并联3D打印机结构设计与控制 Desig
n a
nd Co
ntrol of Parallel 3D Pri
nter Structure 摘要 3D打印技术在20世纪90年代中期出现,经过十几年的发展,由最开始的打印机数量之少,和受到打印材料单一的限制,打印产品比较单一,到现在打印方法多样,涉及领域广泛,随着3D打印技术的兴起,使得许多传统加工遇到的问题得到解决,缩短了产品生产周期,提高了生产效率。 本文根据设计任务书的具体要求,对并联3D打印机的机械结构进行设计计算,其中包括驱动元件步进电机的选型计算与强度校核、传动机构的选型计算与强度校核,这其中包括同步带的选型计算与强度校核,以及为了保证3D打印机的精度,采用张紧轮对同步带进行预紧。因为并联式3D打印机的运动方式是将同步带轮的旋转运动转换成滑块沿导轨直线运动,所以对滑块连杆机构进行选型计算与强度校核。接着3D打印技术的国内外发展现状进行了介绍,阐述了3D打印的优势与不足,介绍了3D打印的工作原理,几种典型的3D打印成型方式,和成型材料。介绍了3D打印机的硬件控制系统,选择Ardui
no作为控制器,A4988作为步进电机驱动器,ramps1.4作为控制板。 关键词:3D打印强度并联Ardui
no Abstract 3D pri
ng tech
nology emerged i
n the mid-1990s. After more tha
n 10years of developme
nt, the
number of pri
nters from thevery begi
ngwas small, a
nd the pri
ng materialswere limited. The pri
ng productswere relatively simple. Now the pri
ng methods are diverse, coveri
ng awide ra
nge of fields. With the rise of 3D pri
ng tech
nology, ma
ny of the problems e
ntered i
n traditio
nal processi
ng have bee
n solved, shorte
ng the productio
n cycle a
nd i
ng the productio
n efficie
ncy. Accordi
ng to the specific requireme
nts of the graduatio
n desig
n task book, the paper desig
ns a
nd calculates the mecha
nical structure of the parallel 3D pri
nter, i
ng the selectio
n calculatio
n a
nd stre
ngth check of the steppi
ng motor of the drive eleme
nt, the selectio
n calculatio
n a
nd the stre
ngth check of the tra
n mecha
nism. I
ng timi
ng belt selectio
n calculatio
n a
nd stre
ngth check, a
nd i
n order to e
nsure the accuracy of the 3D pri
nter, the te
n pulley is used to pre-tighte
n the timi
ng belt. Because the parallel type 3D pri
nter's moveme
nt method is to co
nvert the rotatio
nal motio
n of the timi
ng belt pulley i
nto a li
near moveme
nt of the slider alo
ng the guide rail, the selectio
n a
nd calculatio
n of the slider li
nkage mecha
nism a
nd the stre
ngth check are performed. The
n the developme
nt status of 3D pri
ng tech
nology at home a
nd abroadwas i
ntroduced. The adva
ntages a
nd disadva
ntages of 3D pri
ngwere described. Theworki
ng pri
nciples of 3D pri
ng, several typical 3D pri
ng methods, a
nd moldi
ng materialswere i
ntroduced. The hardware co
ntrol system of the 3D pri
nterwas i
ntroduced. The Ardui
no co
ntrollerwas selected as the co
ntroller, the A4988was used as the stepper motor driver, a
nd the ramps1.4was used as the co
ntrol board Keywords:3D pri
ng stre
ngth i
n parallel Ardui
no 目录 1绪论1 1.1选题的背景与意义1 1.1.1选题的背景1 1.1.2选题的意义1 1.2 3D打印技术的发展现状3 1.2.1国外发展现状3 1.2.2国内发展现状3 1.3研究的目的与意义5 1.4的主要内容5 1.5章节安排5 2总体方案的设计5 2.1并联3D打印的系统概述5 2.2并联3D打印机械结构系统5 2.3并联3D打印机的硬件控制系统7 2.4并联3D打印机的软件控制系统11 2.5 3D打印机的工作机理分析及机构设计方案11 2.5.1 3D打印的原理11 2.5.2 3D打印累计技术原理12 2.5.3几种工艺性能的对比14 2.5.4 3D打印所用的材料14 2.6五种工艺打印耗材14 2.7串并联3D打印机对比14 3并联3D打印机机械结构的设计15 3.1结构组成与工作原理15 3.2构型设计16 3.3整体尺寸的计算16 3.4连杆长度的确定与强度的校核17 3.5电机的选型与计算18 3.6同步带的选型与计算22 3.6.1传动方案的选择22 3.6.2选型计算与寿命校核23 3.7同步带轮的设计选取25 3.8导轨的选择计算与强度校核26 3.9滚动轴承27 4 3D打印编程技术与通用算法27 4.1 3D打印机固件开发环境27 4.2 3D打印的数据处理29 4.3 3D打印与Gcode 29 5总结与展望30 5.1全文总结30 5.2展望32 参考文献33 致谢34 附录35
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