The machi
ng process is to realize the product desig
n, e
nsure the quality of products, save e
nergy a
nd reduce co
n of importa
nt mea
ns, a
nd this subject research CA6140 lathe processi
ng procedure after bracket. Based o
n the a
nalysis of the drawi
ng, u
nd the structure form, to specific tech
nical requireme
nts,which o
n the surface of each compo
nt to choose the appropriate processi
ng method, a
nd the
n develop reaso
nable tech
nical process, i
n the formulatio
n of the tech
nological process,you
need to make sure the process of i
n locatio
n a
nd the process
need towork step, processi
ng the process of locomotive a
nd feed of the machi
ne tool, cutti
ng depth, spi
ndle speed a
nd cutti
ng speed, this process of fixture, cutti
ng tools a
nd measuri
ng tools, a
nd go k
nife times a
ndwalk the le
ngth of the sword, fi
nally calculated the process of basic time, auxiliary time a
nd locate service time toverify achieve productio
n requireme
nts. Machi
ne tool clamp desig
n process equipme
nt desig
n is a
n importa
nt part of i
n thewhole process of mecha
nical processi
ng, clampi
ng fixture i
n additio
n, fixed by processi
ng parts, so
need to choose correspo
ng parts to realize positio
ng; Also requires that the positio
n precisio
n processi
ng parts, i
ncrease the processi
ng productivity, so
need to calculate the clampi
ng device clampi
ng force, a
nd accordi
ng to the requireme
nts of the parts processi
ng part. Keywords: process formulatio
n;process;work step;machi
ng allowa
nce;time quotas;fixture;positio
ng scheme;clampi
ng force 目录 1 CA6140机床后托架加工工艺1 1.1 CA6140机床后托架的作用1 1.2 CA6140机床后托架的工艺分析2 1.3 CA6140机床后托架的工艺要求及技术要求2 1.4确定后托架零件的生产类型及制造方法3 1.5确定各表面加工方案3 1.5.1在选择各表面及孔的加工方法时,要综合考虑以下因素3 1.5.2平面的加工3 1.5.3孔的加工方案4 2工艺路线的拟订4 2.1粗基准的选择4 2.2精基准选择的原则4 2.3加工经济精度与加工方法的选择5 2.4工艺顺序的安排5 2.5工序的集中与分散6 2.6加工阶段的划分6 2.7加工工艺路线方案的比较7 2.8 CA6140机床后托架的偏差,加工余量,工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸的确定9 2.8.1毛坯的结构工艺要求9 2.8.2 CA6140机床后托架的偏差计算10 2.9确定切削用量及基本工时(机动时间) 12 2.9.1工序1粗、精铣底面12 2.9.2工序2粗、半精、精镗CA6140侧面三杠孔13 2.9.3工序3钻顶面四孔20 2.9.4工序4钻侧面两孔24 3时间定额计算及生产安排26 3.1粗、精铣底面26 3.2镗侧面三杠孔26 3.3钻顶面四孔27 3.4钻左侧面两孔27 3.5 M 6的螺纹孔攻丝28 4机床夹具设计28 4.1夹具的功能28 4.2机床夹具的分类28 4.3机床夹具的组成29 4.4常用定位方法与定位元件29 4.4.1六点定位原理29 4.4.2工件以平面定位,主要形式是支承定位。 29 4.4.3工件以圆柱孔定位30 4.4.4工件以外圆表面定位30 5镗孔夹具设计30 5.1研究原始质料30 5.2定位基准的选择30 5.3切削力及夹紧力的计算31 5.4误差分析与计算32 结论34 致谢35 参考文献36
ng process is to realize the product desig
n, e
nsure the quality of products, save e
nergy a
nd reduce co
n of importa
nt mea
ns, a
nd this subject research CA6140 lathe processi
ng procedure after bracket. Based o
n the a
nalysis of the drawi
ng, u
nd the structure form, to specific tech
nical requireme
nts,which o
n the surface of each compo
nt to choose the appropriate processi
ng method, a
nd the
n develop reaso
nable tech
nical process, i
n the formulatio
n of the tech
nological process,you
need to make sure the process of i
n locatio
n a
nd the process
need towork step, processi
ng the process of locomotive a
nd feed of the machi
ne tool, cutti
ng depth, spi
ndle speed a
nd cutti
ng speed, this process of fixture, cutti
ng tools a
nd measuri
ng tools, a
nd go k
nife times a
ndwalk the le
ngth of the sword, fi
nally calculated the process of basic time, auxiliary time a
nd locate service time toverify achieve productio
n requireme
nts. Machi
ne tool clamp desig
n process equipme
nt desig
n is a
n importa
nt part of i
n thewhole process of mecha
nical processi
ng, clampi
ng fixture i
n additio
n, fixed by processi
ng parts, so
need to choose correspo
ng parts to realize positio
ng; Also requires that the positio
n precisio
n processi
ng parts, i
ncrease the processi
ng productivity, so
need to calculate the clampi
ng device clampi
ng force, a
nd accordi
ng to the requireme
nts of the parts processi
ng part. Keywords: process formulatio
n;process;work step;machi
ng allowa
nce;time quotas;fixture;positio
ng scheme;clampi
ng force 目录 1 CA6140机床后托架加工工艺1 1.1 CA6140机床后托架的作用1 1.2 CA6140机床后托架的工艺分析2 1.3 CA6140机床后托架的工艺要求及技术要求2 1.4确定后托架零件的生产类型及制造方法3 1.5确定各表面加工方案3 1.5.1在选择各表面及孔的加工方法时,要综合考虑以下因素3 1.5.2平面的加工3 1.5.3孔的加工方案4 2工艺路线的拟订4 2.1粗基准的选择4 2.2精基准选择的原则4 2.3加工经济精度与加工方法的选择5 2.4工艺顺序的安排5 2.5工序的集中与分散6 2.6加工阶段的划分6 2.7加工工艺路线方案的比较7 2.8 CA6140机床后托架的偏差,加工余量,工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸的确定9 2.8.1毛坯的结构工艺要求9 2.8.2 CA6140机床后托架的偏差计算10 2.9确定切削用量及基本工时(机动时间) 12 2.9.1工序1粗、精铣底面12 2.9.2工序2粗、半精、精镗CA6140侧面三杠孔13 2.9.3工序3钻顶面四孔20 2.9.4工序4钻侧面两孔24 3时间定额计算及生产安排26 3.1粗、精铣底面26 3.2镗侧面三杠孔26 3.3钻顶面四孔27 3.4钻左侧面两孔27 3.5 M 6的螺纹孔攻丝28 4机床夹具设计28 4.1夹具的功能28 4.2机床夹具的分类28 4.3机床夹具的组成29 4.4常用定位方法与定位元件29 4.4.1六点定位原理29 4.4.2工件以平面定位,主要形式是支承定位。 29 4.4.3工件以圆柱孔定位30 4.4.4工件以外圆表面定位30 5镗孔夹具设计30 5.1研究原始质料30 5.2定位基准的选择30 5.3切削力及夹紧力的计算31 5.4误差分析与计算32 结论34 致谢35 参考文献36