Special fixture desig
n is esse
ntial for every scie
nce a
nd e
ng stude
nts. The desig
n task of this paper is CC2105 beari
ng tech
nology a
nalysis a
nd drilli
ng 4-Ф11 u
niform, She
n holeФ17 deep 10-hole fixture desig
n. After the complete u
ng of the structure of the part, the size of the bla
nk, processi
ng methods, aswell as be
nchmarks, process routes are determi
ned; followed by the pre-set processi
ng routes, the rough a
nd fi
ne be
nchmarks are separated, calculate each A process of data. The special fixture desig
n is drilli
ng 4-Ф11 are u
niform, She
n holeФ17 deep 10 holes. The purpose of a dedicated fixture desig
n is to reduce dow
ntime a
nd i
ncrease productivity. Fixture desig
n through the questio
n raised; positio
ng, clampi
ng programs a
nd equipme
nt to determi
ne the cutti
ng force processi
ng a
nd so o
n. Fi
nally, drawi
ng fixture assembly drawi
ngs a
nd all
ndard parts map. The most critical desig
n fixture is the structure of the ratio
nality, tech
nology, the desig
n of the fixture structure is simple, compact, simple a
nd flexible. Keywords:special fixture, CC2105 beari
ng, tech
nology, drilli
ng 4-Ф11 are u
niform, She
n holeФ17 deep 10 holes 目录 摘要I ABSTRACT II 第1章绪论- 1- 1.1机床夹具的概述- 1- 1.2机床夹具在机械加工中的作用- 1- 1.3夹具设计的特点和基本要求- 2- 1.3.1夹具设计的特点- 2- 1.3.2设计的基本要求- 2- 第2章CC2105轴承座机械加工工艺规程设计- 3- 2.1零件的作用、设计基准及技术要求- 3- 2.1.1零件的作用- 3- 2.1.2零件的设计基准- 3- 2.1.3零件的技术要求- 3- 2.1.4零件的形位公差- 4- 2.2零件的主要组成表面- 4- 2.3零件的机械加工工艺性、材质及热处理要求- 4- 2.3.1零件的机械加工工艺性- 4- 2.3.2零件的材质- 4- 2.3.3零件的热处理要求- 4- 2.4基准的选择及加工方案的选择与确定- 5- 2.4.1基准的选择- 5- 2.4.2加工工艺路线的拟定- 5- 2.5毛坯尺寸及工艺尺寸的确定- 7- 2.5.1毛坯尺寸的确定- 7- 2.5.2工艺尺寸的确定- 7- 2.6加工方法、加工刀具及量具的选用- 10- 2.7确定切削用量及基本工时- 10- 第3章专用夹具的设计- 24- 3.1问题的提出- 24- 3.2夹具设计- 24- 3.2.1确定定位方案,选择定位元件- 24- 3.2.2确定夹紧方案,选择夹紧元件- 26- 3.2.3夹具体的确定- 26- 3.2.4选择导向装置- 27- 3.2.5切削力的计算- 27- 3.2.6夹紧力的计算- 28- 3.2.7定位误差分析- 29- 结论- 31- 致谢- 32- 参考文献- 33-
n is esse
ntial for every scie
nce a
nd e
ng stude
nts. The desig
n task of this paper is CC2105 beari
ng tech
nology a
nalysis a
nd drilli
ng 4-Ф11 u
niform, She
n holeФ17 deep 10-hole fixture desig
n. After the complete u
ng of the structure of the part, the size of the bla
nk, processi
ng methods, aswell as be
nchmarks, process routes are determi
ned; followed by the pre-set processi
ng routes, the rough a
nd fi
ne be
nchmarks are separated, calculate each A process of data. The special fixture desig
n is drilli
ng 4-Ф11 are u
niform, She
n holeФ17 deep 10 holes. The purpose of a dedicated fixture desig
n is to reduce dow
ntime a
nd i
ncrease productivity. Fixture desig
n through the questio
n raised; positio
ng, clampi
ng programs a
nd equipme
nt to determi
ne the cutti
ng force processi
ng a
nd so o
n. Fi
nally, drawi
ng fixture assembly drawi
ngs a
nd all
ndard parts map. The most critical desig
n fixture is the structure of the ratio
nality, tech
nology, the desig
n of the fixture structure is simple, compact, simple a
nd flexible. Keywords:special fixture, CC2105 beari
ng, tech
nology, drilli
ng 4-Ф11 are u
niform, She
n holeФ17 deep 10 holes 目录 摘要I ABSTRACT II 第1章绪论- 1- 1.1机床夹具的概述- 1- 1.2机床夹具在机械加工中的作用- 1- 1.3夹具设计的特点和基本要求- 2- 1.3.1夹具设计的特点- 2- 1.3.2设计的基本要求- 2- 第2章CC2105轴承座机械加工工艺规程设计- 3- 2.1零件的作用、设计基准及技术要求- 3- 2.1.1零件的作用- 3- 2.1.2零件的设计基准- 3- 2.1.3零件的技术要求- 3- 2.1.4零件的形位公差- 4- 2.2零件的主要组成表面- 4- 2.3零件的机械加工工艺性、材质及热处理要求- 4- 2.3.1零件的机械加工工艺性- 4- 2.3.2零件的材质- 4- 2.3.3零件的热处理要求- 4- 2.4基准的选择及加工方案的选择与确定- 5- 2.4.1基准的选择- 5- 2.4.2加工工艺路线的拟定- 5- 2.5毛坯尺寸及工艺尺寸的确定- 7- 2.5.1毛坯尺寸的确定- 7- 2.5.2工艺尺寸的确定- 7- 2.6加工方法、加工刀具及量具的选用- 10- 2.7确定切削用量及基本工时- 10- 第3章专用夹具的设计- 24- 3.1问题的提出- 24- 3.2夹具设计- 24- 3.2.1确定定位方案,选择定位元件- 24- 3.2.2确定夹紧方案,选择夹紧元件- 26- 3.2.3夹具体的确定- 26- 3.2.4选择导向装置- 27- 3.2.5切削力的计算- 27- 3.2.6夹紧力的计算- 28- 3.2.7定位误差分析- 29- 结论- 31- 致谢- 32- 参考文献- 33-