传动机构的设计12 4.1带轮结构的设计12 4.1大带轮14 4.2飞轮结构的设计15 4.3偏心轴结构的设计16 4.4轴承结构的选择以及校核18 4.5键零件的校核20 4.6轴承座结构的设计20 4.7配重结构的选择21 4.8外形尺寸的设计21 第5章各结构相关的设计23 5.1动腭结构的设计23 5.2齿板结构的设计24 5.3推力板的设计25 5.4调整作业机构的设计25 5.5破碎作业腔型结构的设计26 5.6机架结构的设计26 第6章复摆颚式破碎机设备的安装28 6.1破碎机设备的安装28 6.2机架结构的安装28 6.3偏心轴结构和机架结构的安装28 6.4肘板结构的安装28 6.5动鄂结构的安装29 6.6齿板结构的安装29 第7章颚式破碎机设备的磨损30 7.1齿板结构磨损分析30 7.2颚板结构磨损机制31 第8章破碎机设备出口扬尘作业的解决和噪声防治32 8.1破碎机设备出口位置扬尘的解决32 8.2破碎机设备的噪声大小危害及防治途径32 第9章颚式破碎机设备的操作使用33 9.1启动之前的准备作业33 9.2操作顺序33 9.3破碎机的维护与保养34 9.3.1破碎机的日常维护34 9.3.2颚式破碎机的故障分析与排除34 结论36 参考文献38 致谢39
n;出料作业粒度大小:100-200(毫米);电动机结构功率大小:132KW。设计了解破碎机设备的发展情况和研究颚式结构类型,破碎机设备具体意义及复摆颚式结构类型的尺寸大小对破碎作业综合性能方面的影响,求解分析确定PE1200×1600结构型号设备机构性能参数,设计内容通常包含复摆颚式结构类型破碎机设备动颚结构、偏心形式轴结构、皮带轮结构、动颚部件的齿板结构、定颚部件齿板结构、机架总体结构等一些重要的部件;除此以外,对颚式结构类型的破碎机设备作业的基本原理以及性能特点和关键零件的功能作了分析了解,包括保险作业机构、调整作业机构、机架结构作业机构、润滑作业机构等;同时对设备的参数大小(主轴结构的转速大孝生产作业的能力大孝破碎载荷大孝功率大小等)作求解分析。此外,对破碎作业的意义、破碎作业的工艺和破碎比参数大小的求解分析,颚式结构类型的破碎机设备,主要的安装作业、操作作业及维修作业进行了详细的介绍。 关键词:破碎机;进料口;颚式; Abstract There are ma
ny ki
nds of crusher types used i
n our cou
now, i
ng jaw, hammer, co
nical structure, cou
nterattack structure a
nd roll structure type. Compari
ng the crusher equipme
nt of the compou
nd pe
ndulum type a
nd the simple pe
ndulum type crusher, his adva
ntage is that the overall quality is small, the structure of the crushi
ng cavity is full of the effect of the operatio
n, a
nd the material block is broke
n by the u
niform type. The productio
n operatio
n is more efficie
nt, a
nd the efficie
ncy of the productio
n operatio
n is higher tha
n that of the simple pe
ndulum type structure type crusher of the same specificatio
n type, a
nd the efficie
ncy of the productio
n operatio
n is higher 20-30%; the material block object has a large up a
nd dow
n operatio
n i
n the lower positio
n of the movable jaw structure. It is easy to roll out the moveme
nt i
n the shape of the cube a
nd reduce the compo
nt of the sheet like type i
n the material like the simple a
nd pe
ndulum type structure, a
nd the quality of the product is better. The parameters developed i
n this paper belo
ng to the size of the i
nlet structure: 1200x 1600 mm; the maximum size of the feedi
ng operatio
n: 1100 mm; the ability to dealwith the operatio
n: 400-800(t/h); the rotatio
nal speed of the ecce
ntric shaft structure: 160r/mi
n; the size of the dischargi
ng operatio
n: 100-200(millimeter); the power of the motor structure is large Little: 132KW. beltwheel structure, movable jaw tooth plate structure, fixed jaw tooth plate structure, frame structure a
nd so o
n are importa
nt for the crusher equipme
nt of the compou
nd jaw type structure type. At the same time, the parameters of the equipme
nt, such as the size of the rotatio
nal speed of the spi
ndle, the size of the productio
n operatio
n, the size of the crushi
ng load, the size of the crushi
ng load, the power a
nd so o
n, are also a
nalyzed. I
n additio
n, the sig
nce of the crushi
ng operatio
n, the process of crushi
ng operatio
n a
nd the size of the crushi
ng ratio parameters are solved, a
nd the mai
n i
n, operatio
n a
nd mai
ncework of the jaw crusher type crusher equipme
nt are i
ntroduced. Keywords: crusher; feed port; jaw type 目录 摘要I Abstract II 第1章绪论1 1.1引言1 1.2复摆颚式破碎机设备的特点2 1.3国内外颚式破碎机设备的发展及现状3 第2章总体的结构设计4 2.1复摆颚式破碎机设备的结构4 2.2复摆颚式破碎机设备的工作原理5 第3章主要参数大小的确定7 3.1.已知参数大小7 3.2.部分结构参数大小的确定7 3.3工作的参数大小的确定9 3.4电动机结构的选择9 3.5四连杆形式机构各杆长度大小的确定10 3.6破碎力载荷大小求解分析10 3.7各受载荷分析11 第4章传动机构的设计12 4.1带轮结构的设计12 4.1大带轮14 4.2飞轮结构的设计15 4.3偏心轴结构的设计16 4.4轴承结构的选择以及校核18 4.5键零件的校核20 4.6轴承座结构的设计20 4.7配重结构的选择21 4.8外形尺寸的设计21 第5章各结构相关的设计23 5.1动腭结构的设计23 5.2齿板结构的设计24 5.3推力板的设计25 5.4调整作业机构的设计25 5.5破碎作业腔型结构的设计26 5.6机架结构的设计26 第6章复摆颚式破碎机设备的安装28 6.1破碎机设备的安装28 6.2机架结构的安装28 6.3偏心轴结构和机架结构的安装28 6.4肘板结构的安装28 6.5动鄂结构的安装29 6.6齿板结构的安装29 第7章颚式破碎机设备的磨损30 7.1齿板结构磨损分析30 7.2颚板结构磨损机制31 第8章破碎机设备出口扬尘作业的解决和噪声防治32 8.1破碎机设备出口位置扬尘的解决32 8.2破碎机设备的噪声大小危害及防治途径32 第9章颚式破碎机设备的操作使用33 9.1启动之前的准备作业33 9.2操作顺序33 9.3破碎机的维护与保养34 9.3.1破碎机的日常维护34 9.3.2颚式破碎机的故障分析与排除34 结论36 参考文献38 致谢39