Jig is the clampi
ng device for parts processi
ng,which is a
n esse
ntial device for processi
ng parts. The fixture has the adva
ntages of high utilizatio
n rate, good eco
nomy, a
nd less use a
nd qua
ntity of fu
nal compo
nts. With the cha
nge of the size of parts, more a
nd more fixtures are elimi
nated. Therefore, it is
necessary to desig
n a set of special fixtures. Whe
n desig
ng the special fixture,we should co
nsider the positio
ng scheme of theworkpiece, the clampi
ng scheme of theworkpiece a
nd the desig
n of the clampi
ng mecha
nism, other parts of the fixture, the structure of the fixture a
nd so o
n. The topic of this desig
n is CA6140 ordi
nary lathe tail top cover machi
ng process rules a
nd fixture desig
n, accordi
ng to the teacher's drawi
ng requireme
nts for process desig
n a
nd fixture desig
n, o
n the basis of graspi
ng the role of parts, parts of the process a
nalysis. For the desig
n of a give
n topic, the desig
n mai
nly focuses o
n the desig
n of machi
ne tool jig. The clip is specifically desig
ned to e
nsure machi
ng accuracy, productio
n efficie
ncy a
nd ease ofworker operatio
n. At the begi
ng of the desig
n, I co
nsulted the releva
nt data a
nd the domestic a
nd foreig
n literature about the machi
ne tool fixture, a
nalyzed the structure a
nd process of the partwhile readi
ng the part drawi
ng, made clear the choice of the rough datum a
nd the precisio
n datum, determi
ned the machi
ng allowa
nce of the part a
nd the size of the bla
nk, thus determi
ned the processi
ng process of the part a
nd calculated the cutti
ng process of eachworki
ng procedure. Dosage a
ng hours. Fi
nally, the fixture
needed for the desig
n is completed. Keywords: top cover of bed e
nd; processi
ng tech
nology; fixture desig
n; cutti
ng parameter 目录 摘要1 Abstract 2 第1章零件分析和毛坯设计4 1.1零件工艺分析及生产类型确定4 1.2毛坯类型及毛坯图设计5 第2章机械加工工艺规程设计7 2.1基准选择7 2.2工艺方案拟定7 2.3机械加工余量、工序尺寸及公差的确定8 2.4主要工序切削用量及时间定额的计算10 第3章专用夹具设计24 3.1工序内容及加工要求24 3.2定位基准24 3.3夹具结构设计及工作流程24 3.4设计定位方案应满足的要求24 3.5定位方案的确定24 3.6定位元件的确定25 3.7夹紧方案的确定25 3.8夹紧元件的确定25 3.9夹具体的设计26 3.10导向装置27 3.11计算切削力27 3.12计算夹紧力27 3.13定位误差28 第4章结论29 参考文献30
ng device for parts processi
ng,which is a
n esse
ntial device for processi
ng parts. The fixture has the adva
ntages of high utilizatio
n rate, good eco
nomy, a
nd less use a
nd qua
ntity of fu
nal compo
nts. With the cha
nge of the size of parts, more a
nd more fixtures are elimi
nated. Therefore, it is
necessary to desig
n a set of special fixtures. Whe
n desig
ng the special fixture,we should co
nsider the positio
ng scheme of theworkpiece, the clampi
ng scheme of theworkpiece a
nd the desig
n of the clampi
ng mecha
nism, other parts of the fixture, the structure of the fixture a
nd so o
n. The topic of this desig
n is CA6140 ordi
nary lathe tail top cover machi
ng process rules a
nd fixture desig
n, accordi
ng to the teacher's drawi
ng requireme
nts for process desig
n a
nd fixture desig
n, o
n the basis of graspi
ng the role of parts, parts of the process a
nalysis. For the desig
n of a give
n topic, the desig
n mai
nly focuses o
n the desig
n of machi
ne tool jig. The clip is specifically desig
ned to e
nsure machi
ng accuracy, productio
n efficie
ncy a
nd ease ofworker operatio
n. At the begi
ng of the desig
n, I co
nsulted the releva
nt data a
nd the domestic a
nd foreig
n literature about the machi
ne tool fixture, a
nalyzed the structure a
nd process of the partwhile readi
ng the part drawi
ng, made clear the choice of the rough datum a
nd the precisio
n datum, determi
ned the machi
ng allowa
nce of the part a
nd the size of the bla
nk, thus determi
ned the processi
ng process of the part a
nd calculated the cutti
ng process of eachworki
ng procedure. Dosage a
ng hours. Fi
nally, the fixture
needed for the desig
n is completed. Keywords: top cover of bed e
nd; processi
ng tech
nology; fixture desig
n; cutti
ng parameter 目录 摘要1 Abstract 2 第1章零件分析和毛坯设计4 1.1零件工艺分析及生产类型确定4 1.2毛坯类型及毛坯图设计5 第2章机械加工工艺规程设计7 2.1基准选择7 2.2工艺方案拟定7 2.3机械加工余量、工序尺寸及公差的确定8 2.4主要工序切削用量及时间定额的计算10 第3章专用夹具设计24 3.1工序内容及加工要求24 3.2定位基准24 3.3夹具结构设计及工作流程24 3.4设计定位方案应满足的要求24 3.5定位方案的确定24 3.6定位元件的确定25 3.7夹紧方案的确定25 3.8夹紧元件的确定25 3.9夹具体的设计26 3.10导向装置27 3.11计算切削力27 3.12计算夹紧力27 3.13定位误差28 第4章结论29 参考文献30