The structural desig
n of this armweldi
ng positio
ner is to desig
n a armweldi
ng positio
ner structurewith the degree of freedom of theweldi
ng ma
nipulator, a
nd to realize the flexible operatio
n of theweldi
ng ma
nipulator i
n i
ndustry. Its basic structural form is realized by the rotatio
n of theweldi
ng ma
nipulator,which ca
n reach a
n arbitrary positio
n i
n a certai
n space a
nd realize the i
ndustrial objects Accurate tra
nsfer fu
n of parts o
ng. Accordi
ng to the requireme
nts of this desig
n a
nd the releva
nt desig
n materials, combi
nedwith the desig
n factors of the ma
nipulator i
n the existi
ng market, a reaso
nable overall desig
n scheme of the ma
nipulator i
n this desig
n is determi
ned. I
n the proposed scheme, through the releva
nt tech
nical a
nalysis a
nd parameter calculatio
n, after co
ng the releva
nt docume
nts, the structure of the armweldi
ng positio
ner i
n this desig
n is determi
ned The sta
ndardized desig
n of parameters such as the structure of arm a
nd fi
nger tip clampi
ng solder is desig
ned. O
n the basis of the proposed desig
n, through the actual use of the armweldi
ng positio
ner for sampli
ng, structural a
nalysis, parametric calculatio
n, the desig
n of importa
nt compo
nts i
n the structure of theverificatio
n, a
nd fi
nally determi
ne the size of each desig
n compo
nt i
n the structure. I
n the desig
n, the scheme of the mecha
nism is desig
ned by software. Accordi
ng to the size of the releva
nt dime
ns of this desig
n, the sketch of the structural desig
n of the armweldi
ng positio
ner is draw
n by software, a
nd the correspo
ng desig
n structural e
ng drawi
ng of CAD is draw
n after export. A
nd ca
n achieve the purpose of rapid a
nd accurate tra
nsfer of solder, a
nd fi
nally achieve the actio
n ofweldi
ng. Keywords:weldi
ng upper ma
nipulator rotatio
n, ma
nipulator, ma
nipulator arm 目录 1引言1 1.1机械臂的发展1 1.2臂式焊接变位机研究概况1 1.2.1国外研究现状2 1.2.2国内研究现状2 1.3自动臂式焊接变位机的总体结构3 2自动臂式焊接变位机总体结构设计5 2.1自动臂式焊接变位机工程概述3 2.2自动臂式焊接变位机方案论述3 2.3机械臂机械传动原理4
n of this armweldi
ng positio
ner is to desig
n a armweldi
ng positio
ner structurewith the degree of freedom of theweldi
ng ma
nipulator, a
nd to realize the flexible operatio
n of theweldi
ng ma
nipulator i
n i
ndustry. Its basic structural form is realized by the rotatio
n of theweldi
ng ma
nipulator,which ca
n reach a
n arbitrary positio
n i
n a certai
n space a
nd realize the i
ndustrial objects Accurate tra
nsfer fu
n of parts o
ng. Accordi
ng to the requireme
nts of this desig
n a
nd the releva
nt desig
n materials, combi
nedwith the desig
n factors of the ma
nipulator i
n the existi
ng market, a reaso
nable overall desig
n scheme of the ma
nipulator i
n this desig
n is determi
ned. I
n the proposed scheme, through the releva
nt tech
nical a
nalysis a
nd parameter calculatio
n, after co
ng the releva
nt docume
nts, the structure of the armweldi
ng positio
ner i
n this desig
n is determi
ned The sta
ndardized desig
n of parameters such as the structure of arm a
nd fi
nger tip clampi
ng solder is desig
ned. O
n the basis of the proposed desig
n, through the actual use of the armweldi
ng positio
ner for sampli
ng, structural a
nalysis, parametric calculatio
n, the desig
n of importa
nt compo
nts i
n the structure of theverificatio
n, a
nd fi
nally determi
ne the size of each desig
n compo
nt i
n the structure. I
n the desig
n, the scheme of the mecha
nism is desig
ned by software. Accordi
ng to the size of the releva
nt dime
ns of this desig
n, the sketch of the structural desig
n of the armweldi
ng positio
ner is draw
n by software, a
nd the correspo
ng desig
n structural e
ng drawi
ng of CAD is draw
n after export. A
nd ca
n achieve the purpose of rapid a
nd accurate tra
nsfer of solder, a
nd fi
nally achieve the actio
n ofweldi
ng. Keywords:weldi
ng upper ma
nipulator rotatio
n, ma
nipulator, ma
nipulator arm 目录 1引言1 1.1机械臂的发展1 1.2臂式焊接变位机研究概况1 1.2.1国外研究现状2 1.2.2国内研究现状2 1.3自动臂式焊接变位机的总体结构3 2自动臂式焊接变位机总体结构设计5 2.1自动臂式焊接变位机工程概述3 2.2自动臂式焊接变位机方案论述3 2.3机械臂机械传动原理4