压缩机定子冲压工艺及模具设计 摘要 本设计是对给定的压缩机定子进行冲压模具设计。冲压工艺的选择是经查阅相关资料和和对产品形状仔细分析的基础上进行的;冲压模具的选择是在综合考虑了经济性、零件的冲压工艺性以及复杂程度等诸多因素的基础上进行的;产品毛坯展开尺寸的计算是在方便建设又不影响模具成型的前提下简化为所熟悉的模型进行的。文中还对冲压成型零件和其它相关零件的选择原则及选择方法进行了说明,另外还介绍了几种产品形状的毛坯展开尺寸计算的方法和简化模型,以及冲压模具设计所需要使用的几种参考书籍的查阅方法。 关键词:压缩机定子;冲压模具;冲压工艺;成型零件 Abstract This desig
n is a stampi
ng die desig
n for a give
n compressor stator. The selectio
n of stampi
ng process is carried out o
n the basis of co
ng related data a
nd carefully a
ng the shape of the product. The selectio
n of stampi
ng dies is based o
n a comprehe
nsive co
n of ma
ny factors such as eco
nomy, stampi
ng process a
nd complexity of parts. O
n the premise that the mold is molded, it is simplified to the familiar model. I
n additio
n, the selectio
n pri
nciple a
nd selectio
n method of stampi
ng parts a
nd other related parts are also explai
ned. I
n additio
n, the calculatio
n method a
nd simplified model of the bla
nk expa
n of several product shapes are also i
ntroduced, a
nd several refere
nce bookswhich
need to be used i
n the desig
n of stampi
ng die desig
n are also i
ntroduced. Keywords: compressor stator; stampi
ng die; stampi
ng process; moldi
ng parts 目录 摘要I Abstract II 前言1 第一章、零件图及工艺方案的拟订4 1.1.零件图及零件工艺性分析4 1.1.1.零件图4 1.1.2.零件的工艺性分析4 1.2.工艺方案的确定5 第二章、工艺设计6 2.1.搭边值计算6 2.2.计算工件实际面积6 2.3.分析排样方案6 2.4.计算各工序的压力7 2.5.压力机的选择8 2.6.压力中心的计算8 第三章、模具类型及结构形式的选择11 3.1.级进模的设计11 第四章、模具工作零件刃口尺寸及公差的计算13 4.1.冲裁间隙13 4.2.模具间隙对模具的影响13 4.3.刃口尺寸计算15 第五章、模具零件的选用,设计及必要的计算18 5.1.模具零件的选用18 5.1.1.成形零件18 5.1.2.支撑固定零件21 5.1.3.卸料零件21 5.2.标准件选择21 5.3.导向装置22 第六章压力机的校核24 第七章、模具的动作原理及综合分析25 7.1.模具的动作原理25 7.2.模具的装配25 设计心得27 致谢28 主要参考文献29
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