ng Tech
nology a
nd Fixture Desig
n of Drilli
ng Rig I
ng Plate [abstract]The post bracket processi
ng tech
nology a
nd fixture desig
n play avery importa
nt role i
n mecha
nical processi
ng. The processi
ng tech
nology a
nd fixture desig
n of the rear bracket used by traditio
nal machi
ne tools have greatwork i
nsity a
nd i
nt operatio
n a
nd mai
nce. This bri
ngs great difficulty to productio
n, especially thework stre
ngth ofworkers, a
nd the time a
nd time, the productio
n is produced if the post bracket processi
ng tech
nology a
nd fixture desig
n is
not compact e
nough. The quality of the product is discou
nted,whichwill i
ncrease the cost of productio
n, at the same time, it also affects the be
nefit a
nd reputatio
n of the compa
ny or the factory, a
nd the productio
n efficie
ncywill be reduced much. So it is imperative to desig
n a
new post bracket processi
ng tech
nology a
nd fixture desig
n device. A
new type of post bracket processi
ng tech
nology a
nd fixture desig
n desig
n is proposed,which
not o
nly reduces the cost of the imported equipme
nt, but also greatly improves the productio
n precisio
n a
nd productio
n efficie
ncy. I
n additio
n, the desig
n of the post bracket processi
ng tech
nology a
nd fixture desig
n is simple, theworki
ng performa
nce is te
n poi
nts reliable, a
nd theworkers are also reduced. As a result, the post bracket processi
ng tech
nology a
nd fixture desig
n a
nd ma
nufacturewill produce great market be
nefits, a
nd havevery good eco
nomic be
nefit a
nd feasibility. [Keywords]tech
nology; process; fixture; positio
ng; clampi
ng 目录 前言1 1零件的分析2 1.1分度盘的结构2 1.2分度盘的工艺要求及工艺分析2 2工艺规程设计4 2.1选择毛坯4 2.2确定定位基准4 2.3工艺路线的拟定5 2.4机械加工余量,工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸的确定9 2.5确定切削用量及工时9 3夹具设计17 3.1专用夹具简介17 3.2问题的提出18 3.3夹具的设计18 3.4误差分析20 3.5夹具设计及操作说明21 4总结22 参考文献22 致谢24
ng Tech
nology a
nd Fixture Desig
n of Drilli
ng Rig I
ng Plate [abstract]The post bracket processi
ng tech
nology a
nd fixture desig
n play avery importa
nt role i
n mecha
nical processi
ng. The processi
ng tech
nology a
nd fixture desig
n of the rear bracket used by traditio
nal machi
ne tools have greatwork i
nsity a
nd i
nt operatio
n a
nd mai
nce. This bri
ngs great difficulty to productio
n, especially thework stre
ngth ofworkers, a
nd the time a
nd time, the productio
n is produced if the post bracket processi
ng tech
nology a
nd fixture desig
n is
not compact e
nough. The quality of the product is discou
nted,whichwill i
ncrease the cost of productio
n, at the same time, it also affects the be
nefit a
nd reputatio
n of the compa
ny or the factory, a
nd the productio
n efficie
ncywill be reduced much. So it is imperative to desig
n a
new post bracket processi
ng tech
nology a
nd fixture desig
n device. A
new type of post bracket processi
ng tech
nology a
nd fixture desig
n desig
n is proposed,which
not o
nly reduces the cost of the imported equipme
nt, but also greatly improves the productio
n precisio
n a
nd productio
n efficie
ncy. I
n additio
n, the desig
n of the post bracket processi
ng tech
nology a
nd fixture desig
n is simple, theworki
ng performa
nce is te
n poi
nts reliable, a
nd theworkers are also reduced. As a result, the post bracket processi
ng tech
nology a
nd fixture desig
n a
nd ma
nufacturewill produce great market be
nefits, a
nd havevery good eco
nomic be
nefit a
nd feasibility. [Keywords]tech
nology; process; fixture; positio
ng; clampi
ng 目录 前言1 1零件的分析2 1.1分度盘的结构2 1.2分度盘的工艺要求及工艺分析2 2工艺规程设计4 2.1选择毛坯4 2.2确定定位基准4 2.3工艺路线的拟定5 2.4机械加工余量,工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸的确定9 2.5确定切削用量及工时9 3夹具设计17 3.1专用夹具简介17 3.2问题的提出18 3.3夹具的设计18 3.4误差分析20 3.5夹具设计及操作说明21 4总结22 参考文献22 致谢24