被动轴的加工工艺及夹具设计 摘要 设计内容被动轴的加工工艺及夹具设计。通过对任务书的解读,内容有加工工艺规程,钻床专用夹具两部分。在掌握零件作用以及对其进行分析的基础上,完成了这两部分的设计内容。 在进行设计之前,对机床专用夹具部分的内容进行了了解和掌握。对零件被动轴的零件图进行了分析,知晓该被动轴的作用是传递相关的运动和动力,因为零件在工作中承受的载荷不是很大,工作相对平稳,其材料是常见40Cr。编写了加工工艺路线,填写过程卡还有工序卡,对其中相应切削数据进行计算。完成了零件毛坯图的绘制,坯料用圆钢。 本次设计的专用夹具是钻90°交角Ф6.5通孔而设计的。采用Z3040摇臂钻床进行加工。在明确定位原理的基础上,完成零件定位方案的设计;选择了定位元件;完成夹紧方案的设计;选择了夹紧元件。还对钻套、钻削力等进行选择与计算。 关键词:被动轴、加工工艺、钻90°交角Ф6.5通孔、夹具、Z3040 ABSTRACT Desig
n the processi
ng tech
nology a
nd fixture desig
n of the passive axis. Through the i
n of the task book, the co
nts i
nclude two parts processi
ng tech
nology, special fixture for drilli
ng machi
ne. O
n the basis of masteri
ng the fu
n of parts a
nd a
ng them, the desig
n co
nts of the two parts are completed. Prior to the desig
n, the co
nts of the special fixture part of the machi
ne toolwere u
nderstood a
nd mastered. The part drawi
ng of the passive shaft is a
nalyzed. It is k
n that the fu
n of the passive axis is to tra
nsmit the related motio
n a
nd power, because the load that the part bears i
n thework is
notvery large, thework is relatively stable, a
nd the material is the commo
n 40Cr. The processi
ng routewas compiled, the process card a
nd the process cardwere filled out, a
nd the correspo
ng cutti
ng datawere calculated. The bla
nk drawi
ng of parts is completed, a
nd the bla
nk is made of rou
nd steel. The special fixture desig
ned is desig
ned to drill 6.5 degrees through 90 a
ngles. The Z3040 rocker drilli
ng machi
ne is used for processi
ng. O
n the basis of clear positio
ng pri
nciple, the desig
n of part positio
ng scheme is completed; the positio
ng eleme
nt is selected; the clampi
ng scheme desig
n is completed; a
nd the clampi
ng eleme
nt is selected. The drill sleeve a
nd drilli
ng force are also selected a
nd calculated. Keywords passive shaft, processi
ng tech
nology, drilli
ng 90 degree a
ngle, 6.5 hole, clamp, Z3040 目录 摘要I ABSTRACT II 引言1 第一章被动轴零件结构分析4 1.1零件的作用4 1.2零件的组成表面4 1.3零件的加工要求及形位公差5 1.3.1零件的加工要求5 1.3.2零件的形位公差5 第二章机械加工工艺规程设计6 2.1机械加工工艺规程概述6 2.2零件生产类型、材料、制造形式及热处理6 2.2.1零件的生产类型6 2.2.2零件的材料6 2.2.3零件的制造形式6 2.2.4零件的热处理6 2.3零件的毛坯图6 2.4零件加工基准的选择7 2.5零件加工工艺路线的设计7 2.6零件加工装备、装夹方案、刀具及量具的选择9 2.7零件加工余量的确定10 2.8零件切削用量及基本工时的计算12 第三章专用夹具设计24 3.1定位方案的确定24 3.1.1被动轴定位方案的确定24 3.1.2 V型定位块定位方案的确定24 3.1.3定位钻模座定位方案的确定24 3.1.4钻模板定位方案的确定24 3.2定位元件的确定24 3.2.1被动轴定位元件的确定24 3.2.2 V型定位块定位元件的确定24 3.2.3定位钻模座定位元件的确定24 3.2.4钻模板定位元件的确定24 3.3夹紧方案的确定25 3.3.1被动轴夹紧方案的确定25 3.3.2 V型定位块夹紧方案的确定25 3.3.3定位钻模座夹紧方案的确定25 3.3.4钻模板夹紧方案的确定25 3.4夹紧元件的确定25 3.3.1被动轴夹紧元件的确定25 3.3.2 V型定位块夹紧元件的确定26 3.3.3定位钻模座夹紧元件的确定26 3.3.4钻模板夹紧元件的确定26 3.5夹具体的确定26 3.6导向装置的确定26 3.7钻削力的确定27 3.8夹紧力的确定27 3.9定位误差的确定28 结论29 致谢30 参考文献31
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