This desig
n is the leaf stem separator, mai
nly for the structural desig
n of the leaf stem separator, i
ng the desig
n of the feedi
ng mecha
nism, the desig
n of the drum structure, the selectio
n of the tra
n mode, the structural a
nalysis a
nd desig
n of the separatio
n device. I
n the process of separati
ng leaves a
nd stems, leaf stem pla
nts pla
nted o
n Chi
nese herbal medici
ne a
nd agricultural separatio
n machi
nery are difficult to separate ma
nually i
n order to achieve better separatio
n effect a
nd make the leaves a
nd stems
not mixed together. Therefore,whe
n desig
ng leaf stem separator, accordi
ng to the
needs of the existi
ng market, a good device for separati
ng leaves a
nd stems is desig
ned to achieve the goal of The separatio
n of leaves a
nd stems ca
n i
ncrease the classificatio
n efficie
ncy of leaf a
nd stem o
n Chi
nese herbal medici
ne a
nd agricultural separatio
n machi
nery. Whe
n pla
ng leaf a
nd stem o
n Chi
nese herbal medici
ne a
nd agricultural separatio
n machi
nery, effective separatio
n a
nd treatme
nt must be carried out. Therefore, i
n the treatme
nt of the separatio
n of leaves a
nd stems, the classificatio
n of leaves a
nd stems is a more troublesome thi
ng, a
nd it is easy to cause i
njuries u
nder the artificial treatme
nt. The leaf stem pla
nt separator desig
ned i
n this paper ca
n complete the separatio
n higher a
nd realize a
n adva
nced classificatio
n method of leaf stem pla
nts o
n Chi
nese herbal medici
ne a
nd agricultural separatio
n machi
nery. At prese
nt, some differe
nt separators i
n the market have some disadva
ntages i
n differe
nt structures a
nd ca
n be improved. For example, some separators ca
not separate large leaves a
nd stems. I
n additio
n the quality of leaves a
nd stems is too heavy, they ca
not separate
normally,whichwill cause great labor i
nsity a
nd other shortcomi
ngs for people'swork. This desig
n of leaf a
nd stem pla
nt separator, mai
nly based o
n the u
ng of the existi
ng separator, desig
ned equipme
nt suitable for the curre
nt separatio
needs, to achieve a good co
nwith the mecha
nical separatio
n mecha
nism. Keywords: leaves, separatio
n, ma
nt, separatio
n 目录 第一章绪论6 1.1叶茎分离机背景及意义6 1.2叶茎植物分离机的发展7 1.2.1国外发展概况7 1.2.2国内发展概况7 1.3本次结构设计的主要技术指标8 第二章叶茎植物分离机方案的结构设计10 2.1叶茎分离机的传动方案10 2.2电机的选择10 2.3传动机构的分析12 2.3.1带的力学分析12 2.3.2摩擦情况下的力学分析13 2.4分离机传动相关设计计算17 2.4.1 V型带的传动的计算17 2.4.2轴承的选用和校核19 第三章叶茎分离机三维结构设计23 3.1叶茎分离机槽锟机构23 3.2机架的结构设计24 3.2.1机架的结构设计24 3.3整体三维结构的设计25 3.4叶茎分离机使用注意事项26 结论27 参考文献28
n is the leaf stem separator, mai
nly for the structural desig
n of the leaf stem separator, i
ng the desig
n of the feedi
ng mecha
nism, the desig
n of the drum structure, the selectio
n of the tra
n mode, the structural a
nalysis a
nd desig
n of the separatio
n device. I
n the process of separati
ng leaves a
nd stems, leaf stem pla
nts pla
nted o
n Chi
nese herbal medici
ne a
nd agricultural separatio
n machi
nery are difficult to separate ma
nually i
n order to achieve better separatio
n effect a
nd make the leaves a
nd stems
not mixed together. Therefore,whe
n desig
ng leaf stem separator, accordi
ng to the
needs of the existi
ng market, a good device for separati
ng leaves a
nd stems is desig
ned to achieve the goal of The separatio
n of leaves a
nd stems ca
n i
ncrease the classificatio
n efficie
ncy of leaf a
nd stem o
n Chi
nese herbal medici
ne a
nd agricultural separatio
n machi
nery. Whe
n pla
ng leaf a
nd stem o
n Chi
nese herbal medici
ne a
nd agricultural separatio
n machi
nery, effective separatio
n a
nd treatme
nt must be carried out. Therefore, i
n the treatme
nt of the separatio
n of leaves a
nd stems, the classificatio
n of leaves a
nd stems is a more troublesome thi
ng, a
nd it is easy to cause i
njuries u
nder the artificial treatme
nt. The leaf stem pla
nt separator desig
ned i
n this paper ca
n complete the separatio
n higher a
nd realize a
n adva
nced classificatio
n method of leaf stem pla
nts o
n Chi
nese herbal medici
ne a
nd agricultural separatio
n machi
nery. At prese
nt, some differe
nt separators i
n the market have some disadva
ntages i
n differe
nt structures a
nd ca
n be improved. For example, some separators ca
not separate large leaves a
nd stems. I
n additio
n the quality of leaves a
nd stems is too heavy, they ca
not separate
normally,whichwill cause great labor i
nsity a
nd other shortcomi
ngs for people'swork. This desig
n of leaf a
nd stem pla
nt separator, mai
nly based o
n the u
ng of the existi
ng separator, desig
ned equipme
nt suitable for the curre
nt separatio
needs, to achieve a good co
nwith the mecha
nical separatio
n mecha
nism. Keywords: leaves, separatio
n, ma
nt, separatio
n 目录 第一章绪论6 1.1叶茎分离机背景及意义6 1.2叶茎植物分离机的发展7 1.2.1国外发展概况7 1.2.2国内发展概况7 1.3本次结构设计的主要技术指标8 第二章叶茎植物分离机方案的结构设计10 2.1叶茎分离机的传动方案10 2.2电机的选择10 2.3传动机构的分析12 2.3.1带的力学分析12 2.3.2摩擦情况下的力学分析13 2.4分离机传动相关设计计算17 2.4.1 V型带的传动的计算17 2.4.2轴承的选用和校核19 第三章叶茎分离机三维结构设计23 3.1叶茎分离机槽锟机构23 3.2机架的结构设计24 3.2.1机架的结构设计24 3.3整体三维结构的设计25 3.4叶茎分离机使用注意事项26 结论27 参考文献28