At prese
nt, the plastic mold i
ndustrywith plasticl i
nstead of the steel, to the developme
nt of plastic i
nstead ofwood a
nd product parts precisio
n a
nd complexity of the co
nuous improveme
nt,Plastic Will co
nue to i
ncrease the proportio
n of plastic molds, the precisio
n a
nd complexitywill i
ncreasewith the correspo
ng aswill,thus, the future of the plastic moldwill bevery broad. This graduate that desig
n is:The shell of AA battery charger i
njects the mold. This desig
n primarily passeses to pieceviability assessme
nt for request for of shape, size a
nd its accuracy comi
ng proceedi
ng i
ng type craft. the piece thewall for of type craft primarily i
ng the piece is thick, slope a
nd circle a
ngle a
ndwhether to have core-pulli
ng or
not mecha
nism.Pass the above a
nalysis to come the certai
n moldi
ng tool ce
nt the type the surface, type the
number, gate the form, place the size; The amo
ng them a
nd most importa
nt is a certai
n type core a
nd the co
n of the type. I
n additio
n a
nd still a
nalyzed the moldi
ng tool to suffer force, mold that desig
n that the desig
n of the patter
n draw mecha
nism, match the desig
n etc. to lead to the mecha
nism, cooli
ng system. This desig
n used moldflow simulatio
n of plastic melt i
n the cavity of the mold filli
ng a
nd cooli
ng process a
nalysis, The more i
ntuitive to fi
nd the desig
n flaws that may exist, Process a
nd optimized process parameters. Keywords:The shell of AA battery charger; i
njects the mold; moldflow simulatio
n 目录 引言1 1.概述2 1.1 5号电池充电器底座模具设计的流程2 1.2模具设计方案3 2.产品零件的工艺分析4 2.1注塑材料的选取4 2.2塑件制件设计的工艺分析7 2.2.1尺寸和精度要求7 2.2.2脱模斜度8 2.2.3加强筋的设计9 2.2.4计算塑件的体积和重量计算9 3.注塑机选择10 3.1注射机初步选定10 3.2型腔数量的确定和校核10 3.3注射量校核11 3.4注射压力校核12 3.5最大投影面积校核12 3.6锁模力校核13 3.7注射机的安装尺寸校核13 3.7.1喷嘴尺寸13 3.7.2开模行程校核13 4.模具设计14 4.1分型面的设计14 4.2浇注系统的原则16 4.3主流道的设计16 4.4分流道的设计18 4.4.1分流道的布置18 4.4.2分流道的长度和截面尺寸19 4.5浇口的设计19 4.5.1浇口的作用20 4.5.2浇口类型选择20 4.5.3浇口位置的选择21 4.6排气系统设计23 4.7成型零件工作尺寸的计算23 4.7.1上壳体型腔型芯成形零件尺寸计算26 4.7.2下壳体型腔型芯成形零件尺寸计算28 4.8注塑模导向机构设计30 4.8.1导柱结构设计30 4.8.2导套结构设计30 4.9推出脱模机构设计30 4.9.1推出零件设计30 4.10模温调节系统设计32 4.10.1模具温度对塑件质量的影响32 4.10.2模具温度对生产效率影响32 4.10.3冷却系统设计原则33 5.模架设计33 6.模具工作过程分析35 7.结语36 谢辞37 参考文献38 附录: 39 附表1塑料制件公差数值表39 附表2几种常用塑料的收缩率39 附表3精度等级的选用(SJ1372-78) 40
nt, the plastic mold i
ndustrywith plasticl i
nstead of the steel, to the developme
nt of plastic i
nstead ofwood a
nd product parts precisio
n a
nd complexity of the co
nuous improveme
nt,Plastic Will co
nue to i
ncrease the proportio
n of plastic molds, the precisio
n a
nd complexitywill i
ncreasewith the correspo
ng aswill,thus, the future of the plastic moldwill bevery broad. This graduate that desig
n is:The shell of AA battery charger i
njects the mold. This desig
n primarily passeses to pieceviability assessme
nt for request for of shape, size a
nd its accuracy comi
ng proceedi
ng i
ng type craft. the piece thewall for of type craft primarily i
ng the piece is thick, slope a
nd circle a
ngle a
ndwhether to have core-pulli
ng or
not mecha
nism.Pass the above a
nalysis to come the certai
n moldi
ng tool ce
nt the type the surface, type the
number, gate the form, place the size; The amo
ng them a
nd most importa
nt is a certai
n type core a
nd the co
n of the type. I
n additio
n a
nd still a
nalyzed the moldi
ng tool to suffer force, mold that desig
n that the desig
n of the patter
n draw mecha
nism, match the desig
n etc. to lead to the mecha
nism, cooli
ng system. This desig
n used moldflow simulatio
n of plastic melt i
n the cavity of the mold filli
ng a
nd cooli
ng process a
nalysis, The more i
ntuitive to fi
nd the desig
n flaws that may exist, Process a
nd optimized process parameters. Keywords:The shell of AA battery charger; i
njects the mold; moldflow simulatio
n 目录 引言1 1.概述2 1.1 5号电池充电器底座模具设计的流程2 1.2模具设计方案3 2.产品零件的工艺分析4 2.1注塑材料的选取4 2.2塑件制件设计的工艺分析7 2.2.1尺寸和精度要求7 2.2.2脱模斜度8 2.2.3加强筋的设计9 2.2.4计算塑件的体积和重量计算9 3.注塑机选择10 3.1注射机初步选定10 3.2型腔数量的确定和校核10 3.3注射量校核11 3.4注射压力校核12 3.5最大投影面积校核12 3.6锁模力校核13 3.7注射机的安装尺寸校核13 3.7.1喷嘴尺寸13 3.7.2开模行程校核13 4.模具设计14 4.1分型面的设计14 4.2浇注系统的原则16 4.3主流道的设计16 4.4分流道的设计18 4.4.1分流道的布置18 4.4.2分流道的长度和截面尺寸19 4.5浇口的设计19 4.5.1浇口的作用20 4.5.2浇口类型选择20 4.5.3浇口位置的选择21 4.6排气系统设计23 4.7成型零件工作尺寸的计算23 4.7.1上壳体型腔型芯成形零件尺寸计算26 4.7.2下壳体型腔型芯成形零件尺寸计算28 4.8注塑模导向机构设计30 4.8.1导柱结构设计30 4.8.2导套结构设计30 4.9推出脱模机构设计30 4.9.1推出零件设计30 4.10模温调节系统设计32 4.10.1模具温度对塑件质量的影响32 4.10.2模具温度对生产效率影响32 4.10.3冷却系统设计原则33 5.模架设计33 6.模具工作过程分析35 7.结语36 谢辞37 参考文献38 附录: 39 附表1塑料制件公差数值表39 附表2几种常用塑料的收缩率39 附表3精度等级的选用(SJ1372-78) 40