Fixture desig
n is a
n i
nsable part of moder
n mecha
nical parts ma
ng a
nd processi
ng. Machi
ne tools a
nd fixtures are divided i
nto differe
nt types accordi
ng to their types to adapt to differe
nt complexity of parts a
nd differe
nt processi
ng procedures a
nd steps. Therefore, it is mea
ngful to study it. The topic of this desig
n is the gear pump cover processi
ng tech
nology a
nd fixture desig
n, the gear pump cover for the gear pump to provide seal space. For gear pump
normalwork play a role. The desig
n co
nt i
ncludes process desig
n a
nd fixture desig
n. After readi
ng the part diagram, determi
ne the part productio
n type, compile the process route, determi
ne the spi
ndle speed, cutti
ng amou
nt, etc., a
nd fill i
n the process card. Complete the drawi
ng of parts drawi
ng a
nd bla
nk drawi
ng. After a
nalysis, it is decided to desig
n the special fixture for milli
ng datum pla
ne a milli
ng machi
ne, determi
ne the positio
ng a
nd clampi
ng scheme, select the positio
ng a
nd clampi
ng eleme
nts, a
nd desig
n the clamp co
ncretely. Keywords: gear pump cover, process specificatio
n, fixture, milli
ng datum pla
ne a 目录 摘要I ABSTRACT III 第1章绪论1 1.1机床夹具的概述1 1.2机床夹具的分类2 1.3夹具设计的特点和基本要求3 1.4机床夹具在机械加工中的作用4 第2章零件的工艺性分析5 2.1零件的结构工艺性分析概述5 2.2零件的组成表面、技术要求及形位公差分析5 2.2.1零件的组成表面分析5 2.2.2零件的技术要求分析5 2.2.3零件的形位公差分析5 2.3零件的作用6 2.4零件材料的确定6 2.5确定零件的生产类型6 2.6确定零件的毛坯类型7 第3章拟定零件工艺路线8 3.1选择定位基准8 3.2加工方案的确定、加工阶段的划分及工序的合理组合8 3.2.1加工方案的确定8 3.2.2加工阶段的划分9 3.2.3工序的合理组合10 3.3工艺路线的选择、比较与确定10 3.4确定机床、夹具、刀具及量具12 3.5确定零件加工余量13 3.6计算切削用量及时间定额15 第4章铣基准面A专用夹具的设计35 4.1选择定位方案和定位元件35 4.1.1选择定位方案35 4.1.2选择定位元件35 4.2选择夹紧方案和夹紧元件36 4.2.1选择夹紧方案36 4.2.2选择夹紧元件36 4.3夹具体的设计36 4.4选择导向装置—对刀块37 4.5计算铣削力37 4.6计算夹紧力37 4.7分析定位误差38 结论39 致谢40 参考文献41
n is a
n i
nsable part of moder
n mecha
nical parts ma
ng a
nd processi
ng. Machi
ne tools a
nd fixtures are divided i
nto differe
nt types accordi
ng to their types to adapt to differe
nt complexity of parts a
nd differe
nt processi
ng procedures a
nd steps. Therefore, it is mea
ngful to study it. The topic of this desig
n is the gear pump cover processi
ng tech
nology a
nd fixture desig
n, the gear pump cover for the gear pump to provide seal space. For gear pump
normalwork play a role. The desig
n co
nt i
ncludes process desig
n a
nd fixture desig
n. After readi
ng the part diagram, determi
ne the part productio
n type, compile the process route, determi
ne the spi
ndle speed, cutti
ng amou
nt, etc., a
nd fill i
n the process card. Complete the drawi
ng of parts drawi
ng a
nd bla
nk drawi
ng. After a
nalysis, it is decided to desig
n the special fixture for milli
ng datum pla
ne a milli
ng machi
ne, determi
ne the positio
ng a
nd clampi
ng scheme, select the positio
ng a
nd clampi
ng eleme
nts, a
nd desig
n the clamp co
ncretely. Keywords: gear pump cover, process specificatio
n, fixture, milli
ng datum pla
ne a 目录 摘要I ABSTRACT III 第1章绪论1 1.1机床夹具的概述1 1.2机床夹具的分类2 1.3夹具设计的特点和基本要求3 1.4机床夹具在机械加工中的作用4 第2章零件的工艺性分析5 2.1零件的结构工艺性分析概述5 2.2零件的组成表面、技术要求及形位公差分析5 2.2.1零件的组成表面分析5 2.2.2零件的技术要求分析5 2.2.3零件的形位公差分析5 2.3零件的作用6 2.4零件材料的确定6 2.5确定零件的生产类型6 2.6确定零件的毛坯类型7 第3章拟定零件工艺路线8 3.1选择定位基准8 3.2加工方案的确定、加工阶段的划分及工序的合理组合8 3.2.1加工方案的确定8 3.2.2加工阶段的划分9 3.2.3工序的合理组合10 3.3工艺路线的选择、比较与确定10 3.4确定机床、夹具、刀具及量具12 3.5确定零件加工余量13 3.6计算切削用量及时间定额15 第4章铣基准面A专用夹具的设计35 4.1选择定位方案和定位元件35 4.1.1选择定位方案35 4.1.2选择定位元件35 4.2选择夹紧方案和夹紧元件36 4.2.1选择夹紧方案36 4.2.2选择夹紧元件36 4.3夹具体的设计36 4.4选择导向装置—对刀块37 4.5计算铣削力37 4.6计算夹紧力37 4.7分析定位误差38 结论39 致谢40 参考文献41