手持式车用多功能吸尘器结构设计 摘要 随着科技的发展,生活水平的提高,拥有汽车的家庭越来越多。车载吸尘器市场,它的潜力极为惊人。但据调查,虽然国内高达95%的用户有购买车载吸尘器的意向,可迄今为止,由于传统的吸尘器的种种技术和设计问题,国内车载吸尘器的购买率却不高。针对该市场的巨大潜力,于此,本课题将设计出一个手持式车用多功能吸尘器。 本课题根据三维数字化建模思想,通过采用SolidWorks软件进行计算机辅助设计,设计过程中经过草绘、粗模、再计算,将所得的数据进行了多次三维建模,最后利用模型进行干涉检查、模拟装配和流体分析等处理,最终得出吸尘器的整体结构模型。文章中采用工业旋风分离除尘技术对吸尘器集尘部分进行整体设计。其涉及到结构设计、三维造型、空气动力学等内容。本课题设计的核心部分包括:集尘分离装置的设计、旋风分离器相关尺寸设计、风叶轮结构设计。 集尘分离装置部分,其由两组旋风分离器构成:上游旋风分离器、下游旋风分离器。上游旋风分离器分离颗粒较大的灰尘、杂质。气体通过中间的网孔进入下游旋风分离器。下游旋风分离器由6个小旋风分离器并联构成,通过采用并联技术,可大大提高分离效率。对下游小旋风分离器的外观尺寸、倾角设计进行了的详细介绍。 风机系统设计部分,由过滤网,风叶轮,电机,排气罩等组成,主要介绍风叶轮叶片尺寸设计计算,并对风叶轮进行静力分析和流体分析,得出各种参数,再对其叶片角度参数进行修改,使其抽风效率达到最大化。 文章中对集尘筒盖弹射开关、过滤网罩和螺旋进风口部件做出了简要的设计,阐述了其结构难点与设计过程,其相关尺寸计算省略。 关键词:多功能吸尘器;旋风分离技术;结构设计;流体分析 Abstract With the developme
nt of scie
nce a
nd tech
nology, improveme
nt of livi
ng sta
ndards, More a
nd more family have car. Carvacuum clea
ner market, its pote
ntial is extremely alarmi
ng. Accordi
ng to the survey, although up to 95% of the domestic user's i
n to buy car clea
ners, so far, due to the traditio
nalvacuum clea
ner all the tech
nical a
nd desig
n issues, the purchase rate of the domestic car clea
ners is
not high. The huge market pote
ntial here, this projectwill desig
n a ha
ndheld carwith multi-fu
nvacuum clea
ner. This subject u
nder the three-dime
nal digital modeli
ng idea, through the use of SolidWorks software for computer-aided desig
n, sketch the desig
n process. Coarse mode, a
nd the
n calculated the data obtai
ned from a
number of three-dime
nal modeli
ng, the fi
nal model for i
nce checki
ng.simulate assembly a
nd fluid a
nalysis a
nd processi
ng, co
ncluded that the overall structure of the model ofvacuum clea
ner. I
ndustrial cyclo
ne separator dustvacuum clea
ner dust part of the overall desig
n of the article.Related to the structure desig
n, 3D modeli
ng, aerody
namics, a
nd other co
nt.The core of this topic i
nclude: the desig
n of the dust separatio
n devices, cyclo
ne size desig
n, thewi
nd impeller structure desig
n. Dust separatio
n u
nit part, by two cyclo
ne: the upstream cyclo
ne, dow
nstream cyclo
ne. Upstream cyclo
ne separatio
n of larger particles of dust a
nd impurities. The gas passes through the middle of the mesh i
nto the dow
nstream cyclo
ne. The dow
nstream cyclo
ne cyclo
ne i
n parallel by six small, through the use of parallel tech
nology, ca
n greatly improve the separatio
n efficie
ncy. The appeara
nce of the size of the dow
nstream cyclo
ne i
n desig
n details. Part of the fa
n system desig
n, filter, air impeller, motor, exhaust hood a
nd other compo
nts, the mai
nd impeller blade size desig
n calculatio
ns, a
nd impeller static a
nalysis a
nd fluid a
nalysis obtai
nedvarious parameters, the
n its blade a
ngle parameters to modify it to maximizeve
n efficie
ncy. The article ejectio
n switch o
n the dust cover, filter cover a
nd spiral air i
ntake parts to make a brief desig
n, described the structure of difficultywith the desig
n process, the size calculatio
n is omitted. Keywords:Multi-fu
nvacuum clea
ner; cyclo
ne separatio
n tech
nology; structural desig
n; fluid a
nalysis 目录 引言1 1绪论2 1.1课题背景2 1.2国内吸尘器研究现状2 1.3国外吸尘器研究现状3 1.4课题研究目的及意义3 2车用吸尘器的附属功能概述5 2.1多功能吸尘器的特点5 2.2多功能吸尘器的运作原理5 2.3多功能吸尘器的形态特征6 2.4多功能吸尘器的附属功能6 2.5多功能吸尘器的市场7 2.6多功能吸尘器设计定位8 3吸尘器整体方案设计9 3.1吸尘器的组成和分类9 3.1.1吸尘器的组成9 3.1.2吸尘器的分类9 3.2吸尘器的整体分析9 3.2.1吸尘器的性能参数标准9 3.2.2吸尘器的工作原理10 3.2.3集尘分离方式10 3.3吸尘器集尘分离装置方案设计11 3.4吸尘器电机选择12 4吸尘器结构设计与计算14 4.1旋风分离器结构设计14 4.1.1旋风分离原理14 4.1.2旋风分离器的性能参数15 4.1.3影响旋风分离器性能因素16 4.1.4旋风分离器的结构型式16 4.1.5旋风分离器的结构尺寸定型18 4.2风叶轮设计21 4.2.1风叶轮的结构选型21 4.2.2风叶轮的理论设计21 4.2.3风叶轮的设计参数确定24 4.3集尘筒盖弹射开关设计26 4.4过滤网罩设计27 4.5螺旋进风口设计29 4.6小结30 5吸尘器的总装31 5.1模拟装配31 5.2干涉检查32 5.3吸尘器工作过程33 5.4后期渲染处理34 6吸尘器模拟仿真分析35 6.1有限元理论概述35 6.1.1有限元理论概述35 6.1.2 SolidWorks Simulatio
n软件有限元分析简介35 6.2风叶轮静力分析36 6.2.1三维实体建模37 6.2.2有限元建模37 6.2.3结果分析39 6.3风叶轮流体分析40 6.3.1对风叶轮流体分析的必要性40 6.3.2有限元建模41 6.3.3结果分析41 6.4小结42 7总结43 谢辞45 参考文献46
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