洗衣机管接头注塑模设计 摘要 塑料模具的发展是随着塑料工业的发展而发展的。近年业,人们对各种设备和用品轻量化要求越来越高,这就为塑料制品提供了更为广阔的市常 本设计对“洗衣机管接头”进行研究和讨论,分析了其工艺特点,介绍其注射模结构及模具的工作过程,系统阐述了注射模设计过程,对洗衣机管接头塑料制件结构和成型工艺进行分析,主要包括成型位置及分型面的选择,模具型腔数的确定及型腔的排列,流道布局和浇口位置的选择,模具工作零件的结构设计,推出机构的设计,拉料杆的形式选择,排气方式设计等,并对锁模力、注射压力、开模行程等进行校核,以及模具零件材料的选择和制造进行了分析。 本设计方案结构紧凑,满足制品大批量生产、高精度、外形复杂的要求,设计参考了以往注射模具的设计经验,并结合制件性能,简化设计机构,并且运用AutoCAD、Solidwork等软件进行二维和三维绘图,缩短了生产周期,获得良好的经济性能。 关键词:洗衣机管接头;塑料注射模;侧抽芯 Abstract The plastic mold's developme
nt is develops alo
ngwith the plastics i
ndustry developme
nt. I
n rece
ntyears, the peoplewere getti
ng higher a
nd higher request to lightweight of each ki
nd of equipme
nt a
nd the thi
ng, this has provided a broader market for the plastic products. The desig
n of the"washi
ng machi
ne pipe" to carry out research a
nd discussio
n, a
nd a
nalysis of the characteristics of its tech
nology to i
ntroduce the structure of i
n mold a
nd diework processes, systems o
n the process of i
n mold desig
n, plastic fitti
ngs forwashi
ng machi
ne parts structure a
nd formi
ng process a
nalysis, i
ng the locatio
n a
nd the moldi
ng surface of choice, to determi
ne the
number of mold cavity a
nd the cavity flow arra
nt a
nd the layout a
nd the choice of gate locatio
n, thework of parts of the structure of mold desig
n, the i
n of i
nal desig
n, drawi
ng materials u
nder the form of optio
ns, such as exhaust desig
n. The compact desig
n to meet the mass productio
n of products, high-precisio
n, complex shape desig
nedwith refere
nce to past experie
nce i
n i
n mold desig
n, combi
nedwith performa
nce parts to simplify the desig
n a
nd use of AutoCAD, solidwork software, such as two-dime
nal a
nd three-dime
nal graphics a
nd shorte
ned the productio
n cycle, access to good eco
nomic performa
nce. Keywords:washi
ng machi
ne pipe l; i
n mould desig
n; core-drawi
ng 目录 引言1 1概论2 1.1洗衣机管接头注塑模设计总体方案2 1.2设计基本过程2 2塑料工艺规程的分析4 2.1注塑材料4 2.2塑件制件设计的工艺分析5 2.3计算塑件的体积和重量6 3模具设计6 3.1注射机的选择7 3.2分型面的设计9 3.3浇注系统设计10 3.4排溢系统的设计13 3.5成型零件的设计13 3.6合模导向机构设计16 3.7推出机构设计19 3.8侧向抽芯机构设计20 3.9温度调节系统24 3.10注塑机各项行程校核25 3.11模架设计25 4模具材料的选用和制造26 4.1模具材料的选用26 4.2模具零件制造27 5结论29 谢辞30 参考文献31 附录32
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