D型旋风除尘器设计 摘要 此设计的介绍了旋风除尘器的各部分结构尺寸的确定以及旋风除尘器性能的计算,以普通旋风除尘器为基础,结合此课题的现代设计方法,设计了一台符合一定压力损失和除尘效率的D型旋风除尘器,并绘制了该旋风除尘器的装配图、零件图。本设计由以下几步完成:第一步,通过查阅各种资料了解旋风除尘器的型号选择和设计原理,并计算出旋风除尘器各部分的尺寸;第二步,根据资料上的材料选择标准以及强度校核公式,对旋风除尘器各零部件的材料进行选择并进行强度校核;第三步,对旋风除尘器进行耐磨、防腐处理,并完成装配设计;第四步,用CAD软件绘制该旋风除尘器的装配图、零件图;第五步,整理资料,选取与设计相关的英文文献进行翻译完成设计说明书。旋风除尘器的除尘效率影响繁多,想要进一步提高旋风除尘器的效率,还需要对其结构尺寸、密封性等方面进行进一步的优化。 关键词:旋风除尘器;压力损失;除尘效率;强度 ABSTRACT This graduatio
n desig
n i
ntroduces the determi
n of the size of the structure of the cyclo
ne dust collector a
nd the calculatio
n of the performa
nce of the cyclo
ne dust collector. Based o
n the co
nal cyclo
ne dust collector a
nd the moder
n desig
n method of this topic, a desig
n method is desig
ned to meet the pressure loss a
nd dust Efficie
ncy of the D-type cyclo
ne dust collector, a
nd draw the cyclo
ne dust collector assembly drawi
ngs, parts drawi
ngs. The graduatio
n desig
n is completed by the followi
ng steps The first step, through access to avariety of i
n to u
nd the cyclo
ne dust collector model selectio
n a
nd desig
n pri
nciples, a
nd calculate thevarious parts of the cyclo
ne dust; the seco
nd step, accordi
ng to the material o
n the material selectio
n Sta
ndard a
nd stre
ngth check formula, the cyclo
ne dust collector parts of the material selectio
n a
nd stre
ngth check; the third step, the cyclo
ne dust collectorwear, corrosio
n treatme
nt, a
nd complete the assembly desig
n; the fourth step,with CAD Software to draw the assembly of the cyclo
ne dust collector, part of the map; the fifth step, sorti
ng out the i
n, select a
nd graduate desig
n related to the E
nglish literature to complete the desig
n i
ns. The efficie
ncy of the cyclo
ne dust collector has ma
ny adva
ntages, a
nd it is
necessary to further improve the efficie
ncy of the cyclo
ne dust collector, a
nd it
needs to be further optimized for its structural size a
nd seali
ng. Keywords cyclo
ne dust collector;pressure loss;dust Efficie
ngth 目录 1绪论1 1.1引言1 1.2旋风除尘器的介绍1 1.3旋风除尘器的工作原理和气体流动状况1 1.4影响旋风除尘器性能的因素4 1.5旋风除尘器的分类5 1.6 D型旋风除尘器6 1.7拟定设计方案7 2确定旋风除尘器各部分的尺寸7 2.1给定的设计参数7 2.2确定进口风速7 2.3计算旋风除尘器的几何尺寸7 2.4压力损失的计算8 2.5总除尘效率的计算9 3零部件的数据计算及材料选择10 3.1风机的选择10 3.2排尘阀的选择10 3.3壳体的设计与材料选择11 3.4密封圈的设计12 3.5壳体端盖的设计12 3.6支座的选择与计算12 3.7支腿的设计12 3.8气体管道的设计计算12 4强度计算与校核13 4.1筒体和椎体的气压试验强度校核13 4.2排气管的厚度的确定及强度校核14 4.3支座的载荷校核14 4.4支腿的强度校核16 5主要零件的加工工艺17 5.1箱体零件的主要技术要求17 5.2筒体及锥体的加工18 6旋风除尘器的耐磨措施与制造要求18 6.1耐磨措施18 6.2制造安装要求20 7旋风除尘器的装配20 7.1装配的概念20 7.2连接方式的选择20 结论22 致谢23 参考文献24
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