KST1015叉杆的加工工艺及钻Ф30孔夹具设计 摘要 现代机械加工行业发生着深刻的结构性变化,工艺工装的设计与改良已成为相关企业生存和发展的必要条件。夹具行业作为一个传统而富有活力的行业,近十几年取得了突飞猛进的发展。在新经济时代,这一行业呈现了新的发展趋势。 本次设计对KST1015叉杆的加工工艺及钻削Ф30圆柱孔进行研究。、首先对零件进行分析,然后选择毛坯制造形式,制订工艺路线,确定机械加工余量、切削用量等。对于专用夹具的设计,首要的任务是想好设计方案,根据所设计的方案确定定位面,限制每个定位元件的自由度,使其达到设计要求。为保证工件在本工序中所有需要完成的待加工面充分暴露在外,夹具要做的尽可能敞开,因为夹紧机构元件和加工面之间应保持一定的安全距离,以防止夹具与钻套、刃具在加工过程中发生干涉。 通过本次设计提升了我独立分析与解决机械制造的实际课题的能力,并且在计算机CAD、三维制图、资料检索等方面也得到了锻炼与提高。 关键词:夹具、KST1015、叉杆、钻削、Ф30 Abstract The moder
n machi
ng i
ndustry has u
ne profou
nd structural cha
nges, a
nd the desig
n a
nd improveme
nt of process tooli
ng has become a
necessary co
n for the survival a
nd developme
nt of related e
nterprises. As a traditio
nal a
ndvigorous i
ndustry, fixture i
ndustry has made rapid progress i
n rece
nt decades. I
n the
new eco
nomic era, this i
ndustry prese
nts a
new developme
nt tre
nd. This desig
n studies the processi
ng tech
nology of KST1015 fork rod a
nd drilli
ng 30 cyli
ndrical holes. Firstly, the parts are a
nalyzed, the
n the bla
nk ma
ng form is selected, the tech
nological route isworked out, a
nd the machi
ng allowa
nce a
nd cutti
ng parameters are determi
ned. For the desig
n of special fixture, the first task is to desig
n a good desig
n scheme, accordi
ng to the desig
n scheme to determi
ne the positio
ng surface, limiti
ng the freedom of each positio
ng eleme
nt, so that it ca
n meet the desig
n requireme
nts. I
n order to e
nsure that theworkpiece
needs to be fully exposed i
n this process, the fixture should be as ope
n as possible, because the clampi
ng mecha
nism eleme
nts a
nd the machi
ng surface should be kept a certai
n dista
nce betwee
n the safety, to preve
nt the clamp a
nd drill sleeve, cutti
ng tools i
n the process of i
nce. Through this desig
n, I have improved my ability to a
nalyze a
nd solve the practical problems of mecha
nical ma
ng i
ntly, a
nd have also bee
n trai
ned a
nd improved i
n computer CAD, three-dime
nal mappi
ng, i
n retrieval a
nd other aspects. Keywords: jig, KST1015, fork rod, drilli
ng, 30 目录 摘要I Abstract II 1零件的工艺性分析1 1.1零件的组成表面、技术要求及形位公差分析1 1.1.1零件的组成表面分析1 1.1.2零件的技术要求分析1 1.1.3零件的形位公差分析1 1.2零件的作用1 1.3零件的工艺性审查2 1.4确定零件的生产类型3 2拟定零件工艺路线及确定毛坯4 2.1选择定位基准4 2.1.1粗基准的选择4 2.1.2精基准的选择4 2.2工序顺序的安排原则4 2.3制定工艺路线5 2.3.1工艺路线方案1 5 2.3.2工艺路线方案2 5 2.3.3工艺路线的分析、确定6 2.4零件毛坯的确定6 2.5机床、夹具、刀具及量具的确定7 2.6零件加工余量的确定8 2.7切削用量及时间定额的计算9 3钻削Ф30圆柱孔专用夹具设计24 3.1机床夹具的介绍24 3.2问题的提出24 3.3选择定位方案和定位元件24 3.4选择夹紧方案和夹紧元件26 3.5夹具体的设计26 3.6导向装置选择27 3.7切削力计算27 3.8夹紧力计算27 3.9定位误差分析28 结论29 致谢30 参考文献31
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